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Stout Stoat

A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'll need to think about how best to handle the 2.1 to 3rd edition transition. The 3rd edition is almost twice as large as the 2nd edition, and has undergone a deep editing scrub too.

As for a Simplified Chinese translation, that would be great! I'd be happy to work with you after the 3rd edition releases. I don't know much about Chinese, but hopefully we can create a base copy of the rules. I'd be happy to release it for free as a PDF, too :)

Sure thing! I'll get some up for free on the itch page in just a moment, thanks for the prompt :)

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I like to think of Behemoths like dragons in typical fantasy tropes. They're so massive that they live life on a different scale. Some might work with Beasts, but most don't consider them worth thinking about. What's a eating a few squirrels to a wolf? 

For an example of a Behemoth working in tandem with Beasts, there are a couple in Apawthecaria, a sister game to Scurry. Boldheart the Sea Eagle helps taxi smaller Beasts to-and-fro from Summit, though for a fairly hefty price in food. 

Really love the simplicity of the rules!

Thank you!!

Thank you!! We're so proud!

I'm so glad you like it :)


So jazzed to read this! Years after first writing it I'm still really proud of AOAD, and I'm so glad people like running it :)

Aye aye!

In terms of colour blindness, we've tried to 'double encode' information as much as possible throughout the game. We do use colour to distinguish information (for example, Forest encounters have a green background and Loch encounters have blue, etc). However, all information is paired with unique illustrations and icons that would work in B&W. As the designer, I've not looked into the contrast ratings or colour blindness variations, so your mileage may vary. I've just updated the itch page with a digital preview of the book, so have a flick through!

In terms of printer friendly, the full book is 220 pages long, so at home printing will be expensive no matter what you do. We do have physical copies for sale in the US and UK, so you may want to check print quotes versus buying the book anyway. Wherever you buy the book, it should also come with all the digital files too. The PDF is loaded with plenty of bookmarks, so it's very functional for digital viewing.

In terms of remediation, the game's PDF is untagged and there's no alt text or plain text companions, but it's something we'd like to look into, maybe for a big anniversary Kickstarter reprint.

More than  happy to!

From the rules (page 36)
Trading. Gain +1 Trinket per Ailment Severity level, +1 Trinket for every 2 [Fair], and -1 Trinket for every 2 [Foul]. Foul and Fair cancel each other.  You always receive at least 0 Trinkets.

Essentially, Fair and Foul represent ingredients that make a remedy better or worse tasting/smelling/feeling, which affects how much your patients will pay for them.

Beehive (Honey) on page 132 is an example of [Fair]. You can add this reagent to any remedy to give it [Fair 4], and increase the trinkets a remedy offers by 2:

Unlike other tags, [Fair] and [Foul] cumulatively stack. So two doses of Beehive (Honey) would give a remedy [Fair 8].

Hope this helps!


Thank you!

Thanks for the kind words! Eli Spencer illustrated this gorgeous map, so you should definitely check more of her stuff out if you like it -

As for community copies, I put more up as we get positive reviews. They get snapped up pretty quick, so I recommend checking back often if you can :)

Tags don't exhaust!

There is a specific rule for crossing out tools if they were to get 'used up' logically in the narrative.

And thanks for the questions, I hope you keep having fun with the game 🐀😁

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Hey DM Spice!

The 1st edition of Scurry (2021) gave players 1 Skill*, and 3 of each Tag (Tools, Talents and Traits).

For the 2nd edition (2023), I chose to streamline character creation to 1 of each tag - 1 Skill, 1 Tool, 1 Talent, 1 Trait.

My aim was to reinforce the game's core philosophy - single session heists that start quick and end quicker. Reducing the number of choices from 10 to 4 eases cognitive load for newer (and often younger**) players, and helps different characters feel unique from one another.

Fundamentally, gameplay remains the same. Beasts are describing how they navigate problems, rolling the scurry die, and (usually) getting into trouble.

The change was prompted by a mixture of both running the game and seeing the game played over the last two years, and player-submitted feedback. 

