Despite the game being made for windows, it actually runs very well on Linux with Wine, which is very surprising for a game like this one
Raoul1808 (Mew)
Creator of
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This game is a masterpiece :D
Amazing concept! Though I don't really see why gun "upgrades" should downgrade the gun.... Other than that I think the concept of having a blind player is really well done! Good job!
It's pretty impressive how complete the game is for a game jam. Well done!
I can't believe I didn't get rickrolled by scanning those QR codes >:( I thereby give this game a rating of 7/27
Really nice visuals on the game!
The game definitely gets pretty tough the longer you play, but the gameplay loop kind of gets stale after a while.
Pretty nice game, though the player's movement speed is a little slow in my opinion, but once again, that's probably just a me problem.
I didn't expect to see a PICO-8 submission for this game jam. Good job!
The game is pretty ice, though it doesn't really fit the theme. It could definitely be expanded into an addictive endless time-waster by adding some more variety and power-ups. Really nice.
There is a lot of potential to expand the game with new mechanics and unique levels.
I have only one criticism, and that's on the guards' AI. It feels like they know where the player is at all times instead of following a predetermined path. I think the latter is preferable, or you should make it obvious that they are chasing the player.
Pretty nice platformer, though I had some trouble with the physics feeling a little too floaty or sluggish, but maybe that's just a me problem of playing too many fast-paced precision platformers.
I think the switching is nice, but it could definitely use some platform hints before you switch, since there is a switch delay.
I see what you mean. I originally wanted to have a level start animation, but I didn’t want to hurt the pace of the game. The best thing I could do would be to add a “focus” button that would let you take a peek at what’s on the other side without teleporting to it, so that new players can use it to see what awaits them on the other side, and experienced players could just skip using it.
Short, sweet experience, though as someone else mentioned the genre switch feels a little jarring.
I’m glad you liked the game! I’ve had a few people who asked me if I was going to continue working on the game, and the answer is most definitely yes.
I have some cut content that I want to add (a scrolling camera, crumbling platforms, switching platforms and maybe moving platforms too), but sadly school starts soon for me, so that means less time on personal projects. But if I do find the time, I’ll continue working on this, as there is a lot of potential to make a good game.
Thanks! About the sensitive controls, I’ve had a few playtesters who reported that the game feels a little too fast (and thus, sensitive controls). However, adjusting the game speed isn’t an easy fix, since I’ve locked the whole physics system to the framerate, so I would have to rewrite it basically from scratch.
I’m going to rewrite it anyway because the code quality is absolutely terrible, but I won’t be able to tell when I’ll do it (school starts very soon).
Nice execution of the light concept, though the platformer physics do feel a little too slow and floaty (but as mentioned in the other comments below, you do get used to it eventually).
The movement is very clunky, other than that it's an interesting use of the theme
That was a pretty cool experience (though a little easy, maybe). Good job!
Personally I went with a custom shader solution that constantly forces only 2 colors on the screen, and I can manually set both colors whenever I want (yes, I did make an acid rainbow effect, and it looks very cool)
As stated in this Devtober's jam overview tab, if you struggle to find ideas you can participate in Ludum Dare (which starts very, very soon) and maybe continue the project from this game jam throughout October.
I just listened to the podcast too (I was busy with school work, I couldn’t earlier). Some projects sound really fun, I’ll check them out as soon as I can.
About my submission, I honestly didn’t know you liked SHMUPS, I’m glad you liked it :), but I noticed after submitting the game that I made a typo somewhere in the code, which made the game a lot easier. You were normally supposed to get much more enemies over time as well as what I call « zooming » enemies (enemies that just appear on screen and go directly from the top to the bottom of the screen, so you have to avoid then).
Overall this jam was really fun (and pretty chill with the 9 days of development), thanks for hosting it!
Game Engine/Language
C#, FNA (so it's a custom engine)
Aseprite, but I lack art skills
SFXR. I thought about using FamiStudio to make NES music, but I didn't have inspiration for music, nor am I a music composer.
Both the game and the engine are open-source, I'll post a link on my game/submission's page.
For this game jam (my first game jam btw), I'm going to work with a custom engine made in C# using FNA (the engine will be made during the jam). I just have one question: is the Mac build really required? I know it's possible to port a MonoGame/FNA game to macOS, but when I did it, it wouldn't work. Linux builds works though.
I've heard web builds were a thing, but I haven't looked into how it works/how to get one working.
(Note: I'm still very new to game development. I should have started with an engine, but decided to do everything on my own to challenge myself)
The mod looks cool, but I found 2 wrong things with it
1. Creating a cast program is super hard without a guide or a tutorial
2. The mod always traces those 2 errors:
Always: mods/psi/psi.mod.gml[L652,c28] Variable is not an array
When trying to shoot with a CAD device: mods/psi/mods/default/cad.wep.gml[L34,c5] `102210` (Player) does not have a variable `spellAssemblerVisible`
best game-breaking mod out there
Note: take mutations that include patience at all cost for a better effect
For some reason when I'm playing this demo on Brave, it stops loading and sends an error, but when I try to play it on Edge, the mouse cursor is not visible!
Now this will be my new FL Studio app
Haven't noticed that until now, but there's controller support. How did you manage to do that on a web page??
There's no Exit button...
This game is so siiiiiiiiick
I can't wait for full version, so cool!
But refering to your first video of making the game, there are a lot of glitches involving your rewritting of the 1st person movement