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A member registered Jul 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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hahaha this is amazing. Best character generation process ever.

Awesome concept!! I love this. Definitely keen to play this.

Hm. I was more thinking that *I* would spend more time. I'm not sure if more prompts would help that much, less is actually good imo as it's easier to remember and refer to. More movements could definitely work. Maybe even a few different metaphors, or  different biomes? Like an ocean themed one, a jungly one, a desert one etc. so you could pick one that appealed, and on each one the prompts could be slightly different with different art. It would be super fun if you one day made a set of cards - I would definitely pitch in if you ever did a Kickstarter of that. Then it could also double as like an oracle type deck where you pick a card and reflect on it, only through movement!

Another thing that would be cool would be a sample playlist for each prompt that you can access via a couple of different music apps - either hyperlinked for online or QR code linked for a hardcopy. 

Those are my thoughts! Hopefully they might help.

This is an excellent game. So much packed into 36 words. The pictures are evocative and support the creation of the narrative for the GM. The mechanics are simple and flexible. Looking forward to playing it.

I tried it today in a brief session. It was really lovely dancing through the different stages and finishing off with some journalling to reflect. I think it could be quite powerful to do as a longer session. I also think doing it in a small group could be amazing but I don't really have anyone I know whose interests overlap like that.

This is beautiful! I have a conscious dance practise so it's perfect for me. I love the idea of a movement based ttrpg

Train maps are the best I love them too! 

I'd love to hear how you go if you get to try it!

Aw I love this! Very atmospheric.

I plan to play it while listening to the quintessential train journey music - the album "Transsiberian" by Thylacine, a French electronic musician. It is a love letter to the train journey of the same name.

This also sort of reminds me of Terry Pratchett's "Raising Steam" featuring a sentient steam engine.

Thank you so much for the comment and I'm so happy you like the vibe. Let me know if you give it a go!

I haven't actually played it myself yet but a couple of new train lines opened in my city recently and I've been hankering to go visit some of the new stations so I will probably take some dice and a journal with me when I do and try and see how this works in real life.

This would be really cool to use as part of a larger game

This is so cool! A solo art TTRPG, I love it - journalling ttrpgs usually don't vibe with me but I will play this one for sure. Thank you!

I really appreciated the change of font. 10 out of 10. And actually seriously fairly functional, nice.

Hey, thanks for making this super best TTRPG ever. I have a question - my table is too big and heavy to flip, since my chungus score is low. How do I cast spells without flipping my table? Is it acceptable to have a small model table to flip?

I'm so happy that you gave an extension because I joined this jam, forgot about it, and then suddenly remembered it two days ago because I thought of a cool idea for it (I guess my brain was chugging away at it in the background). I would have been too late but instead I get to submit!

Hey! My game group tried this and we had an absolute ball! Thanks so much. We loved the mechanics. The only thing we had trouble with was the traitor mechanic and we thought it might be nice if instead of trying to work against the main goal, the traitor/traitor type character could have like a nefarious ulterior motive for doing the quest instead, or some other task they need to complete at the same time.

This is wonderful. I hope it reaches some people. As a mostly assimilated Jew who has been trying to reapproach my Jewishness it hits home.

This game looks so interesting. I'd love to see an actual play of it!

This amazing! I've been wanting something like this, amazing work.

This is such a great travel sized fun pack! Would be great to take camping or on a road trip.

Also may I ask what language (out of curiosity!)

Totally! Thanks for checking 😁 

oh, good idea thanks!

Hey all,

I'd love to get involved in a team. I primarily work on TTRPG but am also keen to be part of a game design team as a narrative designer.

I have creative writing experience primarily writing interactive puppet shows for young kids and now as a game master coming up with fun scenarios and one shots for people to play - you can check them out on my itch.  I'm also an oral storyteller with an interest in fairy and folk tales.

I think my strength is understanding narrative structure and beats.

Looking forward to any collabs people are keen for :)

Oh and I'm in Australia (GMT+8)


Beautiful game, very elegant. Feels like a complete system. I definitely want to play this.

Perfect! :) Thanks for leaving a comment 

Nice! I love Canva, it's so great. I do all my design on there too.

So good! Can't wait to try Unplayable Mess and I also like Toaster, very cute

This is so cool, what a creative mechanic. Love the art on there too.

I LOVE this. Nice work

(2 edits)

I really like this one. Kind of a meditation game.  Thanks for the recs in there as well for what inspired this, I will check them out!

Very nice! I will be using this to help me build cool creatures in my games

Super cute, and now my cat's behaviour makes sense - she's playing this!

This is great. Very neat and clever

This looks fantastic, I love the concept! I will be playing it as I go through my week :D 

I don't remember actually. Was it in a one page rpg jam? If so I probably found it on the page for that jam. Otherwise I must have been searching for one page rpgs.

I just played this with my group and it was so epic! Thanks so much for this awesome game. One of my players said it was the most fun he'd ever had in a one shot.

I wanted to learn how to use inklewriter and looking for examples I found this. Absolutely fab! So much fun and the humour was great, though I don't know why rhyming gets so much hate!

Writer/voice actor here - keen to hear more about this project


I'm keen to discuss the writer role, embarrassingly I'm  not sure what you mean by adding you, but I've given you a follow.

I've done a bunch of narrative heavy writing professionally - I've written about ten different puppet shows for kids. I've also done some writing for my ttrpg hobby making up campaigns and one shots etc. 

Happy to show you some examples of my work.

This looks amazing! I love dixit and the art on the cards so much, this is such a great way of using them, also I like the blend of dice and cards in this. Can't wait to play!