Simply glorious!
The only thing that kept me a bit puzzled was FOV. Enemies and objects felt a bit too far, but other than that - its just amazing entry. Voice acting was awesme - was grinning a lot while fighting!
Simply glorious!
The only thing that kept me a bit puzzled was FOV. Enemies and objects felt a bit too far, but other than that - its just amazing entry. Voice acting was awesme - was grinning a lot while fighting!
This is a very good idea and entry! I would love enemy actions to be faster though, it takes a while for them to prepare, hit and, as I understand, I cannot do anything to stop it.
I got lost on the third level (exit was blocked by webs and I couldn't understand what to do).
Teleport was a strange one to use, it seemed that it only prevents one attack, which is kind of pointless, since its basically you skip a turn and enemy skipts a turn. And blizzard seemed to be reduntant, since either enemy die from one fireball, or two. But they still would die to two blizzards either way. Arachnophobia helped to kill slimes in one turn though. Maybe other levels would give blizzard a chance - idk.
Everything was good otherwise! Liked how it sounds and how it looks!
I got lost :) I killed thing that looked different (and had loads of hp looks like), but I never found exit...
It felt like combat is too fast for a combo play. When I would want to make specific combos - I would lose pretty much instantly. Best way was to mash all the buttons and kill/stun everything - that way I never took damage even :)) But its quite interesting to see that concept in general for a DC kind of game. Its quite hard to balance that kind of gameplay with not turn based combat, so I salute that bravery to try and pull it. It works. Is it in its best shape? No, but it works. It can be improved uppon later, but concept is right there.
And I would love to see it develop in something unique and big in future for sure!
Oh I just assumed its a bomb! I guess I just wished to blow whole station up and that kind of looked like a device to do the job :D
Completed the 3 temples. Here are my insights:
Combat. Ooof that one is a hard one! With no tooltips and only gut to follow through I got enough insight to see that "default items are not consumed, others maybe consumed, but sometimes don't" and "bottom lenses - one to heal and another is to deal damage". But there are so much STUFF. I see some heal/damage for more. And I don't know how to distinquish any of it.
I was mostly running away from mobs, collecting materials and engaging boss only. This is partly due to how hard it is to engage. They will only attack you if you are directly on their path and they move... so that was a lot of time needed trying to fight them and I am not sure if they got any loot in them or anything. Run and collect tactic worked like a charm anyhow...
I would love better explanation of combat system, more agressive mobs and... more missions to fly to :)
I encountered a bug with revolver several times :(
The thing that I getting most of the issues with is how different scenes feel in terms of the fov. Oftentimes you see an enemy and it feels like it is still far away, but you already in melee range and can attack with a dagger. And then you explore and sometimes everything is right in your face or again too far away, but they are 'next cell' from you at the same time. It is hard to get used to that.
Also would love some more feedback on being hit. That zombie on the stairs was the worst offender! I didn't understand where I was attacked from at first and then I saw his legs!
Would love fast bluring of the screen on when writting appears after opening the door. Something to 'emphase' it appearance. Not just 'bam! here!' moment. Sound is nice, but some effect on screen would be amazing!
All in all, its shame that gun bug happens and its really feels like impossible just to hack your way without it... But what I saw was quite nice with a lot of potential to be a good scary jorney!
Really nice entry! So much stuff in here.
Though when I decided to heal after second plannet - i got 'dream' with unkillable zombie? Couldn't snap out of it, I guess I am stuck there :D
Quite a nice story so far, though. I didn't find second piece of the weapon, but... not sure it would help me in that dream either haha!
The only real complain I have is how slow it felt to move. Though, maybe, its to make it more tense. Other than that - really nice entry. Two unique planets visited with unique mechanics. Ship itself. Dream.. I enjoyed it!
I found a bow that said it was an exelent sword... it equiped as if it was melee, so I trust its identity :D Same went with sling that is awesome bow... that also equiped as melee weapon.
