Complete all levels, except "Final encounter" - very hardcore map with an incredibly strong boss. Any tactical advice?
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Wolfenstein-styled game, but themed by WWI.
Nice job, thank for release!
Thank you, I tried to make an uncasual game with pretty ponies
Like as Wolfenstein3D, but more dynamic and fast gameplay. Thank for work, waiting for release.
Yes of course. Nice idea.
Great game, finish all levels in this demo. Nice job. IMHO, bomb are very powerfull weapon, maybe, set limit for bomb count on level?
Thank you for feedback, I try to make a game themed as old DOS game.
The original riddle, I've tried all the weapons except this one
Just one question - how to complete the last level with a megamind in a cage?
Great shooter with classic style (inspired by "Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold", yeah?), thank you.
What about adding difficulty levels? Current version is very simple, can pass all game from one try.