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A member registered Dec 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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thankyou for playing my game I'm glad you liked it . the game engine I used is godot

over all its a reely nice proto type i asume your not done

great artch 

nice crab

i love the way you sloly rise over time

nice affect were the blue plants are in front but the red plants are behind

player hit box a bit funky

a slight patern in the back ground cos when im highter than the ground i dont know if im mooving

map / minni map could also help

oxijen miter could me cool

maybe you could zoom out the camra a bit i cant see mutch around me 

love the sounds 

i love the screen shots 

also i would put (demo 1 )in the titel of this project

thx i will make sure to remember to let people in to my game softer next time thx for playing my game it means a lot

great art but if i could move quicker it would be better

love the art

i dont like the way at the bigining  you die so quikly it means i cant go  further but other than that good comsept

gerat comsept and exicution the stars in the bacground are distracting

nice game it would of been better  if you used the up key to jump

i love the art 

great minds think alike

it would be nice if there was more anticipation on the lazer beam


there is a casuel and expert mode fyi

i cant stop dieing

this is a nice wee game but it would be good if the spider could move quiker and the platform was big

other than that great

i got 206 and i like the way it is nice and easy and then once you get to know it it gets intence


(1 edit)

it would be better if there was a stricter punishment for loss of stamina

over all good game

this is a nice wee game 

the full floor spikes is a bit to hard

check points made the game way better 

to loud

so if i make more art i could get more vots did not think of that

thx so mutch  probely to fast cos they say you are alway better at your game than other people are so

is this dnd kathulu or pathfinders

by the way i am planin g on remastering some of my game jam games

i wanted to add momentum but just ran out of time

reely good . some of the levels are a bit chricky nut over all good

you fail the trick and get better (falier is progress)