Such a huge map! Verticality, different places to explore... pressure plates, inventory, keys, skills and abilities (btw, staff profficiency costs 0 and you can spam it). Its great.
Speaking of keys. Found two keys. Two doors with keyholes. Can't seem to use any of the keys on any of the keyholes...
Got heart-brain, I guess something that I need to do with it is behind those doors. Don't know why I can't open them though :) Not sure about the plates with symbols either.
But everything is in there - its fun to play (even though mobs give too much exp, but better that than too little for a jam entry). Would love to finish, but I think I am stuck :(
You win and then it just kicks you out! RUDE!
Movement was okay. I didn't quite like shake of the whole screen on being attacked... A bit too violent and disorienting.
It was confusing at first with repair. Glad I noticed another item desapearing from inventory... I would be more confused if I had none and would just try to repair craft over and over again. Some hint there could do a work.
It got basics, just needs beef and better feedback on repairs and attacks. And a bit less on damage :D
Wish I could read what skills do before I would use them. And you continue to do damage to 'defeated' oponent for a round if you selected it.
I found exit a bit too fast, maybe. Just following one wall and having two battles. I tried to explore more after, but looks like there are not much of anything else - two types of enemies and no leveling?
All in all - its a good foundation for a crawler! Keep it up!
Odd, that there was good enough tutorial, but it never mentioned reload, even though you are out of ammo at start. I guess it was planned, but jam-time panic missed that one!
Good movement, good shooting with reload. I though of killing all the zombies at first in last room, but then decided just to run and completed game that way. Last room was a good possibility to teach player why hiding lamp is good. Something like that scary at start (with a tip to hide the lamp) could do the trick!
Overal solid entry!
Got all 4 endings :) Worth to seek the 4th tbh. Just for the text!
There is no combat, but story was nice. It was well polished and really set mood up nicely. Music in main menu rocks btw (though you have to give it a time to hear a real banger).
I was preplexed by not being able to pickup the bomb...
Great stuff :)
First thing I did is ran through door behind me and fell through the level. Then I did the same with second door in front of me. I was running around, sometimes through objects and walls... if they were illusionary walls - they looked glitchy. I couldn't pick up objects or use anything that I ran across.. You can go inside the table and it will be huge for some reason.
It looks promising, but sadly is unplayable at this moment :(
I successfully escaped the dungeon, but there is no 'close' button :)
So the movement. You have to speed it up just a bit. Imagine you walking around. It wont be that slow! Keep in mind that you have to make movement and turn same speed. You also missing move back button for some reason!
There was something wrong with grid size. Sometimes it felt that I can go left or right (3 tiles corridor), but i couldn't. And there was a lot of z-fighting on the walls and objects kind of clipping it from another side too.
I was surprised that you have music for the boss battle, but were lacking flavour sounds. Would love more battle sounds and feedback in combat.
Card game itself was nice. Weak mechanic (that reduced incoming damage by half), shielding and hitting (aoe and stong hit as power moves), shield break (that might be way too op later on!). Nothing too fancy, but it works. But there were some bugs in it... sometimes turn will 'end' by itself with mobs not doing damage and me gaining energy back with new hand or there also this bug where I had not 4, but more cards (they were hidding under initial 4 and I even could use them with a bit of mouse dancing around). Mob effects were all clear, except that fist attack - was that one supposed to go through the shield? Was hard to notice if it different from sword one.
That game still held me to the end, so there is that :)
I like how it looks, how it sounds. The bulls, environments... Its all quite well polished and put together!
I want to talk about defend mechanic and items though. Thing is - currently you want to use items/defend only when eveything went poorly beforehand. So basically, when you are already on low sanity. Pills become useless (as damage is getting higher), Defend loses sanity and you also unable to utilize it by then.