*Skills are also a Tag, but the first time the beasts use a Skill during a scurry it provides an auto-success rather than rolling the scurry die. After the first use, all Skills are treated as tags, and provide advantage when rolling the scurry die.

**One of the more surprising pieces of feedback I've received over the last two years has been that Scurry has been the first TTRPG parents have placed down in front of their kids, either to play as a family or for them to play with friends.

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Thanks :D  Hope you have a great time!

It's a small change in the rules, aiming to replicate the effect of having multiple players at the table. 

Instead of passing the map drawing responsibilities from player to player, solo or duo players instead roleplay as different perspectives from their community :)

Thank you so much!

Yeah! I just need to push it on my storefront, been a busy couple of days!

A few tips for the Condenser Valve. Its primary use is in giving you better tactical choices about where you'll be when a Peril Event hits; you can move through several rooms, and then spend the Oxygen (and so move past the Peril Event's trigger). 

It also allows greater movement when you're at your Last Gasp. The valve allows you to move X spaces and then spend X Oxygen in a single transaction; you therefore only have to discard once for a large move. 

As you've identified, with the addition of rolling for extra oxygen expenditure, the condenser valve becomes even more useful!

Tool Page Number. Thanks catching the typo! I'll get that corrected in the next digital update :)

The Spectromagnetic Camera fills up a room's track while you're exploring, essentially investigating it for you while you go move elsewhere, e.g. to explore or investigate a different room. You will need to go back to the room to benefit from any Milestones it unlocks.

You could use it to essentially double the speed of your investigation in a single room, spending 1 Oxygen to Investigate and then adding 1 Tick from the Camera, e.g. to brute-force your way into the Vault.

Room Tracks don't reset during a Wreck, so you can't keep unlocking the same Milestones by walking in and out of a room. 

We'll work on a more explicit version of this phrasing for the next edition. Perhaps something like:

DISCARD. Mark your current Room. When you spend any Oxygen, add an equal amount of ticks to this Room's Investigation Track. If you leave this Room, you can only benefit from an unlocked Milestone once you have returned to this Room.

Thanks for the feedback! 

I wish the game had a little more luck in it

Little inside knowledge, but the very first draft used a pool of D6s! In the end, playtesting found that the right balance of strategy and luck was in randomising the rooms, not your oxygen expenditure.

If you want to add some randomness back in, try this ID Card Skill:

Skill: Running on Adrenaline. Each time you spend Oxygen, roll a D6. On a 1, spend twice as much, rounded up. On a 2 through 5, spend the normal amount. On a 6, spend half as much, rounded down (minimum 0).

Are you somehow not meant to know what events are coming or how much air it takes to complete a room?

You can see "everything" in the books, but don't worry. As a solo-journaling game, you tell your own story through a combination of different prompts and contexts. Even the same questions will tell a different story when posed in a different order. Being able to see different prompts makes the game more functional, but won't lessen your storytelling or replayability. 

Furthermore, being able to see the length of each room track is also intended, as it allows for a little more "strategizing" during play :)

showing up to a wreck and then turning around and leaving I didn't feel made for a compelling story

Oops! That isn't intended. We'll try to address in a future revision. Perhaps an extra rule under valid and invalid ways to place rooms:

If you draw and place a room that would leave you with no available doorways, you can choose to: place the room at the bottom of the deck and draw again; place the room on the top of the deck play a corridor instead; or place it anyway.

Thanks for playing :) Brian / SSP

Thanks for the lovely review!! 

Heya! It’s roughly 224DPI, and as the game jam says, 6 inched by 4 inches :P 

Any file works fine, but JPG is a good standard.

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This is one of the gradient scans! You can see all of the lovely crosses and squares the printer uses to simulate grey. It's really incredible!

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I've put together a little content pack of tone swatches and gradients, printed out from my Label Maker. This shows off the sorts of dot matrices it produces, and the variety of tones it produces where digitally a shade is flat.

This may just be my machine and configuration, but 0-60% opacity produces varying shades of dot matrix, 70% produces solid black with a wavy texture and 80-100% is all the same tone of solid black.

Get the tone swatch pack here:

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