I like the idea, it reminds me of an old NES game, can't remember the name. I can't read any of the option text.
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Good work! The most important thing is determination! If you don't quit, eventually you get there, and improve along the way
Hey, I see you updated the game! It works a lot better now! Still die pretty quickly, maybe have the enemy bullet velocity be slow at first then as you go down, make it faster, i know you're supposed to switch between light and dark to avoid them, but they're still way too fast, if you want the player to make progress, let them survive a bit longer, maybe even have a depth on the screen to show some progress, and when your cursor is on a potion, highlight what ingredients that potion uses so you know what you need.
Very well designed, relaxing music, great visuals, would love a guide to keep track of what is what to prevent constant guessing, but I guess that's how puzzle games go. Great work
I should have the softlocks fixed, searching is a separate button now. Try it again if you'd like!
I should have the softlocks fixed, searching is a separate button now. Try it again if you'd like!
I should have the softlocks fixed, searching is a separate button now. Try it again if you'd like!
Congrats on submitting a project! You need the controls in your description. Since there's not a GDD in it I have no idea how to play. I thought it was clicking on stuff but that doesn't seem to work.
Cool visuals, great puzzle idea, cool fitting music. This is addictive puzzle gameplay, the screen size is a problem but can be easily and quickly fixed, needs to be a bit smaller. Really enjoyed the massive score you can get, just needs some juice like flashing and particles when you fill up stuff and screen shake possibly. Great work
I love the intro to this game, like the scanning, unfortunately I couldn't get past the tsunami at the very beginning, would love to play more
Cool idea, had a tough time knowing what to do, and this isn't my kind of game. I'm intrigued by the story, and the atmosphere (ambient sound, lighting, and mood) are well done. I wish I had more clear instructions, any time I grabbed an item it kept making duplicates, good job.
Very cool idea, I like the visuals, wish there was sound. I really liked the 4 powers and combining them, can't wait for more! The jumping is a bit sticky, the landing animation made the platforming tough. Great level design, good work!
Very funny story, I like the puzzles, they ramp up in difficulty nicely, definitely has a lot of potential, great work
I like this idea a lot! Using the shadows and time to solve puzzles is brilliant, be careful, the flashing black and white could be an epilepsy trigger. I really really wish there were music and sound to keep me engaged, great work!
I love the concept, this is brilliantly programmed. I love the intro, and the music, and the art style. The difficulty ramps up way too fast, the room where you alternate between the two potions after getting the black potion is way too hard, I did not get past this level. I understand the need to get a game done and submitted in a time limit, but when this game can be updated, please make it scale in difficulty slower than this. Great work!
What a pleasant surprise! I really enjoyed the art style, very reminiscent of Paper Mario, really fun. I like the combat, I like the audio, and the gameplay loop. The spice grinding minigame is too intense on the space bar, there's got to be a better way than mashing space bar a lot like that. I really like the idea of putting spices on a meat weapon to make it stronger, I cannot tell if each adding of spice is cumulative or resets every level. It bugged me that all of the spices looked exactly the same, and I didn't find an undo to put spices on my weapon. I love this idea, please keep working on it, great job
Good job with your submission! The intro is too wordy, I'm interested in the story but the faster you get to the game the better, maybe explain the main character's backstory as you go along, maybe start in the tunnels and the player finds out why over time. The fog effect is great. The controls could be better, for example, if you just have power A and power B and be allowed to press both together, you can get rid of the third option, and no matter what powers A and B are, you can combine them for interesting emergent gameplay. The game is too hard. The difficulty needs to ramp up way slower, for example, introduce one thing at a time, and make it easy to get through at first, then make harder over time. Room three is extremely brutal. Either put in checkpoints, or save collectibles when you die. Having to start all over AND get the double jump scroll every time was very tedious, and I never got past the double jump room. With some tweaking you could have a really excellent game here. Great work!
Thank you so much for playing! I ran out of time trying to make everything clear, and if I do a jam again, I'll submit something working way earlier so I can start getting feedback on what is clear to people and what isn't. Definitely going to put in a tutorial level that lets you try all the mechanics out without worrying about dying or losing progress, I'm not sure what you mean about the jump, what did you hate about it? What do you mean by more snappy? Thanks again
I was excited to play this, the art is really good! I'd remove the word retard from it though... I'll try it again once it's updated
I like the idea, but the darkness makes it hard to see the ingredients, and I also got some object that wouldn't go in, I like the music sounds and art. Good job!