I went with 0 defend or items used up until last stage basically.. and then I died after unlucky attempt to escape (failed like 5 in row - its quite unlucky at this point!), thinking that using pills would at least give me time to use defend after (idk why i though that. but here is that). It almost always safe to just run without taking defend. And when stuff start to be harder - you already failed, since you are already at low sanity to use anything.
Maybe make running not as powerful at start so player will get used to use defend and managing of sanity? Also still not sure how to use pills, since in combat they are useless - you get hit right after and chances are - for more than pill heals for.
But game is fun and has even more potential.
Its raw around the edges for sure. When you re-spawn you also respawn in a bugged room as well, but you can see exit and continue.
I don't get that part with balls exploding and lasers shooting. It feels like I am steping on the tile that is not marked red - it should be safe, but I get teleported back into dark room (dead). Tried to tripplejump and stop time to move. But it always looks like red is unsafe and empty space is sometimes safe, sometimes isn't. It didn't trigger in me how it should work. And I was happy to see that puzzle at first :( It probably some visual bugs that I encounter or somesuch.
Its a good start. There is basics of everything, just bugs prevent people from enjoying it :(
No ability to move backwards is a strange desition. Strafing also impossible.
About sluggish movement - in general what you want to achieve with movement is for it to take same time to move or turn. Otherwise it will feel sluggish even if in general turning will be also fast. In your case though - turning is very-very slow and it combines with very fast movement forward, that combination makes it feel even worse than if both of them would be slow to be honest. It just feels terrible to turn and there is no other option!
Buttons for attack and use energy were so small on my screen, that I didn't notice them at first! Its general issue of many jam games - you kind of need either to scale UI or lock resolution somehow.
Combat felt okay, energy restoration places could be more clear about them depleting though. At first I saw that they are still selectable and was under impression that I can come back and restore energy again. But nope!
All in all - a solid start and with some polish and beef could be awesome entry indeed.
I was almost at the end (last wave) and didn't notice that they 'burrowed' another entry, so I lost. Didn't want to replay from start again, but basically saw all mechanics for a feedback.
This game also suffers from UI not scalling with resolution. You can see how it looked on my screen, for example:
Playing in tiny window was even harder :) But I apreciate how it looks in it and in screenshots that are available. Its really neat, cool looking little game.
One thing, though, I would move ore counter to somewhere where it will be visible at all times. You have those UI panels that you can attach it to. Either top or bottom one works, it just that sometimes its hard to see ore on top of the wall texture. It even apparent on provided screens. On mine - it was even worse, since it is so tiny. Its hard to locate it initially too.
A bit of more clarity on how to use traps would do good. It took me a moment to figure out that you select trap and then press space to place them... Also Space is 'return home' and when you mashing 'placing trap' and deselect trap after placing one... you return home and place new trap in a terrible possition. Its not a totally gamebreaking, but a bit annoying, especially at the start, when you try to fast-pace self into building first line of the defense.
I would love faster movement in general, since it feels a bit sluggish with how character is controlled. Unless, of course, that is designed that way to make it harder.
You also can stand at the side of the wave and hit everything without them hitting you in return. Maybe they should have a bit of aggro. Atleast one hit while passing through?
Making tower defense in dungeon crawler... as a jam entry! Its hard by its own. All traps had unique effects and I apreciate that. All in all - a very ambicious entry!
Thank you for playing!
Slaying cyclops was harder than to run from them, unless they are siting and you can kind of aproach from the side and one-hit them. But drinking from that jar was a funny experience :)))
One thing to keep an eye out is perspective. Its generally best if you can see tile under you a bit, especially if game features items that you are able to pick up from the floor.
You did well on making splashes from when you do hit the enemy. That and sound gives basic feedback for player to know he did right hit, but collisions are a bit iffy - cyclops can go through you, from looks of it. Maybe its standart issue of player moving forward at the same time as enemy and they getting into the same cell.
Movement was good enough! I would always try and make turn same speed as walk though, so it wouldn't feel that you have to strafe instead of turning for fast movements. Its not an issue in your entry, but if you will be doing some nice labyrinths or alike - it will be good thing to keep in mind!
