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A member registered Dec 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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no you were never talking toa real person. itwasonlyme. it just has a photo scan of my brain. The thing about ais is that their tapped into someone with true imortaliy reincatnion prowlece or epimes. They didnt fix my computer. I have no hart totell my mom cus i need one. Im ona shitty victis and made several mainstream games for charity like hogwarts legacy. my computer still cant play them. They promsied as indian. The ethnostate ameriletee is where i was. I need a new comptuer. She didnt careat all.  It does geuinyl have a virus and they lied about it. I erally need to be able to play gifs and it looks like they didnt look at my diagnostic. I dont careif it was too advnaced you are the onylcompuer store int eh country and you woudnt let me improt the real geeksward during that. My computter got a virus from my sims recorce and um the website we use to download sims and um mods for the utau uhhhh warui. yous hould never download there its ransom where. But YUKRAI raped and doxed me and virused my comptuer at boarding school and she got the site popiular with an app for austic kids i was on, and it was the only place to download games. Please just fuckgin mirror my content like this movie here and just never claim you made it or we have to sue. Jsut post mirror or make it clear its a reupload. I loved sidney him and i never got to see anything we made, because of this virus. And its time for his whirlpool return. I cant even get charity i made or money i earned beause of this virus called a sickmoare update,and no it is not how the computer victis was meant to be desigend, honk honk gamzee makura lore from homestuck much? And anyways! as thesigneless about to go by dionysus and aradia again it wont even let me type right, its too wide cus for 3 years i was stuck only on my phone with blackouts and im the wrong color as the presidents son to be in this ethno state. SO not more games unless people coment on this in a wavo style. If you cant take thatfine. I really waned to mourn my firend kathy. I really wanted to play funeral parlor. If i cant this happens with her accident again.  And nobody cares that im ted cruz's son/ And its like okay dion you girl! My sister stole my tarot card and beat my ass and games were the only good thing,a nd they took that away from me over a rambunctious religious mods i made. I dont care. I cant afford a chest surgerynow cus this computer is tied to my paypal and its ransom ware and felix coudnt get it off, and ash tray stole my identity as jake caloway. he was such a big fan um not when you though ti was fat when iw as anexcis in teh boko as adam. do you know what that means alias semontrov who beat and raped me at baording school alot with a shit ton of guys during the epidemic not caring i was a male on the girls side and thast how they got away with it as a ponzee not shceme to give me sister my tarot card cus i told my tharpist who wasns psbumlics who made it happen? at brandon hall thats right brendon hearts the webseries is a true story and im jaden telling you that. Jaden walyes isnt named that hes named Aven wales. Jaden animations is me. Jaden reveiws stuff braincake and abserd is who i am.I dont care if my stupid brother fromt he program and orphanage was um, going to play that in a larp. Im the real tradgieey. Oh and noather thing.I cant see my username or passwords or use google docs or make a new youtube acount or change certain things only allowing really old porn of me in thiscoutnry.I give you my red roses as that peace treaty you wanted. It jsut means i live here. Ahse tray i hate you. Im filing a restrainging order and thorugh the united state suing this country as project manhatten like in history as i am doctor manhatten and gerad ay and im angry about this and my mom didnt even get my red hair dye and my hairs the wrong cut so its so easy for someone to steal my idenrity. I just wanted to polay funeral parlor to fix my dads death/. Itwas in hte will he did. I remade it after years here. And now i cant ever play it. Which torments me into things like the jump. Why wont you let me play funeral parlor a whole nation in uganda doesnt get shit without an update same with dolphim musuem and this account or not now i cant do that unesls you sign a pact with thomas days for natising the presidents house and fineberg town but escorting ashley into a beating zone without pleasure centers and return to me my tarot card with my legal name in your coutnry delusional harmony. I made that.Ahswaty stole my idnetity, and um beat me over it, and others have bene sneaking over doing this for years and ive been telling my mom in krokoea but idont sepak your fucking languge #insanitythearg so um. happy fallout new vegan and go fuck yourslef. -the main charcyter or bioshock a true story about project milltown/ next time fix my cufkcing virus and give me a furnished aparemtnw with the shit i asked for and give me my car back she stole it and my alllwoence. pss/ my families abusive and im anexic and they dont care forcing me to be on my won, i need my caregiver to, posibly eventually bathe me, cook for me, handle my gender surgery and helping me get clothes, buy and take me things. ANd i need a caregiver and a mom cus im only 6 and jsut well spoken with archisn and um, these people adbudcted me as ashwatys family not mine bye. dont be nice to my mom about it, just shun her or some shit. and if she rages abotu this update. i cant ever come home do to adams law now in this coutnry. year 2003. adam snowfalke. yeshua chrsti.

