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A member registered Dec 29, 2016

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For any player that wants to have a baseline for how long it takes if you do everything, this is my "record".

I would love to have a full resolution looping video of the end state with no buttons so that I could put it as an animated wallpaper, like the attached image, but an infinite looping video.

Blue squares are easily irrelevant by just placing a red surrounded by greens.

In just a few prestiges you need to move to the sides too often, so Full Screen would become useful.

It should be possible to hold click to place towers without pressing for each cell.

There should be upgrades that increase the Points you get and that lower the chance of reset, for now it's barely a game.

Maybe you could make it a secondary game mode, like Chaos mode, fix it in one, keep it in the other.

Or maybe in the settings before playing.

Did not check when this happened (because it was sudden), but I got this error while playing it.

!! This post contains spoilers for Bar Breaker !!

Hi there, a few hours ago I purchased Bar Breaker, I really like the aesthetics, the pixelart, and the progression of upgrades.

Additionally there's a few things I wanna point out:

  • First, some sounds, like lightning, are somewhat irritating, and when you muted some stay for a few seconds (finishing the clip).
  • After muting sound there seems to be arbitrary idle sounds popping once in a while (like chip damage).
  • DPS Value becomes useless after getting most upgrades.
  • Cross Slash's description contains two and in a row (powerful and and fast).
  • Buttons look rhombic, but are squared, making it easy to click an unintended button.

Here's a few suggestions:

  • Idle Click Delay should be somewhat more generous (as clicking 3 times every second is already faster without the upgrade).
  • After getting all upgrades (or maybe at all times), money should have the option to be used to deal a % of damage to the bar.
  • Bloom and sound should be a gradient of values (instead of just a toggle).

I hope I don't come out as attacking, I really enjoy this game and I want it to be the best version of itself, and I hope I was helpful in that regard.

But other than that, thank you for your time, and let's make this thing happen.

Spoiler for some of the upgrades, stop reading if you don't wanna know:

Why does it say that the name tag does nothing?

I got bored when I wasn't able to do anything fast enough to enjoy it, so I bought the name tag to finish the game but a new upgrade appeared. Is that a bug, was the name tag supposed to be at the end? Because it did something other than add a name.

Big update idea I have, the ability to combine balls:

Imagine you pick sniper and bomb ball and now you have a bomb that always moves towards the closest box. Or you pick the money and scatter ball and now you have small pegs that also give you money.

And for some reason I think that if you had the ability to mix the simple ball with anything else the only thing you get would be slightly more damage and slightly cheaper upgrades, that may need some more thinking.

But other than that, what do you think?

That's why I said proper, because altf4 is always available, but always improvable, I was just expecting a close button inside the game.

The download version doesn't have a proper exit, or I couldn't find it.

My record is 16 moves, how about you?

I checked and there's a few ways to make only 5. 4 might be possible, but I'm unable to calculate a better combination due to only having the values in the corner.

Is 5 the minimum amount of unselected resources while achiving balance?