Hiii! @Ericbomb, are you still working on this project? I would like to ask you some questions too, but I don't know where I can send you messages like email or discord. I'd be happy to talk to you about some of the things I was thinking about. :)
Recent community posts
Hey, thanks a lot!
These fact characters are well done, I liked every one of them, haha.
You described it very well. I am extremely grateful for that. Now we just have to wait for version 0.6!
Good morning Friend!
Thank you very much! Yes, I would love for you to say more about the other characters!
I've played this game before and it's perfect in every way. But unfortunately, as I don't see, it's hard for me to know what the characters are like. So I really appreciate you telling me how they are! :)
I'll be waiting to learn more about the other characters, especially Luna! Luna Forever.
Hmmm, thanks I guess...
Anyone who has played Eternum fully, could you tell me something?
How are the characters described? Annie, Luna, Xang, and all those? The more characters described the better, hehe.
I would love to know what their design is, like hair, eyes, face, body, the clothes they wear, in short.
I had this curiosity today, because I remembered that when I played I didn't remember wanting to know how they were. So who can describe me all or some, I appreciate it!
This game is amazing, without a doubt one of the games I loved.
I only have one small problem, which is when I start a new game.
The screen doesn't read with TTS which is a problem for me as I can't figure out what I need to set ETC. Could you adjust this so that the game's TTS reads it? Thanks!
Other than that, the whole game is playable with TTS, which I really appreciate, hehe.
Very good Congratulations.
Man, I don't even have words after finishing 0.5. That w-was amazing. The beginning, the moments we spent, and boy, the ending. Not saying anything about it so as not to give spoilers to those who haven't played it yet... But seriously, perfect. I'm not surprised by almost anything, but this game... It... It manages to surprise me more and more... And Happy! When will you have a new version? I tried to think 4 months from now as usual, but I'm not very good with calendars in my mind, so maybe June or July? I get confused. In the end. Congratulations to everyone who created this game, I hope we have at least until version 0.99! Okay, okay, it's a lot, but for this game, I'd put up with even the loudest version out there. Besides, I only have a few small things to ask. I'm Visually Impaired, and I have a few friends who are, and they play this game. The game works fine, you can play without any problems, and I thank you for all that! I would just like to ask that the main menu be accessible with TTS. I don't know how it works, but normally my Screen Reader can't read the options of a game when it's done only in graphics. Same thing on the ring red server with Luna and Annie, at the house... But apart from that and a few other locations, I love it more and more! I played this new version from the beginning, from the beginning of the game to remember everything. Sorry for so many things, but I needed to say how much this game means to me. Helps me get over some, um, moments I've been having. Again, thanks and keep up the work! When possible, I will subscribe to Patreon! Thanks for all.
Hi! I'm here to say that I loved it. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it so much.
It's perfect. Music, character personalities, the mystery, the story, the, the, the whole game is perfect! If I could rate it from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest rating, I would rate it infinite. Hyper level infinity.
I can't wait for the next version. This one ended fast for me, because I couldn't stop playing. But it was so worth it. Thanks for this new version! Keep it up!
I loved this game!
Like, it's number one out of every game I've played so far.
This game is so special. The dialogues, the descriptions, the story!
I just got to the end of this version. Now I'm curious to know what will happen...
I loved it! Hope we can see the next update soon, I can't wait! Congratulations! I would definitely support it on Patreon, but I can't.
I will support with words, hehe!