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A member registered Jun 23, 2024

Recent community posts

Could you please add more nipple fetishes in cutscenes?

If I were to sponsor a certain amount, could I expect a Korean patch?

Or, if I may be rude... could you tell me how to translate the game script files myself?

(1 edit)

What arrows does the makeshift light bowgun use?

I don't know...

I went into the cave hole to fish and got stuck again... Can you tell me what to do?

I have a question!

How can I get through the cave in the picture?

And can I save the enemy who was trapped in the savannah? If so, how can I save him?

(1 edit)

I had so much fun with this game!

One thing I wish for

I wish there was a specific button in the gallery that would take you back to the list!

And when you view multiple galleries, the images overlap!

I don't know what to do here. Please help!

(1 edit)

Is it possible to continue your progress through a save file from a previous version?

Sometimes, when you are captured by a desert tribe in a completely unrelated area, you are forced to wear the outfit that you were wearing...

I had already removed the outfit from the shaman...

My item...!!

When returning to base camp after a game over, the costumes worn by the game over event are still there. Is this a bug?

(1 edit)

I'm so happy to finally be able to play the game. Thank you for your hard work in making the game.

Where can I check my Corruption Level?

I think I've met all the conditions, but I'm wondering why the event doesn't come out.

I've made the orgasm point 10,

I've opened the northern desert area, and I've opened the jungle area,

and I haven't completed the quest, so why is this happening?

Do you have any of these?

is it here?

I don't know how to unlock the cutscene that says [You find yourself entering a western path... and pestering a newcomer and his tent. Suddenly, your corruption flares up...]

Can you tell me if that's okay?

(3 edits)

Unfortunately, this game doesn't support my native language...

It seems a bit selfish to ask for a language patch just for me... but I'd like to request it if you don't mind.

(1 edit)

Does the game have no more updates?

Is this the end?

Or are there any other updates?

I want to try the Japanese version, but I don't know how to apply it.

(2 edits)

I wonder how I can win against this guy

I just ate the key and saved it.

I can't do anything but fight with this guy.

Additionally, I don't even know how to proceed in a cyber world that went in without killing King Bandit...

I'm sorry to ask you again, but Delivery undelivered
Blocked in the middle of questing....
Can you tell me what to do..?
I'm so sorry...

thank you! I like your game

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