Awesome, thanks for the kind comment!
Peter Mackay
A member registered Nov 01, 2016 · View creator page →
Creator of
Fictional sequel to North & South, for AmiGameJam 2024
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North & South Wars (Amiga) jam comments · Replied to dcbueller in North & South Wars (Amiga) jam comments
North & South Wars (Amiga) comments · Replied to Retro Gaming Dino in North & South Wars (Amiga) comments
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Hi, I was wondering what font you used for the status panel numbers? It looks much nicer than the arcade font. 😍
A couple of YouTube videos! Thank you Ransom and Saberman!
Both died at the swords, maybe they are too hard?
It is possible to kill the swords without being hit, but don't stay underneath them where they can stab you. They're very fast.
Can anyone get to the end? There are a few more enemy types and another background not in the videos.