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A member registered May 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey all - I would love to test out some of these games you have made but no one is around and most games are asking for more than one player - so if you make a game please set it to a minimum of one player so I can give you some feedback :)

Ok I updated the game following everyone's advice. Still needs work but getting better :)

it would be interesting to see it written unity :)

good try but feeding the fire was very frustrating - easier to just assign a key to feed the fire?

Glad you learnt some things making it :)

All i wanna do is kill the chicken ;)

ahh its a typing tutor game :)

prefer less hesitation with the controls.


its a bit hard and I guess i would like it if i had the patience.


Not as much as animations but maybe some kind of flashing arrow pointing to where I should first click (forage button), and then show me where to click to once I have gathered stuff...This will help new people get into the game quicker :) I like the hint boxes too.

I almost gave up trying to start to get something happening until I hit the forage button and now realize that there is no animation in this game. I played it longer than I thought I would. nice imagination :)

use the jams sponsor:  “We’re also super excited to announce that LootLocker will be sponsoring this jam”

thanks for the suggestions. I think it is worth putting some love into it. - i tend to want to go on to the next jam and not going back to the old games i made. 

I just played it on my phone - yes the aiming works a lot better thanks.

Simple but fun!

I like the gfx:) The trees disappearing is a little distracting though.

Keep working on it! :)

Please make it so the sides do not damage you as the sideways controls are way too sensitive and I keep hit the walls.

Hey It has a good concept and you did well with the graphics.

unfortunately the aiming with my mouse did not work so i did not get to play it well . good idea :)

I little bit more info on which guideline it did not meet please?

I am sure you can whip something up in a couple of days from what I seen of your other work. Look at the WAM games app- they are as simple as you can get - with only a touch to control, no instructions, nothing fancy.

Hey I actually finished a game for once. I liked your video's, however they did make the game very slow to load...You nailed the jumping physics :)

Felt very professionally made....How big was your team? Shame it gets caught in a dead reckoning and cannot continue....I didn't think pirates could talk that much as

lots of potential :)


hehe I thought I was flying the ship and thought the controls were backwards lol.

Simple, nice and well done!

nicely planned out and executed. The speech bubbles got in the way sometimes. Got a bit boring after the first star. well done.

Nice game to show off how well, a game made with gdevelop, can look :) Made in ten days - you did so well!

Definitely worth to keep working on it. I would like to see it finished.

Kinda like it but I did not feel like playing again when my family died. Maybe more days of starvation? The music got very repetitive. Congrats!

I like it. Can you turn off the health bars?

Any games that makes me lol(in a good way) is a good one. Keep the sfx!

Brutal but funny!