Thanks. Didn't realise that location on the map was new.
Recent community posts
How do you do complete the hot springs slimes adventurer quest? I've tried 'cleaning?' with Aoi , but that doesn't do it. I can't find any way to just go in and clean up.
Still doesn't work. I tried both versions just in case
Thanks. Appreciate it.
OK. Thanks.
OK. Thanks.
Is this as far as that build goes?
I think you can find it on the 'about' page.
Is this no longer going to be free on Android?
Is there no longer an Android version?
If the Android is ever a different version number, please include it somewhere. Without any update blogs or anything else to denote otherwise, we'll never know without trying to update it. It would be appreciated.
My memory isn't great, but I'm almost certain that girls 3 and 5 in the banner at the top are; if not more.
Again, it's been a while and my memory isn't great, but my gut and what I do remember about them say they at least are.
Mate, in today's world you just have to decide if you're going to conform completely, only as much as you personally feel is necessary, or not at all. To worry any further about is only going give you a headache. One can never please everyone and attempting to do so is an act of futility.
I hope whatever you choose you can be happy with. It's a great piece of work so far. Looking forward to its development.
They do on Patreon. I don't think you need to even sign in for it. Just have to find the free version.
Bare in mind that Rebel Duet only has a limited demo for free.
Is the epilogue for Android a stand alone or update? Both versions try and fail to update.
The Android version won't work. Both links download a broken zip file.
Is the free version finished or just behind?
I'm guessing this also explains why it stops on the end scene of each segment.
During the scene with Hikari drawing on MC's back, I can no longer use anything other than letters and spelling out the numbers doesn't work either. So guess 2 and 4 are impossible.
Android version.
Well my UI has returned. I removed the persistent file and it's back, though in trying to test it being the cause and putting the file back, the UI remained, so who knows. Either way I can use it again. Sadly there's no recovering my saves anyway, so that's just bullet to bite regardless.
I didn't end up trying the other downloads at all.
Sent a message on Discord
What does deleting the persistent file do?
I try and remember to check the other source tomorrow.
What's the best method for that?
I can't seem to trigger the university at the end. Day 135+ at night and day 139+ in the teachers' lounge. I've completed everything else before the epilogue, but can't get either of those to trigger.
I'm on a mixed path, I'd guess mostly light, including trying to take the boss down (it's been a while, I forget just quite how I made my decisions, prolly doing a full run for each side after), and it's day 143 (which btw, I can do the epilogue even though the requirements say day 145; is that going to affect the ending, either intentionally or unintentionally as a planned feature or a bug, or is just a wrong day stated in the requirement - which I've found has been a thing a lot, as in I've completed tasks before the stated day many times and several since the content after day 13X.)
Sorry about the tangent based explanation. To clarify the main issue, I can't trigger night 135+ at the university and day 139+ at the teachers' lounge.
I figured the new room was referring to the office.
I couldn't do the show personally. Felt like too many important moments were left out. Seemed really good otherwise.
Reminded me of the opening to The Last of Us. XD
I always liked Emiko's colour and personality more (some of that is a given sure XD) and I had hoped there'd be something more. She was (maybe even still is) quite possibly my favourite in those regards.
If it's not obvious, blue is my favourite and her shade of blue more so. XD
It felt like such a loss.
This is everything for this one. For reasons that you can find with a bit of search in the comments, this was forced to be finished quickly.
Is the epilogue stand alone or an update?
Ive not been able to install it. I happened to notice this time that it's trying to update the main version.
I just reinstalled after having save issues (still can't get them to work at all), but I noticed that when I start again I also have this issue. Exactly the same, there's no UI at all.
This is on Android.
Game still won't load saves properly. Every save in part 2 loads the start of part 2. It remembers progress enough that skipping works up to the last point, but it always loads the start. This happens on any save from part 2; both manual and auto.
On Android.
For me, the text speed slider didn't have any effect on auto mode.
That's right! Thanks for that.
Is there a way to force fentanyl qualities? I can't get a second high-quality one made. It has been more rare than the highest-quality ones. So far the most tedious thing.
Can you get more gold to upgrade fentanyl skill? It's at level 2, but I don't know where to get 2 more. It doesn't seem to appear in the window fishing mini game.