I really enjoyed this game! The style is cool, I really like the stealth mechanics, the combat is good, I think it would help to have some silly funny dialogue as well. Good job
I really liked this game! I love the cinematics, the music, and the gameplay. The first gap I did create a sideways platform as I was falling and got stuck in it. I love the look though, it reminds me of Another World. Great job!
I really really enjoyed this!! This might be my favorite game of the jam. The art is good, the sounds are great! I love the gathering of materials and crafting them into the stat boosting. It's so addictive. My only 2 issues are the bullets enemies fire are way too fast and I get hit just about every time, the bullets should be slower but more numerous, like a bullet hell possibly, experiment with that. And also, fall death happens waaay to quickly. Another thing that would be nice in an update, highlight the materials you need when you mouse over a potion so you know what you're short on. Great job!
Very cool idea! Unfortunately the ingredients drop too fast and too often. I like the lack of time limit, you should add one in a later level, maybe have the first few levels without one to get people used to the idea, and also maybe alternate people ordering because it makes you need to use both characters, I could beat the whole thing with one OR the other. Controls are good, art is good, I would like to see this expanded! Great work
I love the art style and it looks really polished. I wasn't great at the combat :( but it looks really fun. Good job!
Well... that escalated quickly. Great work, I really liked the graphics and the platforming. I'd like to see more, that ending hahaha. Great job
I like this a lot, the graphics and gameplay are interesting. That first jump if you fall you get trapped there forever unless you quit. Also, throwing potions shouldn't be the same button as reading signs. I like the art, great job!
I really had fun with this! I like the retro art, and using the cards was fun. The controls were kinda tough, but other than that, great job!
I really like this game! I kinda guessed how to do it, but I really like the combat! The art and music are great! I did run into an issue where the enemy left stuff in the cauldron and then I couldn't do anything on my turn :( I beat the first guy, then the second guy did this. I can't wait to see how this game evolves after the judging!
Hey, thank you so much for playing! I ran out of time to scavenge from downed enemies, I absolutely plan on that being in the game, the items in the description are things that people have reported that I will do a better job of explaining in game when I can update it after judging. Everything you said is right, I will definitely apply all of your feedback into the next update. Thanks again!
I really enjoyed this! It's very addictive, like Asteroids! The fact that they can wrap to the other side of the screen is unfair though. At least the green one, it could have been a little easier if the green ones have to stay within the screen borders. Probably the blue ones too since they move so fast. The red ones teleporting doesn't bother me so much. I would like to see this expanded! Great work!
I love the idea of this game! I like the retro graphics, I seem to be stuck at the beginning though, the close button doesn't work on the 2 broken machine windows that I tried, and clicking resources during combat causes me to shoot my blaster. I'd like to see more though! Great job!
I love this aesthetic! Enjoy the retro feel, and the sounds as well. Interesting concept, can't wait to see more
I really like the idea of this, I didn't finish because I didn't know what I was looking for, most of the regular stuff shouldn't have had to be flipped over, the special stuff and inventory definitely, but it was too open ended, I didn't know what to do. This has a ton of potential though, love the look and audio as well. Great job!
Thank you for playing and your feedback: I am not offended. You are right, I need to see how to make things more clear, the deadline made it tough, the white text over the head was a last minute thing, and I haven't heard anyone have a hard time knowing what to interact with. I will work on what you have said. Thanks again
I don't know python so I get errors when I was trying to make the tower attack an incoming enemy, I was trying to do the code that detected an enemy within range, then attack those coordinates but I couldn't get it working
Thank you for playing! You can jump from one building to another at any level of the building. Those boxes block the way so find a way around. Leave the level at any time by taking the skateboard at the bottom left. Maybe try it again and go for the ending and let me know what you think!
Love the concept, love the idea of the cops coming to get you, some thoughts:
Need a bar or something to show when people are going to leave
Way too many people come in at once
The brewing minigame needs to fail immediately when an arrow passes and you don't press the button. That way it won't sit there waiting for you to push a button after all the arrows pass as well.
Good work on this!
The thumbnail didn't really match the game I played. I like the idea of activating environmental things based on color, reminds me of the game Hue. I think to make it different would be to keep the ability to activate multiple at once, maybe collect items where you can increase the amount you can use at one time as you go through the story, and maybe somehow use the powers for combat if you want to add that. Good job making this!