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I enjoyed Automon so a multiplayer one could be interesting. Everything seems to work when using two clients on a PC. I would prioritize putting in a some sort of singleplayer bot to play against if only for people to test against and/or get used to the game. Even if it just makes choices entirely at random.

Breaking shit is fun. Sound effects are nice already and the soft body physics are sweet.

There's some good stuff going on here but right now it's pretty frustrating to play.  I think my big complaint is that the basic enemy just isn't that fun to play against, mostly how they gradually chip away at your health while you barely see them doing anything and you're trying to find somewhere to stand. I think it would be good to give them a lot more wind up on their attacks and have them be mostly fodder that gets in your way while other enemies are the real danger for doing damage to you. 

Right now the difficulty feels more about trial and error to find out where they spawn and alt-firing with the shotgun at the spawns, then slowly cleaning up stragglers with melee to replenish health.  Or cheese the enemies:

Sometimes they get stuck on their own too and you have to go find where they are just to progress:

The railgun is just.... weird.

I want a walljump.

Please limit the FPS at least in the menus.

Performance feels pretty bad, 60-80 FPS with a 3080. Played on standard settings at 1440p.

Needs a invert mouse Y axis option.

Can't rebind to mouse buttons.

You can shoot alt-fire while in the pause menu.

Why is the pause menu on tab and not escape?

I'm not fond of how the blood looks, red smoke puffs.

Enemies need to react when hit.

What's with all the AI images on the game page?

I have no idea what finding a secret does.

I'd like another way of healing, slapping enemies to regain it just isn't that fun to me.

I hope you don't think I'm being too negative,  there's fun to be had dodging around blasting enemies but right now there's it's frustrating with too much trial and error to get there.

FoV is way too low, no mouse aiming even on foot is a really odd choice. Radio doesn't work..

Fun to just drive around, although can be pretty hard to control with the keyboard. The steering could probably use more "acceleration" on holding down a key but slower initially so its easier to do small changes. The car keeps slowly backing up on its own even when pressing no keys. 

This is just mean:

Very cool! Played with M&K. I don't have all that much to say about it other than I liked it though, nice graphics just lacking shadows. Combat system works well, didn't get annoyed by the camera. Interactables, like the signs, should be a lot more obvious that they can be interacted with. Maybe some slight glow around them or something.

Saving seems to work now yeah, and I couldn't get the white screen bug to trigger again.

Trying to drag things in the hotbar gets stuck sometimes:

Only web version? Alright. 

I fell through the world for a second at first launch.

FoV is too low.

Picking something up and not being able to place it back down on the same place is a bit annoying. I guess dropping it is enough, I don't know.

The rest felt pretty intuitive, although I've done all of it in RL too.

Can't oversteam the milk  :( Having more ways to fuck up and make a mess would be fun. Like forgetting to clean the steamer for a few days and making costumers sick.

Not having to dump the used grounds feels weird.

Malk doesn't need to be chilled? Is it that almond crap?

Win10 & 3080 mobile.

Well restarting does work, but that puts me back at the prologue.

I like it! Space to pause and having the UI be a lot less spread out would help a lot. Straightforward and east to understand. I think it would be more interesting if you started with more than one unit. Synergies between units, like in AutoChess, would be cool; for example getting three warriors would give them all a special attack.

Love the new models, they look really nice.  Levels are still a bit too blocky though. Hope the UI will get a similar upgrade as the models did.

Going into the dungeon after finishing the tutorial level just gives me a white screen:

Wizard of Legend with character switching? Cool! 

Meteor is great.

Skeletons can bleed? Alright.

The warrior's skills feel a bit too similar.

Character keeps attacking when clicking in the inventory.

A map would be nice.

Pretty easy to get enemies stuck on things:

I thought the game had frozen at first, but these buttons can only be clicked on the upper parts (also intellegence he-he):

I'm wondering if the sprint is really necessary, adds complexity for not much gain and enemies were easily kited with it. I held it down most of the time.

Boss HP bar doesn't move.

A character died on the boss (while switching), I lose when one dies? Lame...

One attack on boss' last phase is completely pink, missing shader?

Enemies stopped responding at all at one point and were walking in place until I got closer.

Somehow got these screens overlapping once:

Damage numbers on boss gets mirrored sometimes:

Playing through it a second time using just the mage, kiting everything and stacking armor for the boss it felt very easy. Facetanked a lot of boss hits.

