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A member registered Apr 09, 2023

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There's a "love spell" that is used on the Naga.

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Played the newest update and I find it hilarious how wind turbines have become absolutely powerful but ironically impractical for mining except for one spot that requires so much micro management that it's comedic.  Thanks to the all powerful energy accumulators it's possible to have an enormous amount of power in one specific spot.  That's the area directly to the front of the cave with the crystal deposit. At the top of it specifically. This specific area I've noticed is... Let's just say awkward. 

Okay, first let's start with how the crystal deposit is functionally a trap due to the fact that it is very close to the slime spawner on the left side. By very close I mean you're going to have slimes dropping on your head if you don't move away from that area asap. Not only is it unlikely that you'll be able to generate enough power to use the area effectively, but in the beginning of the game you can harvest crystals with your laser without having to get a mining drill. I like the design of this trap even if it is likely unintentional.

Note that I specifically say it is a trap and not a trap just for players. It is also a trap for slimes due to how their AI functions. The gap between the plateau and the cave roof is about three buildings in size. Due to this, if there is a building on the overhang, the slimes will become confused and attempt to get to that building even if they physically cannot get to it. So effectively it functions as a carrot on a stick only it's just hanging there, taunting the slimes. 

Now getting there is another issue entirely. Which makes it even more awkward due to the fact that it is so close to the slime spawner and requires two hab wall layers to even get there.  So this might be a reason why many players early game are having trouble, as most would be inclined to have their structures closer to the cave. At least this is how I see it. Just my perspective.

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Yeah the turrets have weird tracking. Have to check the difference from the previous update and the latest update.

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Wind turbine buff? Oh you're not ready for us.

Personally I don't have an issue with the research tree, it's how the left side is designed that is the problem. Compare it to the right side and it's understandable.

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I'll admit, the change to the difficulty is noticeable from 0.8.0 to 0.9.1, not complaining, but I do like the challenge. It's just very brutal if you're new to the game. The left side is still monstrously dangerous in comparison to the right side, though I have noticed the right side is harder. My strategy mostly involves not using the mining machines because maxed out miner laser is a helpful tool in gathering resources quickly it's just faster than the mining drill. Gausses are... weird. They're seemingly better off used on flat surfaces against enemies that it can track. There's no denying their useage, but I haven't used MK 2 yet to confirm if they're useful when building up to the sides. My one annoyance is how the platform above the cave is set up and the fact that there isn't a floating bridge or something to easily get to the other side of it on the left side. It's what makes the left side of the map so dangerous, not only are they closer but they're far harder to deal with so the crystal deposit at the base is basically a trap. I've been having tons of fun trying to figure out how to gather enough resources to max everything out so I can start going to the tops. I only use one elevator though because it's easier to deal with than having multiple to be honest

Also we should have a celebration/warning for when the game becomes over a gigabyte on Android.


Will any of the characters have their interactions expanded on at some point? Not that I'm not excited for more of Lil Koby's adventure, but... I'll admit, there are a few good characters I want to learn more about and have scenes for. Of course there is the cupcakes in the future which is nice. What I'm looking forward to is more events involving the pirate crew which are tied to like half the characters in the game in an interconnected web.

The pirates stole a shipment of magic times that the Kobold Mage ordered. Said Mage happens to end up becoming the boy friend of the Komodo Jock. Furthermore there's the connection that the Captain has to the Admiral which the captain doesn't have dialogue to comment on this. Additionally there is the the blue dragon and the Forest Knight the former drowning his sorrows at the bar and the latter being the brother of the Admiral. 

Then there is the Rhino.

Seriously, the Rhino is becoming the running gag of this game. The guy who's going to be put off on updating. Second to the curse of Boyfriend which I'm excited for when you'll have that mapped out. 

Anyways, hope to see that the next planned update (updates on the Trello that you aren't working on, but have an idea for) will address expanding on more character events like the cupcake update. 

Love this game! 

In addition to this is also their utility for energy stacking with the energy collector. Especially since you have near infinite build height. Though that ends up being for later on.

Question, is there any weight gain content or the ability to keep mega boobs or cock?

Yeah that seems to be the best, though I've found just buying bulk in mana potions helps for recovery and it allows preventing the loss of the buff for hypnosis.

Android works now!

Also what's the best way to grind mystic?

The dev did say it was on the seventh I believe. Just not the time though.

So the update should drop some time today correct?


