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A member registered Aug 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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I liked this game and I was actually kinda sad when it ended! 🤣 didn't encounter any bugs. Everything seemed to work well. Loved the humor and how the swearing characters were still very much in character 🤣 Did find the horror element to come a bit slow, that's why i'm really curious about the rest of the game. MAde a video to show my experience 😊

Got this game in a bundle with Umeru and Ningyo and I think this game is the best of the three. All three have a good scary ambience, but I liked Sabishii the most because of the theme of loneliness and trying to break the taboo around it. I do think the story theme was too heavy for such a short game and should be expanded to a longer game where the theme could thrive more. If anyone is interested in my Let's Play: here it is:

This was a fun little game and I liked the retro graphics. The AI voice acting was cringe, though. I'd rather see text than emotionless AI-voices. But it also made the game hilarious, so I don't know 🤣 I made a Let's Play showcasing my experience. More feedback is underneath the video.

I see others commented on the suspense, but I didn't feel that. I mean: there was no backdoor. So anyone could get in. I didn't see a build-up in suspense and therefore I didn't find the game scary. I also didn't get the ending. The pizza guy is some sort of creature that can shape shift? The thing popping up in the backyard at the ending went too fast for me to see what went on, so the ending left me confused.

No problem! Glad you find it helpful. I will try any other horror game you make 😊 Good luck!

I finished the game! Everything seemed to be working properly now and I managed to get passed the bus stop. This wasn't a bad debut! I think you did fine with the game mechanics. I made a Let's Play video showcasing my experience and I took some time in the outro to review the game a bit more. Underneath the video I'll also give some of my feedback in text.

The story is an important factor for me in a horror game and there wasn't much of a story in this game to be honest. Of course there is a protagonist that goes through a nightmarish loop and you can progress the game by flipping switches in the underground maze, but beside that not much is going on. I hope you can focus more on story in the future when you get the hang of making games!

I also thought the traps in the underground maze were distracting. The monsters were supposed to be scary but I wasn't really paying attention to being scared because I was so focused on finding my way through the traps and getting away from the monsters that I didn't have space in my mind to even be scared anymore.

This is a loop game so I understand there being a repetative factor in this game, but the second loop made me do exactly the same as the first and that felt a bit lazy to me. I would've prefered to see some real changes in the second part of the game or at least to see something new.

But the overal experience was okay! Keep on going and good luck! Hope to see more of your games in the future.

This game was fun! I loved the ambience and the jump scares. I'm really curious how this game continues and I want to know more about the scary doll 🤣 I made a Let's Play video showcasing my experience. Keep up the good work and I'm ready to play the full game!

Thank you! I will! And I'll let you know how it went :)

Thanks for the reply! What triggers do I need to activate? I saw the monster the far right of the street but I walked everywhere and I can't seem to find more triggers?

Your game has been in my library for about two weeks, I think. I found it in the list of new horror games and saved it to my wishlist.

Hey. I've played your game but I couldn't get passed the bus stop. I'm pressing [E] all I can but nothing happens. A bug? Fixing it would be nice!

Thanks!! 🤣

This game was fun! I liked the graphics and the ambience of this horror game. I do have one tip, though. Can you, in further games, please give a short tutorial? At the start of this game I didn't know I could drive. I got out of the car, didn't know how to get back in, and walked all the way to the gate. Only to then realize I had to get the bag from my car and restart the game 🤣 I made a Let's Play video showcasing this experience 🤣🤣 If you started with: 'Press W to drive' I wouldn't have gotten out of the car 🤣

Looking forward to your other horror game projects!

Thank you for you reply! I know it's not your intention and I've really enjoyed your games thus far. I will still continue to play your other games and I will continue to give my feedback as always. Hope you can appreciate that 😊

I've played a few games from this developer and really liked it. I've got mixed feelings about this game, though. Not because of the story or the ambience, because they are awesome! But because of the chase scene. I made a Let's Play video to showcase my experience. I'll elaborate on the chasing sequence below the video.

