Hello, happy that you enjoy it. Yes I do all by myself from scratch (no external library). It is a lot of work for this prototype, and there is still so many things to add :)
Hi Remos/Bleed, Thank you for all your great assets here and on openGameArt. I use a lot of them for my game project Mhas.
you are in the credits (ingame) as Bleed, as I found you work on openGameArt first. Let me know if you want me to change the pseudo/weblink in the credits.
Hi,thank you for the crow, it was the first enemy I added in my game project Mhas, which should initially be without sprites ! But when I saw it... I credited you in the game.
Hi enGVee, I really appreciate all your work and want to thank you for it. I use the warrior as the main character for my game project Mhas, and I will probably add more other of your sprites, if I continue developing. You are in the credits. Thank again.