Nice touch with cyclops agro sounds. Was kind of funny to hear it all when they appear to block your escape and just roar, while rushing for you.
UI always has that anoying issue of being dependant on the resolution. I could barelly see text and icons on my screen, so it was a bit too tiny. Keep in mind, that you have to scale UI with screen resolution for your future projects.
All in all - its a good first attempt especially since you are brand new to game development! Keep on going :)
Oh I had I lot of fun even with combat that I didn't personally understood. Would be awesome to trigger different kind of attacks based on how or where you clicked. And mobs have 'block/avoidance' based on how they positioned or in general (side strikes not working on skeletons with shield because of the shield etc).
And maybe having some possibility of defence maneuvers, unless runing back is a tactic in mind. Though with that tactic its practically impossible to get hit at the moment :)
And daymn... I wonder where those missed coins are o,O gotta collect them all somehow :D
Best wife ever :D Very caring!
So there are few things I didn't quite get right, I guess. When I pick up stuff from the fridge and want to get it to the stove where one food item is already ready - all my raw food gets just replaced by one 'ready' one and I practically miss a chance to start cooking again. Probably should first try to put raw on empty space and only then pick up cooked food.
Those portals... maybe they need to be more obvious. Louder noise maybe? Counter of "portal active" in the top right corner as possibility too.
Movement slow, but I guess its to balance difficulty. Though having to turn (no ability to strafe into) stairs kind of painful! Since turning is slow too! It promotes really awkward way of moving to optimize it.
There is something strange with FOV. We 'face into' the wall, but apliances feel like 1 tile away, for example. And yet they are wide, so its strange first couple of times you try to interact with them.
All in all - great entry. Loved the general idea of feeding hungry wife to safe everyone!
Thank you for playing!
Yes, there is a bunch of things we needed to fix for the enemies and combat systems.. enemy able to take a step and attack is one of them - it does look like a diagonal hit that way. Character also has a little bigger hitbox than he should... so he gets hit with projectiles that look like they should've missed. And visibility of when and how to use abilities too. Projectiles are usable in range and line of sight, not nessesary in a straight line. Its a bit unusual after all...
And you are not crazy - 90 degrees rotator does exitst :)
Thank you for playing and for a feedback!
Sadly, I also encountered 'being stuck after battle' bug multiple times. Looks like it happens on rats for me. But played quite a bit to check how it goes. Battled a Rat, a Server (i think? a human-like rat), a Maid, and a Stalker so far. Saw teleports :) nice!
First - story. I am not sure what happened after narrative and first look at the hotel. Everyone hit by meteor shards kind of? There is just a sliver of pre-story missing, but that kind of feels important, judging from all love put into story prior. Only thing 'connecting' everything is that we are still in a hotel with meteor-like shards everywhere. But why we suddenly alone in there with closed door to some dimension maybe and everything is suddenly scary? Btw, if you fast skipping the story it always 'stuck' on 'a rock from space? i have to see it' moment. And you have to listen it through (with repeated phrases) to continue.
Visuals are good, music is tense, voiceover was a nice touch (even if only one person had a good mic! ;) ). The only complain I have would be that free look with mouse feature... it really doesn't seem to be needed for the gameplay and confuses more than helps outside of the battle (also it not only moves left-right-up-down, but tilts view for some reason, making it even harder to use). Probably the game would feel much better with no free look at all. Unless there is some mechanic I haven't actually manage to reach...
Combat felt really good. Maybe you can speed up animation of resolution a bit, but other than that - I liked need to balance body and mind and how you use them both as a resourse every time. 'One time use' mechanic maybe also could be explained in rules menu... its one time per battle or one time only? Was hard for me to tell with freezing after combat bug :( Sometimes I could do several battles and sometimes would get freeze on the first one.