As an android user, the next update will finally allow me to play all the content I wasn't able to for so long. XD

I love lil kolby's adventure. I really want to see a route where your character becomes enthralled by himself if he focuses strictly on growing. Gosh, I have so many ideas for this side game, but I also want to have more stuff for the main game.

OK! Here's a few ideas so far for both sides.

Kolby ideas: Magical curses! You're a mage, so you might as well be able to cast negative spells on anyone you've enthralled so you can have them willingly come back to you and desperate for more. Hehehee... 

Curses could include chastity, fattening or even increased horniness! Of course, there could be the option to start with one of these curses too! Of course there's also the fact that the star could end up making the Kobold fatter. He wishes to get bigger, but he didn't specify in what way. :3

Main Game Ideas: Sex toys! Cause really, most of the scenes are pretty vanilla, which makes sense since they're like entry scenes to the characters so you can develop the relationship. I pine for the Captain Admiral ship to set sail, it's been in the docks for so long! 

I would imagine those two would have a bit of a bondage relationship. The Captain getting caged with chastity perhaps? It would honestly be cute. In all seriousness though, I want to see extended relationships much like with the Kobold and Komodo.

Poor rhino is in the corner forced to have one of the most useless services in the game. That's saying something since there are many different systems for growing. 

Also, back to the dragon, I want to be able to see his subby side after he quits the contest, since it says in the winner's bar he gets beaten so badly that he quits for good. In addition to considering the amount of money he gets per week, him quitting might also be him losing money and having to bunk with you since he has to spend loads of money on food that he forgot to pay rent. 

Sorry if you don't want to implement some of these or can't due to other suggestions having priority. 

I think the real fear for me is when this game reaches a gigabyte of space. XD

No, it's not just that, there's an option for Bell to have hooves or normal feet.

I love how much foreshadowing of possible things you can have later down the line. For one, I want traitor to be able to join the party later down the line. At least depending on your actions with traitor. Possibly being able to give him a proper 'thank you' for his help.

I'm excited to see how this all turns out. Especially the pathways. I would imagine depending on stats, you can pretty much choose your species type or what skills you can learn.  I'll admit this game is awesome and the unique leveling system interests me.

Ah okay. As for another question, more related to combat, is it better to focus on the bonus effects of a pathway or to go all into a single pathway? Also, will certain pathways have max values or not for balancing purposes? If they do it should be based on the story act I think. 

In my experience so far, the buff to ether arrow is very noticable. The passive skill for the protagonist is very very busted, even with a fixed chance. Especially when you have multiple enemies attacking the protagonist. Speed is a very very sacred stat more so than mana. 

Until enemies start having damage type resistances, fights are likely to be one-sided. Not that it's a bad thing since you can get easily outclassed.

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Is there any content that can be missed depending on how you go about things? Just want to make sure I don't miss content for certain characters and party members. I want to at the very least understand what branching paths there are.

Love  this new update even if it feels pretty sparse over all! I hope in future updates we get an expansion to the characters and have deeper bonds with them. In any case, can't wait to see what's cooked up!

Hopefully the fix for the android bug will be remedied in the next update.

Next update is hopefully around the corner!

That's the transition bug I was talking about. It causes this issue for some reason.

Seems fine aside from the clothing crash which once that is fixed then I can test more in other areas. Since you can only talk to the cat girl when you have clothes on.

No issues at the moment from transitions. The game seems to handle them better for the moment as it doesn't feel like the game will crash every time I try moving to a different room. Might need to test a bit longer.

Let me test that.

Ok... Bad news. Every time I put on clothes I get this error.

Let me see, I will have to play for a while and see if I experience any issues.

I'm hoping that the android issue I keep encountering with it randomly crashing gets a fix or workaround. So far the only thing I know is that it might have something to do with how the images are called in because the game seems to have a chance of breaking every time I transition rooms. 

I want to be able to enjoy this game without worrying about it crashing every time I change screens. XD

Ah that's normal.

I really love the characters in this game and wouldn't mind seeing them make a return in a different game in the same universe.  

That's cool! I suppose that would be the best part of the newest update! It's releasing tomorrow. Hopefully nothing unexpected pops up in terms of bugs.

What's your favorite part of the new update you're working on?

Unfortunate. I'm hoping we have non exclusive scenes for the characters, but there will likely be many scenes in the game anyways.

Nice! I'm excited to see what it contains!