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A member registered Mar 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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or planning for a kids-friendly horror game with no strong langunge? (age 1-8) and with strong langunge but having good choice statements? (age 9-13) can you answer it purposely?

and will you make a chatroom 203 is less danger of a kids under 14?

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Is it good for kids under 1-13 years old play or knowing your game?

and your reaction?

(4 edits)

Make the game of me and everyone and called "me n' everyone" and make sure you have your own narrative speaking. and the game take place you on the huge rooms and with 18-years-old fit rooms and make your game as simple as you want and takes place on your 14-years-old girlfriends with the hallucination and make like 3 chapters but this is little differents it would be on book 2

14-years-old girlfriends (main) book 2 chapter 1

yourslef (main) book 2 chapter 2

14-years-old girlfriends book 2 chapter 3

gameplay length : 15 minutes (book 2 chapter 1)

gameplay length : 10 minutes (book 2 chapter 2)

gameplay length : 40 minutes (book 2 chapter 3)

and make your choices game. and book 3 came out on 22.12.2023

book 2 chapter 1 : 11.12.2023

book 2 chapter 2 : 16.12.2023

book 2 chapter 3 : 18.12.2023

Total Gameplay Length : 65 Minutes

Why You Take A Break Kid?

(2 edits)

1970 + 53 =









Plot Twist : Yuri In Japan Is 53 Years Old

what if this game has 3D and was created for First-Person-Horror. it will be greeted so scarier right?

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And Remember To Share Your Thoughts

(5 edits)

Ok Ok Now Now Where's The 2nd Episode?

Idea In The 2nd Episode (Predict In 09/11/2023)

NoIdeaField Idea
1Make A Game About The 9-years-old Boy Name MikeMake The Game A Bit Scarier And Good Storyline

Storyline/Plot : Before  Nathan Boew Going To The House. The Kids Name Mike Decided To Have A Brand New Home But This Home Fill With Mysterious Way. And Mike Decided To Leave The House And Go Make A New Life In South Of Wyoming. Before Going To South Wyoming This Little Kids Must Warn The Kids, Teen Or Adult Not Go Through To The House And It's Been 3 Years Ago And Now, Nathan Boew Is Going Through The House Now "Where's A Mike And How Old Is A Mike?" Well...It's Unknownly And We Know That The Mike 3 Years Before Is 6. And 3 Years After It's 9 Years Old. And Decided To Go On The States Where Nathan Boew. Lived And Was A Mess So, Mike Going To Where's The Rooms Of Nathan Boew And Warn  Them But Nathan Boew Don't Actually Understand Of Their Feeling. So After That Incident Nathan Boew Became Scared Of What Outcome. He Does And In The 2nd Chapter We Could Tell That We Are A 9-years-old Mike.

Possible Dates : 09/11/2023

Impossible Dates : 12/11/2023

Depends, Of What Next Outcomes The Possible Date Will Be 9/11 Of 2023 And Impossible Date On 12/11 Of 2023 And I'm The Feedback Kid And Stories/Plot Kid.

And It's Does Have A Storyline/Plot Cause Now I'm Know About This Game And You Can Read Averagely As You Can

Oh...And You Can Express The Storyline/Plot Differently As Yours You Can Put Joke, Serious, Or Others

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Add Backrooms Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 20, 22, 24, 80, The End, 100, 250 And 404

Now Can You Add A Langunge System, You Know It Will Take Some Rest Of The Time But Just Add Spanish.(IFW) And (IFW) It's (If You Want)

3D Versions  Update

(5 edits)

but do you sure will add indonesians langunges support? but...please updating indonesians langunges support sooner or later...that's i'm to hope maybe 11th November will upcoming update i will wait until 11th or 12th November 2023.and i'm the feedbacks of the update in a way...just to make sure on accurate date so...i hope it would be accurate and China and Indonesia is having really great relationship and (the USA) too.

It's really good but fixed few of the grammar please 

Gameplay 5/5

Really good gameplay

Spookyness 4/5

And my suggestions is make the scarier areas

OGG 3/5

And my suggestion is making rtx or something like that and it's very decents of the graphics

OGA 5/5

Very good of their original game audio and had a scarier vibe

Theme 4/5

It is so good and there is no needed to more to be improved

Overall : 21/25

You did perfectly well of making the horror halloween game but must improve only the profency of your grammar well

add the kids perpectives please

can you add indonesians langunges support? or javanesse langunge support and uses google translates

(1 edit)

Add English

Add Scary Hallway

Add 18 Or Above Restriction (This Is Only Applied In The April Fools Joke)

Add Multiplayer System

And Add Player IRL Face Start To Head To Leg

Ayoooo! WTF Is This You Can't Show To A Little Kids

(1 edit)

yes plz

wow you make game for me so impressive


hmmmm...i'm 13. wait? is that? safe?

are this game is suitable under 8 years old? <8 years old?


dude that the worst game kids played they are having jumpscares something like that. it's offensive! because your tried to make kids even very rude to talk about!

this kids nightmare has a great puzzle and interactive physicals environmental, and this game might be great in the future days, keep it up!

can you make a kids horror game that not contains some cartoonish violance????

hmmm...are you making a new horror game right now? because they are 2.2 billion kids waiting to your game

hmmmm...seems like aren't suitable for kids then, but how?

Are You Going To Make Kids Pysecopth?

Are The Game Is Good To Kid Under 8 Years Old? 

(2 edits)


hmmmm....seems familiar it's been deleted in 2 days, but we will wait at April Fools 2024 then, and see what's additional update it was and we will see in May 2023 and see what's more April Fools does.

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hmmm...seems strikethrough do not to add a strikethrough... apparently needed to survive seems kids can now see your game but...seems it strikethrough and doesn't match on topic. it's not best to have fun but needed have fun have mean Irregular verb but having fun mean adjective.

oh...just that?

(1 edit)

are it suitable for a kids under 8 years old? (motivations only)