There are two chase sequences in this game. The first chase is outside the house by the bunker. I've tried three times and that's okay. It was a bit difficult because you have to react fast and be very quick with the keyboard and mouse, but I made it. The second chase is in the bunker and that really made me want to give up. I've seen other players give up because they couldn't get through the door. I've tried like twenty times and I'm NOT kidding. You have like a second to react and you have to be really fast with the controls. It was very very VERY frustrating, especially for a walking simulator game. 

I'm going to be honest with you if you want to play this game: If you want a chill game without any frustrations, than this game is not for you. If you want a challenge and are good (and I mean really fast) with the keyboard and mouse, than by all means, play this game.

I liked this game! I loved the ambience, the jump scares, the ghost and the fact that we can shoot ghosts or whaterever the girl is 🤣 I'm really curious about the story and am excited to play the full game when it releases. The only this I would like to have is some aim assistance. I did NOT know where I was aiming. I made a Let's Play video to showcase my experience. Keep up the good work! 😊

Huh? I bought this version from itch. The latest version. About a week ago.

I really like this game! It took me some time to figure out how to do 'the job' but when you get into it, it's even a bit addictive 🤣I do find it really hard to spot the doppelgangers. The differences can be really subtle and even when I knew what I did wrong after I saw my footage again during the editing of my game stream, I still couldn't see the difference 😅 But as I said: fun game! Looking forward to other games from this developer! I made a Let's Play video to showcase my experience 😊

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This was a nice short horror game. Was surprised when it was over. Expected more and also would like to see more. I liked the idea of the protagonist living in space with pet monsters and a roommate ghost 🤣 I just didn't feel satisfied at the end because I was like: How did the protagonist got here in space? Who is the ghost girl? What are these monsters and how did they get to be pets...? So may questions and almost no answers. Would love to see the questions answered in an extended version. I'm curious, so that's good! I made a Let's Play video showcasing my experience. Keep up the good work!

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I really appreciate it when an art work is raising awareness on serious themes like domestic violence and bad parenting. I think you did an amazing job, also because the retro stop motion like graphics are really adding to the story you're telling. The story was really sad and the ending really got to me, but I'm also really glad you're not shying away from this subject and I'm curious about episode 2. I made a Let's Play video to showcase my experience.

Hey, I've played your game but it's very buggy. After the monster starts following you I've got to put 4 items in the lockers, right? But when I get the item and the monster gets me, it disappears from the game and the only option I have is to restart the game and try again. I did this like 5 times until I got all the items in the lockers and closed the lockers. Then the lockers opened again and one item was missing. I didn't know what to do then. Also: it's very dark in the first classroom and there is no menu in which I can adjust the brightness. Can you fix that? I couldn't finish the game because I've got no clue what to do and the items keeps disappearing. Hopefuly my feedback helps to improve the game! 

I really liked this game! The graphics and the scary ambience are a very good combination. Not knowing where we are or who we are kept me playing. I'm very curious about the full game. I have only one small comment about the controls. I didn't know how to cancel/close the screen after taking the eyes. I ended up pressing escape and resume. Must be an easier way, right? I made a video showing my experience. Keep up the good work!

This was a very cool first horror game. I really liked the ambience in the woods and the constant feeling that there's someone or someTHING watching me. If you want some feedback on improvements, maybe you can look at the music. It's constantly the same and even though it contributed to the scary atmosphere I think it would help if there were moments of pure cold silence. The background music also conflicted with the radio tune in the Ranger's Shack. I made a Let's Play video showing my experience. Hope my feedback helps and I would love to see more horror games!

Thank you for your reply and also thank you for your kind words! I'm glad to see you found my feedback helpful. I will definitely check out your other games in the future. Until next time! 😄

I really liked this game. I found the ambience really scary and the ghost looked spooky AND cool! So I was actually scared and intrigued at the same time🤣 I made a Let's Play video to show you how I experienced this game. I also wrote down some comments which you can read underneath the video. Keep up the good work!

