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A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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I constantly hoard around equipable items, but never find any use for them because there is no reliable level up system asside from the only way via RNG potions.

If a level fails to generate any during a run.

You are screwed. (literally)

Buffs go away way too quick to make good use of them on a very far away distance from other rooms. I'm talking about regeneration and life steal.

The Elephant in the room is the big Minotaur himself.

You will meet him during a run, without proper gear or preperation he will take 90% of your health.

You can kill him without worries via combustion wand.

But you have to use up all 3 uses of it before he goes out.

And once you use up the wands, there is no other way to recharge them.

Sure there exists a recharge ring you might say, but it only recharges tomes, not wands.

Cue the *I don't want to play with you anymore moment*

I only got as far to the magma level, better luck next time.

Give the man his shovel.

Ha-ha-ha. Ho-ho-ho.

It was pure criticism, not constructive.

So funny, thank you for fucking with me.

Ronnie Mcnutt approved!

Sorry...I couldn't resist, please hate me for this dark joke.

First, learn the term of racism.

Second, this is called critisism, and you can't tell me otherwise.

Third, i'm not reading all of that you sent after, it looked like you were on LSD when you wrote it.

Try pressing Tab near the succubus poster.


Your signature skill is perception.

I just keeped bring up my Lawyer, and that i had the right to not talk to them.

They didn't care.

simple. nothing happens. But yet paranoia is the thing that tricks you.

15 minutes of gameplay guys. Don't expect something big.

not available in my country....

This is just sad.

I agree with the statement above.


You forgot to release the game for gamejolt.

He is not getting paid enough for this

Ok i actully hate this game. One hit and you are dead.

The tutorial text is way up high, you literally have to jump in order to read it.

Wall climbing gloves kinda suck, not always they work properly.

Spikes punishes you by sending you back almost at the start of the level. Which can erase your progress.

Metal gloves take 3 hits to kill a creature.

While light dash gloves take 2. 

Other than that is pretty good.

Wow its even controller compatibile.

Hey this is good!
Just get the pattern correct.

That's the trick.

Heh got to Wave 23. Its infinite if you know the right spot to hunker down.

my record is 23 waves

The stench drives in a bear.


We gonna fight it! 

That's right!





Imagine Multiplayer in this.

It would be insane.


how many characters are there?  

8 PLAYERS roaming around and killing each other.

Just one thing,

Turn that status from in development.


This aged really well

*coughing sound*

Help yourself.

2 player mode

Take this, you need it.


Oh yeah it does! (no dummy)

Like in parapppa the rapper 2?

Pretty short and fun 4 stars

If you can do things right, then you can beat this game.

Wishlisting it, i have no money, and i want to scream.

well time to pull out my joyful.