Thanks for the great feedback! It's built with Bitsy, which doesn't support sound unfortunately. If I had time I would have at least tried to embed a low level ambient track I think :).
Joe Shelton
Creator of
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Love the art for the cubes. Sound is also really well implemented. I would say this is one of the most commercially viable submissions I've seen.
If I was to offer any criticisms, it would be that the puzzle mechanics themselves are mostly familiar/derivative (although I understand that is often necessary given the time constraints), and I'm not sure I got how the game fits the 'one time use' theme (probably just me!).
All in all, excellent!!! Well done! :)
Love the UI and graphics. One of the more commercial submissions I've seen :)
Sadly my laptop was unable to run the game to a point where it was playable (output about 5fps). Not sure why. :(
Loving the art for this, particularly the map. Sadly I am no way near good enough to beat the first level... I assume that is just my lack of ability though!
Thanks for the feedback! Not sure you noticed, but the title screen has a 'help' option that shows you it's just arrow keys. I'll take the feedback on board though to make it clearer :).
Thank you for the constructive feedback! It's funny because 'too on the nose' were the EXACT words I said to my wife yesterday as one of my concerns. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen work commitments, I only had a few hours (8 or so) to make the game, so all the dialogue was written more or less first time, as it came into my head. I only had time for two passes for grammar checking! >.<
I also really wanted to add more agency for the player, but in Bitsy it's very time-consuming so it didn't make it in :).
Thanks again!
This is superb. I got some real inspiration from your art, and the way you used room changes to make the lighting change. I wish you had a donation option :). I like to contribute to creators that help improve my own work!