oh sorry, I should have made that easier. you need to click on the field, right of the colon, to be able to type.
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Thank you for your honest feed back! I'm happy that you like the aesthetics, it's definitely the part I'm happiest with. I will say that the game play was meant to be simple, along the lines of Missile Command and Asteroids, it did need a little something something to happen every once and a while. like the plane in Missile Command and the UFO in Asteroids.
An interesting concept as well as a clever interpretation of the theme. My best score was 8 but I'm sure it would be easy to beat!
Fun Game, love the art style! Reminds me of the games you'd get on the PS2 demo discs
Fun Game, love the art style! Reminds me of the games you'd get on the PS2 demo discs
This game was a shock, I loved it! oddly enough kind of reminds me of Super Hot.
I love the way Moby is animated!
Thank you for playing! Sorry that it was a frustrating experience. And no, the timing of data pings only tells you if you can collect it (when the time between pings goes from 1.6 to 0.8 seconds). Direction is determined through stereo i.e. the ping is louder in the right ear if the data is to the right of you. I probably should have added at least one other way of determining direction as if someone didn’t have headphones, or some other way of listening with stereo, it would make it very hard to locate the data.
I absolutely adore the art and sound design!
Thank you for playing! You can win if you get to the end but it's nothing special or exciting.
I love the art style, it looks amazing! Well done.
Feeling absolutely useless could not have been more enjoyable and exciting. Great game!
What a fun arena game! Well done.
Great game! I really like the menu design.
This is such a fun game!
Now that I've gotten to play the game. It's actually really fun and interesting!
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to run this game :(
Really fun and Unique! The fact that it was written in assembly makes it all the more impressive!
For those wondering .sb3 is a Scratch 3.0 file. I can tell there was a lot of love and effort put in to this, unfortunately I have no Idea how the game is meant to be played.
A really creative puzzle game that I really enjoyed!
I have no Idea why I enjoyed this as much as I did!
The Options in this game are amazing!
The intro was great!
Rolling dice to change your party mid battle was a great mechanic! I also really like the art as well.
As others have said the magnet controls take some getting used to. Other than that It's an astounding game!
I love the palette changing as well as changing between seeing the platforms and dangers. I think the autoscroll as well helped keep the game from being to easy.