I thought this would be more of an auto-battler, but right now it feels more like an RTS but with annoying controls. I like the graphics. I tried playing right away without the tutorial at first, the only thing that was unintuitive was having to assign battlegroups before moving units and what certain buttons do. Played the tutorial after, but still don't know what this button does (go to waypoint on spawn?).

The guard icon is odd, I'd prefer a shield or something I think.

Add tooltips to the buttons when hovering!

Dragging the camera with right-click would be nice.

This square keeps showing up for some reason:

Clicking on the boards on the ground in the tutorial, trying to move on them doesn't work.

Its nice that they're enthusiastic but units playing a shooting animation on spawn looks odd.

Being able to enable both sprint- and guard-mode is odd.

Spawning units is way too spammy to be fun, I'd prefer it if you spawn in squads for most types of units instead so you don't have to click it like a maniac. Probably a global cooldown on calling in one tooso you don't get this weird minigame of trying to keep them all on cooldown all the time.

The feels like its some weird middleground right now between types of games and I'd think it would be good to lean into a specific type more. I didn't get that much macro type strategy feeling from it - more micro but your units are a pain in the ass to control. Constantly switching to sprint mode to have your units actually listen and then switching to guard mode for extra range to try and kite theirs, all the while spamming reinforcements; for example.

Also, 52 / 10 ? Alright...

Thank you for playing! I'm glad it works.

Gun Mods are fun, I wish there were a few more of them appearing.

Yeah I haven't added a lot of different, interesting ones yet at all. A lot of people seem to enjoy them though so I'll definitely flesh it out more.

I don't particularly like, that when I choose to upgrade, I loose the Runes before seeing what the upgrades are

I don't think I'll be changing it so you can see what you'd get on a level up. Rather add more ways to earn runes so you can reroll more. If you manage to pick up most that drop you should often be able to afford at least one. But yeah there should be more ways to get runes I think, right now for example you get +25% if you finish a level without taking damage (however this isn't currently explained anywhere ingame...)

I like the new Sprites, the Mummies especially are cute.

Thank you, I'd like to think I've gotten better. Don't know if you got to a Plains level that have all new enemies too.

The Portal from the Hub shouldn't take so long to activate I think, I often just waited around for it to activate.

I'll make it faster.

I like the Idea of the Hub itself tho, to select new Characters, potentially change starting loadout or various Relics to alter the Runs or whatever.

This is another thing I haven't had time to really flesh out yet either, will be more stuff like that to do some day! For example, looking at stats of enemies/guns you've encountered.

If I wasn't so bad, I could see this as a Game where you just do a run in the Evening when you don't know what else to do or are waiting for something. Since I'm so bad, that's not happening, but it still is addicting, and has me thinking that I could do one more after I died, because it's always pretty clear that it's because I'm bad, not because of some unfair Thing the Game throws at me.

That is great to hear, its just what I'm going for. There are probably some things that feel like bullshit I'd imagine, like the boss. But I'm going to remake it entirely I think. Thanks again.

Sweet :^)

I got it working properly on my craptop so the new upload should hopefully work for you as well.

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you played for a decent amount of time even if its not your usual genre, its meant to target people that are familiar with the genre so its got some difficulty.

POS laptop from 2011 is close to my target minimum req. actually, I have a similar laptop that I test one.

Yeah its walls endlessly getting destroyed and spawned. Luckily I managed to replicate the error on one of my machines just now so I should be able to figure it out. I'll let you know here when its fixed, thank you.

Another thing is you might want to increase the brightness of the cursor in some way. I was playing with the monitor at a bit of a distance and I lost it some times because its so dark against the similarly dark background.

i think this was mostly due to the Afterlife Gladiator helmet buff - i sort of don't want to hamper silly builds like that too much. instead i'll look into adding an AOE-slam ability or something to give you more fun options so you don't have to rely on just one thing.

Oh yeah that might've been it, even found two of those helmets. Sounds good.

Hadn't really planned on playing it all again, kind of just happened.

Here are the saves, one next to the immortal skelly and one at the end of the game.

Finished the remaining part too, nice with a new area. Felt like the difficulty was picking up a bit again with the warmothers doing a lot of damage. Although I hadn't bothered upgrading my equipment for a while and I was overflowing with potions. It feels kind of silly spamming the charge attack honestly, maybe it should be tied to attack speed of the weapon or something? I dunno.

No idea what spells it thinks I casted? Should be 0 I think.

