That's very confusing to me. An example would help. What are the six tables on page 8 used for? Are page 6 the agendas? Then why is the headline Agenda on the bottom of the page?
A member registered Jun 17, 2022
Recent community posts
It would be cool if there would be a way to add custom roll tables which the user could add. The user adds a number of events and can randomly role on this table. This way tables/oracles from other GM emulators or systems could be added. It would also be nice to also add custom assets, monsters, ect.
I am missing a little bit a campaign log containing metagame information like in the Ironsworn Companion. Autologgings for orcales, fights, etc. would be cool.
Thank you for the super quick answer! Forget about it! It seems only to happen if I start the app and have to login. After that it seems to work.