I loved the post-it's helping me out throughout the game and I would love to see you make a sequel some day about the friend who made the game. Maybe he would go on a journey or something to stop the curse he unleashed because he feels guilty his game ended up hurting his friend.

The only thing that kind off took me out of the experience a few times was the 'focus' and 'close your eyes' task. When the ghost was in the bathroom I didn't know I had to close my eyes, so I was wandering around thinking: what do I do? This also happened when I didn't know on what places I had to focus my mouse on. This got me out of the experience where I was no longer scared. The less this happens, the better, in my opinion!

This game has much potential! I can see that the developer is very creative and is improving with every game. That's so cool to see! I like the concept of this horror game, but I couldn't finish the demo because of some issues with the 'battle' with the Priest. I shall mention them down below. I also made a Let's Play video of this game. So if you want to see exactly what I'm talking about, check out the video.

My feedback:

- The Priest seems to knows exactly where I am. He is literally moving right at me, while he isn't supposed to see me (I'm a ghost after all). This is very annoying and it also gives the AI-Priest an unfair advantage against me, the player. It makes the 'battle' too hard for my taste.

- The Priest walks through doors! I thought I was the ghost? 🙈

- I have to scare the Priest by haunting him with five items, but in almost half of the times I did this, the candles wouldn't show up! I had to let myself be killed by the Priest and try again. I don't like that!

- I knew I blew out all the candles in at least two occasions, but nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong or should I blow them out in a specific order? If so, let me, the player, know, please! And: give an indication of how many candles I should blow out. If it's six, let me know in, for example, the upper left/right corner of the screen that I blew out 1/6 candles etc. That would help!

I hope you can fix these issues, because I would really like to play the full game, but I will not if the game is exactly as in the demo. I like a challenge, but I mostly play for the story, so I don't want games to be too hard.

I wish you all the best with the development of this game and I'm curious about the end result!

I really like your games! I like the scary ambience, the way you experiment with different graphic styles and the humor (often very subtle). This game had a nice story. It was a bit cliche in the end, but that didn't bother me actually, because the overal experience was really strong! I bought the bundle and I'm very curious about your other games. I made a Let's Play video to show you - and others- my experience with the game. Keep up the good work!

You did a great job for a first game and I'm curious to see more from you guys!

I liked the scary ambiance in this game and the jump scares where fun. They were a little quick, so sometimes I wasn't sure what I saw 🙈

I was disappointed with the ending. Not only did the game end abruptly, it also gave me lore which hightened my expectations about the story. When those expectations weren't met, I felt cheated. I think this game is too short for the story you wanted to tell. I would love to see an extended edition and get to know more about the protagonist, the monster and why the protagonist is a target - and for what. I mean: why the backrooms? It feels so random.

I had an overal good experience with this game, though! I made a Let's Play video with all my feedback. 

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I loved the combination of humor and horror in this game! I thought the story had a nice beginning, middle and ending. The ending was an open one, but I had been given just enough clues in the game to make up my own story about what's going on in the hotel.

I would love to see a sequel in the form of a longer game. Like a found footage game where we find the footage of the guy from this game and try to uncover the truth about the hotel🤣

I made a video about the game and i'm going to play more games of this developer!

I'm curious! I'm going to play your other games too. I think you've done an amazing job with the scary atmosphere in this game and the gameplay. I enjoyed all of that. Just wanted to emphasize that! 😊

Thanks for your reply! I understand what would cause sleep paralysis in real life, but this is a game and you're basically telling an interactive story and thus there has to be some logic to the events happening. In a story things can't just happen because it happens. It's not real life where anything CAN happen because it happens. That's why you have your ending the way it ends: for dramatic purposes. Putting events in a row just because, without a why and a logic doesn't make a good story. And story, for me, is important in a game. That's what I wanted to let you know 😊

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Sharing my experience here! I played the demo version and liked the ambience and jumpscares. I was really curious about the story and the 'why' behind everything happening. I was expecting to find more answers in the extended version, and indeed, some questions were answered, but the most important, for me the 'why', wasn't. 