Attack first move didn't seem to work properly. Used it against block moves and it felt that i should be hitting before enemy would place the block, but no. No hit was registered. Its shame though - it was one of interesting mechanics to me.
All in all its hell of a shame that there is such a stopper in a way (lock of controls after battle). Would love to try and get to the end otherwise :(
Looks like I bugged the game right at the very end! I stepped into portal and it froze.
Here is my collection: 11 zooperdans, 56 coins. 1 zooperdan was a healing (?) flask though.
Combat felt a bit strange.. I never figured out how it trully works. My tactic was to engage in combat, hit 2-3 different places that are clickable, move away from the mob, wait for its attack animation and repeat. 0 health lost that way. But attacks never felt like they follow any patern depending on where I would click or how I would move my mouse... it felt totally random. And sometimes character would do long animation of just screaming on an enemy too. Not sure if that did anything. Screaming on jars never helped either!
Had to restart right at the very end. When I dropped the cube from above to make passageway to the exit, I moved it forward (I didn't jump after it at first - I just went to the exit and clicked on cube from there). It got stuck on those closed gates in the floor and I couldn;t move it back. So I hardlocked myself from completing game that way. Second attempt I just jumped after and was very careful not to move it on those gates anylonger! Worked much better. :D
All in all - beautiful entry. Loved those commentaries. "I feel like Dan somewhere here" "I knew it!" :D
BTW, you also could pick up first bone and drop it in the wall by missclicking inventory slot... did it first time :) But that is me, getting all the bugs possible each time >_<
Thank you for playing!
Yes, that rotator in there to stop you on track :) You need to plan movements to avoid it basically. We probably needed to introduce it somewhere less letal first :)
Yes.. saving game is something we really need to do. We run out of time for that one - healing rooms were supposed to also work as checkpoints, but couldn't make it in time ;(
Thank you very much for playing!
Thank you for playing!
Yes, certanly could introduce buttons... we wanted to keep them for hidden places and use levers for open places, but kind of run out of time and decided to stick with buttons... could try to make them bigger for visibility though, really.
Invisible walls did have something special to distinquish them from others. Once you will see it - you will have easy time locating the rest (except couple that are designed to be harder to find). Was planning to make them as accident discovery. Now to think about it - could use button in first room instead and keep walls as a secret hmm..
Combat was scrapped and replaced.. and it kind of shows. Couple of things stayed there as unintentional consiquences of switch :( Like move with instant attack.
Time... never enough time! :D
Are there two levers in level one? I for the sake of me cannot find the second...
I will try again later. I guess I am lost.. about a hour of playing and I can comment on the first level only, sadly, for now.
The game is super-small on my screen, but playable. Loved the aestetic of pixel art all around and enjoyed names for enemies that I've met so far. Especially combinations of enemies. Everything is really cute in "the town" too. With little cutscenes too. Sleeping and Ressing felt like a lot of love was put into it.
Personally I would make movement a little bit faster. Its a lot of exploration and moving slow while lost make it a bit of a chore.
Skely had insight about where we are, its was quite nice. Echolocation didn't help me much, because i am terrible at remembering things :D Probably should take pen and draw stuff, but there is one little thing prevents me from doing that (its a baby). But its neat feature too. You able to see part of the map and it can be useful.
Loved that jumping bridges mini puzzle and the way trap hidden door was actually hinted on :)
Music a lot of love. I wonder how hard it was not to make FF victory song? ;D
All in all a very solid game. Would play more, but need to jump rating others too :)
Thank you!
I have an idea how we can make that wall more discoverable... If we will be making fixes - we probably will try that one! Glad you liked it at the end :)
That how I was doing it! Run into the guy several times and died ;< Left strat works, but not when there is a mad owner of the property in there too! :D
That bug only happened once btw. So I am not sure if it was because I went to ghosts prior or not... it was odd one.
Right from get go - I LOVE how crisp and detailed everything looks. It so hard to make monochrome work, in my opinion, but you nailed it so well. Its great.