Got the itch to play some more, continued from the start of skeleton town from last time. There's more footage although I don't know if you find it useful. Had to go to the burrows to get more potions and then backtrack to finish the last part of skellytown. Stopped a bit into the armory. Some ramblings:

  • You can't look at the entire map when scrolling it with the arrow keys.
  • Buying an item, going up and down stairs - item is back in the shop.
  • Still feel like there are so many items that have int reqs, scythe 20 int :(
  • Doesn't seem like many new items drop from about burrows 2 onward, guess its not finished though. Must've seen 20 drops of enchanters helm.
  • Maps after palacamp feel a bit empty and repetitive, and the passage is so large with the same enemy clusters everywhere. 
  • New enemies in the armory are cool.
  • Can you hit faster with weapons if you swing with a slow one and swap quickly between a fast one and back? My tests were inconclusive.
  • Feels like the game gets way easier when you get into the burrows, often come out with a backpack full of pots. Probably best to go there and then skellytown most of the time.
  • Charge gets really strong when you have the mana for it, I wish the SFX and FX on hit for it were more impressive. Throwing your weapon is good too but it flies so slow and its so easy for it to get stuck that it doesn't feel worth using it often.
  • I got a pretty nasty bug with an immortal elite skeleton that couldn't be targeted right next to a golden goblin. I first encountered him in the video @27:03 and you can see me dance around him trying to use the goblin in @1:27:50. He did some crazy damage too.

Thank you for that, didn't give me much to go on unfortunately.

Its still fucking cool.

Played from the start a bit into the part where you play as Sarah. I wish there were more autosaves, annoying to save yourself all the time I think. A fast forward button in battles would be nice, sometimes you get slept with one party member for example. A slight grace period after skipping through dialogue before you can select an option would probably be good, I was skipping through a lot of dialogue in act 1 as I've seen it before and accidentally selected dialogue several times. Some battle animations are pretty slow, like curse. Checking someone's browsing history is indeed wrong... Would be cool if a battle song continued where it left of the next time it starts playing again in another battle. Hit-/interaction-boxes are really small and wonky sometimes, like rabbits and some enemies - although I guess I was sprinting the entire time. 

There's a lot of stuff and I never play RPGM games so that you can keep my attention must be a good sign. Although I'm not sure if I'll play more until you've finished the game, don't think I have all that much constructive to say anyway. 

Muzzleflashes are really off from the gun somtimes:

I somehow managed to dupe the ladder at the start, no idea how it happened unfortunately:

I was blorbing the entire time.  Played through it all, except for the bonus stuff. I pretty much ignored the blorberries too. Moving platforms were a bit wonky and laggy. Really nice that all levels have their own tilesets.

If you blorblieve in yourself blorbdev you can blorbcomplish anything.


Other than that I wouldn't change anything, good job. I "rescued" the princess.

Haha yeah it did feel a bit odd.

First time I went into the settings I completely missed the other panels in the top right, seem to be missing some keys though still. Should probably center the buttons more so blind people like me don't miss it. Please add an invert mouse Y option. Jumped straight into arcade without going through the tutorial, seemed pretty straightforward though, except for the items. Quite a bit of stuttering when objects are first loaded in. Map feels really close quarter. I personally prefer more cumbersome, slow mechs - would be nice if it had more weight to it, slow to turn etc. But that's just me. Weapons are on the opposite sides from the mouse buttons, feels weird. The mechs spawning in looks pretty goofy. The character portrait seem sort of oddly placed, looks more like its in the middle of dialogue (like in the tutorial I played through after arcade). Would make more sense if it was one a screen. I'd generally like to see more feedback; on getting hit, enemy mech corpses, etc. Looks like there are a lot of different enemy mechs already, nice. 

Performance deteriorated completely after playing a while and it pretty much got unplayable. Also the chaingun stopped shooting bullets too eventually, I don't think there was any ammo? Yet? Looked like it was trying to shoot too, its at the end of the video. 

Great work, can't wait for the world spanning campaign.

Thanks for playing again! I've been meaning to remake the ending level but haven't had the time to yet. Maybe a survival situation there too instead of the pillars, I don't really like them. They're probably invisible for you, which is a bug I thought I fixed. I'll look into it again.

You can dodge the mages' projectiles consistently, but you have to know how to first of course which isn't the easiest to learn in a roguelite of course. They're a lot easier to dodge in close range for example which'll seem pretty counter-intuitive. I'll look into making them fairer. But there are many ways to handle them!

His ability is pretty short so you won't get stuck in low movespeed too long but it's absolutely not set in stone. There's supposed to be more character specific powers too, right now Logan only has one.

That looks so much smoother to my current one, I had trouble getting the gif under 3 MB when I tried it ages ago. I'll definitely look into LICEcap to make it nicer like yours. Thank you.

