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A member registered Jul 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thats literally the name of my game :V

I liked a lot your game, it was fun and the implementation of the maze is very cool [Is specially interesting for me because I made another maze game and today I have been checking the other ones] 

The game is awesome, the idea is so original, the visuals are great and is so fun

The only problem of the game is that when you launch the game nothing say that you have to press enter but thats nothing consithering that the game is incredible

I liked the idea [I also made a maze game :V],  my only comlaint is that I'm not sure if you control the maze or the red square but the game was fun

I liked a lot your game, it was so fun 

It was special for me bacause I made a similar game and was very interesting did how you design it

The consept is very cool and the animations looks so good but I would like more levels

The consept is very cool, the visuals are great and is fun my only complaint is that it had some bugs

(1 edit)

Honestly I dindn't understand the game [a tutorial would be use useful] but the visuals look good

The game had a interesting idea but it was to short [Consdering how much it weith]

The game was fun, and on its simplicity had an interesting twist for the theme of the jam

The game looks great, at first was so confusing but after a while it hooked me [Some times a bug stops the camera]

The game was very fun and it looked very good 

Maybe sometimes the cats controled by the computer win the game too fast but that was the only problem

The game was so fun, I loved finding ways to making the numbers fit, great job, great game

The idea could work if you keep developing it, a juicer vertion could be very interesting

The game was very good, I think that some controls may be changed [Like clicking for swaping caracter] but thats the only problem, it was fun and I enjoyed it

The idea is very good [Im not sure if is there some fnaf inspirations], I liked a lot the game but I would like some checkpoints but is a great game, Im saving it for playing later

The game idea was very good and it looks very good but some times the controls does no very well 

The game was very fun, the art is awesome and the details are very cool [I liked a lot the blue color palete]

(1 edit)

The game was very fun, I loved the idea and its visuals are great also the modifiers idea was very cool

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing, I added a reset botton and is commented on the tutorial [Probably I should force the use of it during the tutorial] if you still want to finish you can reset with R

It happen something similar to me :V

This game is awesome, at first I was thinking about the topic but after the true game make its entrance was mindblowing, it looks great and is so fun

The game was very fun and I used the sandbox mode for playing with my brother  :V

I liked the game

I liked a lot the game, the subversion of the fishing minigames was very clever and the art is great

The visuals are very good, and the game is fun [But it was very hard]

The idea is so original, I liked a lot the game [After playing for to long it got a little boring]

This game is awesome, the idea is so original and it looks great.

I loved it

I would like more interaction [probably is my fault, Im not a big fan of the visual novels], the art was very good

The consept is very cool, and it looks good, I would enjoy that it was longger

It was a fun idea, and is very enjoyable

The idea is so cool, the animation surprise me a lot and in geenral I loved the game

It was interesting how was buld an almost horror atmosfere considering the speed of the ghost and the visibility, it was fun and I liked the time loop in the ending

It moves smoothly and I liked a lot the art style, it was a enjoyable experience

That was definively a game

The game was very fun, the consept was so original and interesting, it was a great game

(1 edit)

The game looks very good and the consept is interesting, some times is dificult to watch coming the enemies atack

The game looks incredible,  and it so fun to play [I have a bug thet moves the window and didnt allow me to see the page properly and I still playing, is a very good game]

I liked a lot this game, the art style and the mooth of the game

I liked the consept, but I was too hard on the teleport part