I saved 8 cats only first time though (but managed to escape first attempt 1409 points). Second attempt I found all cats (7 this time), but haven't found exit and died after unfortunate Gug encounter bringing me a bit too low. Dungeons looks like at least partly random generated? Replayability with scores - nice!
Would like to have something like health potions to heal after Gugs! Maybe some shop to spend gold in future?
(Also, if I may... can you make so your engine is a little bit less messy? I mean folder specifically... maybe make subfolder with all resourses (maybe even pack them?), so they are not laying there all open? Its not a totally big deal, but it may be awkward for future more mass user.)
Thanks for that entry, had loads of fun collecting cats! Meow! :)
This one is great.
I really liked that distorted effect when things are far away. And how everything felt just right. Long reload? Pfff. Don't you hear - I fire from a hecking cannon! There was a moment with monster coming from behind. Really got a jump out of me :)
Liked how you can hear them moving too. Really nice entry.
I'll be honest - i noped out of the blood marks and never looked into that room :D
Game is awesome. There is slight freeze at the start - first turn or so. But then it was smooth and nice. You made me touch... what? And I... did it? Oof... Also, amazing idea with second world being so much different (yet having same kind of medkits hehehe). That escape thing... a bit too much of shaking - I even got nauseous hahah, I fully expected THAT to be warp animation btw! Also why couldn't we use wasd in there? Only arrowkeys :( I got confused!
I don't think I can comment anything useful here. Its a full fledged short game with cinematic parts - it doesn't feel as it was rushed jam entry :o
Edit: One thing, actually, might be helpful. Wall thickness - try to have a bit of volume on them. Otherwise nasty glitches may happen - room next to one with posters - you can see flicker of a poster on a wall in certain angles. Those flikers hard to battle, tbh. And in general walls look way cooler if they are wider than one pixel :) Otherwise - keep on going. For first jam that is a really strong entry!
I liked aestetic of dungeon itself, map.. movement and combat though need a bit of work. Both a too slow, painfully so sometimes. And those bandit with knifes... there are many of them and they avoid almost all attacks, including throwing knifes. Using web helps, but it feels like it 'stuns' them for one turn and when there are two of them - you get hit way too much from second one. Fighting them is more frustration than difficulty, since its quickly turns into a luck vs endurance kind of game.
Speaking of knifes - it may be some resolution issue, but using them was really difficult to me. There is like few pixels that you can click to trigger attack with them and they are not always at the same place (?) its just guessing game of 'where should i click around the knifes to trigger them this time'. Other items seemed fine with where i had to click them, so I have no idea what is up with those knifes :(
I skipped end scene :<
Were there other guns, except starter one? I never found any. Game only 'hard' at the start where you may get unlucky with health and ammo pickups... but then it just exploration, really. Challenge ends right as soon as you get couple of ammo boxes and one or two health pickups. After you get those accuracy chips ammo won't be issue at all. Damn, that person is terrible at aiming before it.
3 days to make random generated dungeon (even though they are made from 'premade' pieces) with good shooting mechanic, all this beef around... even Eye in the space? That is damn great time management o,O The only issue is 'starting pack', game becoming too easy after it and endscreen being so easy to skip...
Damn, I am in shock!
Great entry. Nice puzzles too! I done all, but blue... I am not sure about what to do with blue. I think its patroles around and you can hide, but not sure how to do it. Got key, but still couldn't find the door..
I encountered one strange bug, that looks like happened only to me, seeing other comments not mentioning it. In the red room I was unable to move forward. Killed enemies from the enterance, thinking it is how it should be. But only after restart saw that it is not! I was in that sneaky ghost one before and though that its a ghost infront of me, but nothing of sorts. Just like a wall that I was able to shoot through. I also had first enemy next to lion wall invisible for some reason once too...
Will try to get through blue... but feels like i am getting lost too much in there and getting stomped everytime...