I loved the fact there was lore to explore on the protagonist's computer that gave away some clues, but at the end I just couldn't fit all the pieces together. Maybe I missed something? Because the game froze while I was working on the in-game-computer and I didn't go through everything in the second playthrough. 

Therefore the ending left me with a bitter aftertaste because my questions weren't answered. Why the sudden sleep paralysis? Why are the ghosts messing with me? What have  I, the protagonist done, to make that happen? Or is it all just a consequence of work related stress? I don't know! 

Overall I really enjoyed the game and made another Let's Play video 😊

I really enjoyed this game. I was immersed and that doesn't happen a lot. I liked the ambiance of the game and the way the story unfolds. I LOVED the use of the horror text adventure game. That was very original and it felt so nostalgic. The voice acting was also amazing! I was disappointed about the ending, though. I expected it to happen and all the signs lead to it. Because it was so 'on the nose' I was hoping there to be some kind of plot twist, but there wasn't. Therefore the story felt a bit cliché. But overall I really liked this game and want to see more of this developer! I made a Let's Play video with my experience.

I really liked the ambiance in this game, but what I liked most was the humor because that was so unexpected🤣🤣I had some comments on the story because I think there could be improvement there, but overall I enjoyed the experience. If you want to know more please check out my Let's Play video 😊

This is such a creative game! I loved the atmosphere and the way every tape had clues to use in other tapes. The ending really left me wondering about what the story was all about and I like that! I would love to see more of these games.

I made a let's play video with all my commentary.

I enjoyed this game, but it wasn't really scary. Had lots of fun, though. The ending was unexpected, like many mentioned in the comment section here, but it was too far fetched for me. I didn't really understand why he would do that to her. The motivation he mentioned wasn't believable enough for me. Maybe it's because I'm a parent myself and I would never do that. Here's the video of my playthrough.

I bought the bundle because I'm very curious about these games. Umeru was the first I played. It was fun and I loved the scary atmosphere and the beautiful graphics. The jumpscares were scary but they also left me wondering: Why? and therefore felt cheap. The ending and the story didn't satisfy me.  They just didn't grab me, but the overal game was a fun experience. I was wondering if the objectives could stay visible in the upper left or right corner of the screen. The five seconds at the start of every objective aren't working for me. I get easily distracted 🙈 I made a Let's Play video to show my experience.

I really liked the theme and the story this game told. It's impressive that you managed to get me so immersed with such a short game, so compliments on that! The ending (you know what I mean) came out of nowhere, though, because I didn't see the signs throughout the game. I was so busy with the monitors, that I didn't see it. I think you should really 'force' the player into that direction so that he can see it. I think it would also help if the protagonist reacted to it.

I spend like 5 minutes on my outro discussing the ending XD If you are interested, you can see my Let's play video in the YouTube-link below.

Dear developer: you are very creative! I enjoyed this game and think you should start asking money for your products! I'm looking forward to the fourth episode. Please let me know what happened to Valerie! I've made a Let's Play video with my feedback. And yes, I can also be critical, but I really wanted to focus on the compliments in this section 😊

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This is a nice first horror game from this developer. The classic retro PSX-look was nostalgic! The first jumpscare was fun, but the others were much of the same. The chores were also repetitive and nothing really happened during them. Could work on that in future games. Overal: fun game!

This episode is fun! I wasn't very enthusiastic about the first episode, but this episode shows so much improvement! I'm curious about episode 3. I do wonder why we didn't get closer to the truth about the missing FBI-intern, though. Maybe we'll find out in episode 3...