Any method is valid if it gets you to the exit door!
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Sorry about that, we couldn't figure out how to fix it in time.
Oh maybe! Sorry, I guess I'm more used to playing Tetris on a controller of some sort. Still had a lot of fun with it though
Very cute, but it's a bit too easy to bump with a chain reaction and die with no control
Love the aesthetics, but had some trouble with moving the card around
Had a good time with this! Love the polish and juice, but wish there was more enemy variety other than size
Cool idea! The walking animation was funny though lol
I loved my time with this, my only complaint is that it isn't longer
Fun ideas, but some different kinds of bullet attacks would have been nice
There's lots of signs on the first level which show you what to do!
Love the style, but wish there was a bit more variety
The mechanics in this were really cool!
Art style is really nice! Handling the blocks was rough though
Fun puzzles in this one!
I had no idea how to work this game but it was fun
Really fun! Kind of slow but still had a good time with it
This game was fun for the time I played it, but the weird respawning was frustrating
Really good game, would play a full version
Had a lot of fun with the puzzles in this
Fun game, but the controls were cumbersome (space/ctrl/shift etc, felt hard to memorise)
Fun game, liked the style, boss was fun but kind of annoying
Fun mechanic but the audio kind of annoyed me lol
Fun mechanic!
Fun game, had trouble with the camera though
Fun game, but wish there was an autofire
Cool mechanic!
Cool game! Love the art style, but wish there was a bit more variety in mechanics, like different things happening at different levels other than eating different looking entities
Really great game! Kinda wish there was a boss at the end or something but still very fun.
This is such a cool concept! Almost hoping this gets expanded into a full thing.
Cool game, really unique mechanic
Fun idea, needs more enemies though, but maybe I didn't get far enough
Really good looking and fun game but too hard for me lol
This should come first place
I like how the health works in this game
Fun game! Nice aesthetic
Really cool mechanic!
Mechanics were nice but the jumping made it harder than it needed to be
Didn't really get how to play but the style was nice
This is all helpful, thanks!
to go through each point 1 by 1:
- That's just a bug with the UI atm, it's because the big rectangle with text to the right is also a UI element in the hud. It's supposed to skip to the next selectable element (quit) but it doesn't. It'll be fixed by the last release of the demo.
- Not sure why that's happening, the menu in general seems choppy and I'm not sure why. Once again I'll try to fix it.
- The giant white circle isn't a bug - It's a deliberate feature. Boosting into 5 enemies within the same boost creates an explosion that kills all enemies within it. Really it should also make the player invincible or something, and have better effects.
- Shouldn't be centered, that's weird. Thanks for letting me know.
- I'm still not sure how much of a problem this is, because there are enemies that home in on the player and there'll be more enemies later on that do more complex things. If I was to dump a lot of enemies that get up in your face at the beginning of the first level, then the already niche asteroids style controls coupled with it not giving you chance to learn will make it a pain, and may turn people off. I'm gonna have to think about it.
- Argh, more forgetful things... The enemy with a circle shields enemies within it and can only be killed by boosting (boost killable enemies signaled by the white outline, like the boss-orbs). There *WAS* an effect for this, but clearly it's somehow broken. The laser pointer guy shoots a laser that instantly overheats your ship. At first it was way too aggressive, so I made it stop charging the laser when you boost. That clearly doesn't work though because it just dies before it can do anything.
- Yup sound effects are all kind of crap right now... I'm likely going to replace them all. It makes me squint too.
- The spore creature phase is just "shoot it until it shields itself again", there's no health bar yet, I probably should have added it before pushing this demo build really, I'll make it a priority.
- This has been mentioned before, it looks like slowdown but it's a deliberate freeze frame. I'm starting to think it just doesn't look that good if people interpret it at slowdown.
This is all super helpful, thanks for the in depth feedback! There's lots of little things I need to write down so I don't keep forgetting to look into them. I think there's probably better ways to incentivise movement other than lobbing lots of enemies at the player, pickups and things sound cool or death zones... I'll have to think about it. There'll definitely be more eventually - the plan is to have 3-5 levels and some extra content (and stuff to incentivize replaying those levels). I'm also really glad the boss seems fun and somewhat intuitive, I was worried it didn't look very good visually too lol