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A member registered Jan 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is a beautiful game!! The effects are amazing throughout! Also really cool to see that we had the same idea on how to use the theme :) But I think the game is quite difficult because of the movement, as some other comments pointed out. Great job!

Nice tribute to Commodore! I hope to see more mechanics that throwback to terminal based interaction :)

The bullet time is sooo satisfying! Great work :)

I see a lot of potential in this idea, I hope you develop it further after the jam :)

Very smart concept, I love it!

Very simple and addicting game, great idea!

Wow the secret levels were very challenging, spent a long time trying to figure them out (by the way Gabi Goulart witnessed everything...) Very clever level design, amazing idea!

I love the visual style, great drawings!

Very challenging game, and nice use of the theme!

What a clever choice of colours, love that!! Very addicting platformer, great job!! :D

Very nice use of the theme and good level design!

Nice idea! At first I thought that the audio would guide you in the maze, which would be a cool mechanic to try out :)

Thank you!! :)

About the music, we wanted to make a longer song with more variety but this was what we could make in the time constraint. This is definitely something we'll improve if we decide to work further in the game! Thank you for the feedback :)

You are welcome and thanks for the feedback! :D Indeed resetting the turtles would make it a lot harder, but we left the challenge of getting all the turtles in a single attempt as the stars challenge.

Thank you!! :D

Thank you for the feedback!! Zooming in the camera was actually in purpose to make seeing more difficult, so you would rely more on the closer fireflies. Just not sure if that was too much, though :)

Thank you!

Thankss!! :D

Thank you!! :)

Oh yes, I am aware of this bug and couldn't fix in time... Thank you :)

Thank you! The cat hunger bars will definitely need some rebalancing in the future :)

Cool game, had a fun time with it :)

Thank you! We will definitely consider making the recipes clearer in a next version :)

Very nice art design and concept, great job! I really like the 2D arts in the 3D environment, they fit very well. Also clever use of the limitation!

Thank you so much for playing our game Fmlad! I am sorry about the unclear instructions, our initial idea was to have an instruction/tutorial screen but we didn't have time for it in the end. Surely something we would add in an update though! And I agree that the cat's hunger bar is a bit unbalanced, specially for the later game - will be worked on in the future as well. I am glad you enjoyed the art and gameplay :)

Thank you! :)

What an experience! So many feelings that I could connect with, to the point it seemed like you were describing my daily life... Very clever usage of the platform to tell a story. And the messages at the end brought me literal tears!

For me, this is a great proof that you do not need to be a great programmer, or a great artist, or a great sound designer, to be able to create good games. If you put your whole heart into your idea, you definitely can create something great. Amazing game and concept, and looking forward to seeing more from you!

Thank you so so much for your comment! It means a lot for us that you enjoyed our game. 

About the hitbox issue, I think we missed on that as we got used to the small hitbox we were using, so after some time it was fine for us. And I agree that increasing it would be a nice gameplay improvement. I was also thinking about some kind of feedback to tell that the ingredient was correctly placed on the dough (a sound effect was too much for me, but probably some visual feedback would fit well). Definitely something we will keep in mind once we get to update the game.

I agree that the muffins were too similar to the following doughs (which are panettones). About adding the toppings (which are blueberries), we also made the option to add them in the finished (not baked) dough, although it was not written in the recipe. Probably in a following update, we would vary the shapes of the doughs and ingredients so the player can note the difference more clearly. I am sorry you had the blank muffin issue, but I hope this explanation clears that up!

Unlocking an extra cat is definitely a big challenge to gameplay, and we noticed that during our playtesting. Although it brings this challenge, it also helps for working on multiple orders during the later game. In the end, we liked the extra challenge that it brings, but it might indeed be unbalanced to the gameplay. We want some solution that keeps this challenge, but that makes the later game more playable. Some balancing reworks we were thinking about is adjusting the hunger bar timing, making the unlockable cats "better" in some way, or unlocking power-ups. All of them require lots of playtesting and adjustments, but we'll definitely experiment with them!

Our team is super happy to hear the good comments about the art and the music! We spent a good time working on them and making sure everything fits together. Great suggestion about the 8/16bit sound effect for the cats, that would indeed bring more charm for the game style. We want to keep working on this game after this Game Jam, and we will definitely let you know once it gets updated! Thank you again :)