Its pretty early for the game so I don't have much to comment on at all. I really like how it looks though, the camera is weird. Not sure what I think of it. Anyway here's a minute of me jumping around:

I forgot to ask if you played on Windows or Linux?

Anyway, I uploaded a test version if you have the time to test it. Can't replicate the issue myself. If you're on Linux I'll have to upload one for that too. Alternatively you could try and toggle v-sync and restart too.

Well shit. Looks like walls are getting destroyed and new ones generated infinitely to me, I'll see what I can do. Thank you.

If you can, you could upload the Player.Log for me, its located in %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Northwood Gameworks\The Gun is Good\ for Windows, Linux I'm not sure.

Thank you so much for the nice words!

Yeah the wizards might be a bit too tough, their shots are homing so you have to make a conscious effort to dodge them. Also the meteors can be used as cover.

No huge amount of additions and changes since last DD, most interesting ones are probably a nicer gun UI and different map generation for the blue caves with a new enemy type.  I have barely done any playtesting for this version myself so if you find anything  of note please let me know.

Changelog since last:

Update 55-1: Bullet and paintbrush - The Gun is Good - DEMO by SPECXHT (

 And various other things from my notes:

fixed portable shield not working

fixed walker gfx bug

huggers and alpha huggers can toss chasers

reworked cave map generation

one new enemy

tweaked pathfinding for some enemies to be more interesting

some new enemy formations

fixed bug with using fortify and stimpack at the same time permanently lowering rof and reload speed

fixed bug with some guns' secondary showiung ammo cost

fixed bug with shield gun moving things that should not be able to be moved

dmg taken by items will now be reduced by player dmg res

fixed ability not looking ready in ui on new level

fixed placeholder objectives in boss level being invisible

fixed plasma guns doing much more damage than intended to dense groups of enemies

crashfix for multiple meteors colliding at the same time

You should absolutely focus on the main project. Could be fun if this was something you could play inside that game in some capacity.

(1 edit)

Ok I lied I kept it running in the background a bit while I was trying to get my game to build. It seems like the spawnrate did pick up a bit after a while, but I could stand AFK and still kill everything:

Generally I think the game needs more spectacle, too slow buildup and most of the skills are pretty dull. So more of everything basically. Most skills are too lowrange to be really useful. Way too easy to get stuck between enemies and beaten to death (if jump is on cooldown) which just isn't fun, a knockback on enemies on getting hit or getting a bit of free movement after getting hit would alleviate it. Skill upgrades are too incremental, you barely feel the difference one upgrade makes. Skills need a lot of balancing, really all you need is speed, lightning, and shield. Which are all too good compared to the other skills, kiting enemies with some movement speed is way too easy. There should be (more?) handcrafted wave spawns and not just spawn in one enemy at a time in a random position around you. If you have too many different kinds of skills they don't show up in the list:

I can't really comment on the performance though because I had a lot of stuff running in the background. Got a strange bug eventually, where the skill upgrade screen wouldn't go away:

Which did make me die eventually actually, probably to some boss getting stuck on a chest and shooting me to death. Although I couldn't see anything. 

Alright I'll consider this beating the game, I don't think I can die anymore.  It seems the longer you play the fewer the enemies spawn. So if you play long enough there are barely any regular mob spawns. See video. It might be because some of them spawn out of bounds and get stuck, I did see some stand around outside the walls. Often games like this will teleport enemies near you if you get too far away from them.

When I stopped playing:

Few spawns:

That does sound really weird. Not easy to find, grats on finding and fixing it.

It seems cool but I can't really play with mouse controls and not having the cursor captive to the window. Trying to steer sends the cursor to other monitors. Feels like the gears need to be changed way too frequently. Having you need to change gears but not having a R one and reversing with S is very confusing (what is gear -1 anyway).

Cool magic system. I wish the enemies wouldn't harass me while trying to read the tutorial. Enemy spawns are way too close, feels completely unfair late game when they constantly spawn in your face. Its a bit too easy to get stuck in between enemies. I think melee should be an auto-attack, or at least an option to set it to, there's enough things to keep track of with all the spells you can cast. Sometimes when spamming melee and channeling a spell at the same time the channeling gets stuck. Some spells do not have a name. No way to heal? I think there should be more utility spells like the steam burst, like an ice wall to block enemies for example. It takes quite a bit of time to actually die after hitting 0 HP.

I feel like the magic system is wasted on a game like this though, I think it would be a lot more interesting as a more linear level based game. Like Magicka for example.