I think I figured it out, if the character goes to the brothel and has sex right after the combat animation looks like this, I did a test and confirmed, as long as the character doesn't have sex in the brothel the animation doesn't bug
Matheus BioGames
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The Bug appears to affect the Knight Magic, Archer, and Soldier classes.
It changes after a few turns of battle and never goes back to normal, but it only seems to affect some party members. Where do I send the save files?!
Hi, it's strange but over time some characters change the combat animation to the sex animation, I don't know if it's a bug or something, but I think I should inform you!
Female characters are without womb!
Could it be used in the MV?
Error 5 and Error 21
When the encounter with the Red Holtaurs occurs, the game minimizes and two errors occur, but it continues to work without crashing.
Seguinte, quando for baixar va na opção das pastas no Mega Folder la você encontra os patches, aí é só descompactar e soltar dentro da pasta do jogo e substituir
I had only applied 0.5.12, with 0.5.13 it solved the problem. Sorry for bothering!
Yes, I applied it and the crash continues
Every time I go to choose a character in the Brothel, the game crashes.
Uma história interessante e bem misteriosa, o que aconteceu antes? O que vai acontecer agora?! estou empolgado para saber o que vai acontecer! Gostei da gameplay e das habilidades.
Hey pessoal do Linux poderiam me dizer se o game está rodando legal no Linux?
Hey Linux guys, could you tell me if the game is running ok on Linux?
Hello, do you happen to make SV character battlers for a project in RPG Maker MV? If so, what is your price per character?