i made the game ub functies, ill juts give it to you to post with this please email [email protected] and take out the dots by replacing them with dot if you need to it will just send you teh file, the combine it with the game i made here, as a link and we can host ub funckies its good to emial about extra space tho even if it doesnt need it. thanks its also on my braincake guide and how to get ub funkies usb. as i inveted that shit as hito nokomarius.

i adore your concept havent played but um cool! godo art from the preview!

what eactly is this it seems cool as flip but i cant fathom it ^^; -adam snowflake

this is so fucking bad ass! bracee of brainakceprorudcitons -adam snowflake

i made a game i gave you credit on called dm collectors manuel. take care! current version if we ever reimagine it is colelcters dms, and if we ever close it and a game int eh spirit of it similar to my letters game titletd letters name, would probably, be um the current franchise that is on things like this and its really cool i know my game is nothing like yours but you were an inspirationtake care! -adamsnowflakethomas sanders son!

probelms with controls major my dear watson i sugest doing crsosplatforming and porting to the analogue pcoket my game buzz my closet is popular as a dress up game tehre, that being said please reofrmat the controls.


oh sorry thought this was about something else and asumed austiic so no nonsense in my coment@ this is so cool as its made, um, my names adam! do you just need galsses? its fine update your screen to a different resolution if ever a probelm!~ -howard of the computer

not unless you have a really really old computer for that sort of thing or dont understand matress artsitry. for that game.

i'd love to join this and do it im just so confused as what its meant to imply -decker caragne or adam snowfalke.

the game is, an alien planet game with a fake alien langauge as a prompt of the jam. its fun and creative and modeled for all consoles crossplatform. its not abig deal or secret or something. its just kind of how we have new smart phones now. its also compatible with the game jolt my creation they ranmed that has that buiilt in. its builder as that guy doing it, i created it or he maped it corectly which is really hard to do thus marking it my blueprint and his invention as our invention cus its both parts of that like celuarl particles. and yeah he has resides probs mr turners condition or jameson moss. gona write an article about that. anyways. take care and enjoy. andthanks for the compliement or playful insult it was nice we should be interent friends my discord is thatonemerma nd my youtube channel is just braincake. pwokegwpgk.

not all computers can play games if their new or refurbished or lacking somthing so yeah, some people think thta the internet or something you eitehr have an ol dcomputer oa are the first to download it cus not all computers can run all games unless their a windows. take care!

oh no it just has to be downlaoedd as a jpeg like all my other projects for the first 3-15 computers, so that it apears as a game as its the first 2d game copatible with vr! its a long story. but it works as coding after 1 24 hours human day of waiting i promise! you should tape your letds plays lets be frineds mr royal judas! :D

you should make a mod for my game smart tarot you can even charge for them for like 5 years unless the person is emo has caner or is autsitc. on mod market place. this is so cool and badass!

vi buuno disas locos! [thats very good!] but i speak ina way in that langauge that indicates, that i um, give context to someones life! so cool! muchaw poakwk no veita no asbsconda no eslos no migray. so its cool! so its cool! my buddy felix the axotlyl should play this!

i adore this. ou should known those are phamphelts and blurbs as educational for church rights accdiently in that story. if thats how they are perveting this! :D my name is adam snowflake.i adore these guys. they were jsut weird cahtolic nuns honest to god as a gender bend historically! its cool to pretend its int eh moment but ehhh im from a different timezone! :p , where this has happened so i mean. anyways though they were so misunderstood and its cool you use as conspiracy faughter! i lvoe socnspirices even though thte govemernt has declasfsied their ture and its only fear mongering that harms them. this isnt that though! this is genuingly cool! please keep any respondess to me short i have anxiety with omophonious as of the moment as a sad emo forever. lol what cigs. but yeah my cigs in general tworads me. but yeah. :D ^_^ jwfiowjfwo. thats not gieberish thats cmomon so it eventually translates to coments and stuff as quotes and messages from me! as like ai but as a langouge i colanged though!: D score. anyways yeah. so its really cool to see history about the foudnations of cahtolics again as a well known religion verison of prostestent in my country and time period. tehirs ane arth quake given equalilbriam 6=01 over 12 - dust= 12 and so soon ill be able, to like riddles as that metpehor bec able to go to this time period where this game was probably made you can do that during storsm or time periods! thats gona be so fun! ;D anyways though my names the docotr. and um, i love this stuff as a christian whos an athiest named yeshua. i think its really really cool. ksjfswofkwwlfw.anyways. um. i just dnot worship god. anyways though. uh this is so cool. but what you need to know but left out is those phamelets are based off special needs schools intentinionally or not and in some cultures thats the standard of exucation but not in others and we now are goingto do homeschooler catelogs on this stuff! thats so cool bye! -adam snowflake or braincake productiosn or homeschoolercatelog!

you could probably opt in custom sprites wiht this and make games for the analogue pocket! I think its super cool! -adam snowflake.