to the point that I love and I hate you
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ill check it out when i remember to
fun concept and really dope art but the character controller could use some work, cause its super slippery, and some of the puzzles are a bit annoying. but overall a slam dunk.
a fun puzzle plat former that takes me back to the times of playing fire boy and water girl on YMCA computers. good work.
really awesome, kinda feels like og quake and doom with the way that weapons work and the graphics. decently hard but in a good way.
Thank you for playing! and thank you for hosting this game jam i haven't had an opportunity to work on a game like this for awhile and this jam was perfect.
I really enjoyed this game on my first playthrough I think I went through the intended thought process and gradually realized there was something suspicious going on however at the end of the game I thought, wow I just did a genocide run, lets do a pacifist run. this is because the entire game you have the option to flee from minor enemies and the first boss says it "can smell the blood of its brothers on you" implying that it would know whether or not you killed anyone. I did really like this game and its characters however I think the ending would hit a lot harder if the player actually had a say in how it went down, that way its not bushi who caused a genocide its ME the player who did. Also the music is really good particularly the fight music from the first floor.
sorry this wasn't very clear but the gun is not to kill the creature that follows you constantly and tries to punch you that creature is invincible. The gun is to kill the monsters who also have guns. The creature constantly following you is meant more to be a nemesis from resident evil type character. Thanks for playing! I will try to make this more clear in the post jam version
good game it looks really good however it is also fairly easy to lose track of depth and the character in the darker areas of the map also the movement is a tad bit slidey , but other than those two issues this was a really good submission
yes the walls randomly do explode and it is intentional the idea being that if you barricade yourself in a room with furniture it will only last for so long. thank you for the feedback and especially thank you for playing!
really good submission I love the fighting although the double jump is unreliable and the mosquitos are invicible despite appearing to take damage. the switching in time almost feels like a rhythm game and is super satisfying.
cool little platformer though there isnt a lot of content i like what is there the swapping between red and blue as you jump is pretty enjoyable
looks pretty sick but theres not a lot to it
yeah i should probably fix that but thanks for playing
overall pretty good but protaganist is too much of a yapper and theres no skip dialogue so if you die it gets really annoying
pretty good if this is one of the first fps games you've made but I would recommend having your enemies have more combat related behaviors than running up to you and shooting and standing still.
I am a developer here on itch I make goofy physics based FPS games, but recently ive been trying to make more story based games. this has been difficult mainly because im really bad at making people act like people and writing a coherent and satisfying plot. i would love to work on a project with someone who knows what their doing in that department. I havent really thought through the specifics of it but if you want to do something like that im totally down.I should warn you though im not professional in the slightest .
I like how unique this game feels in the way that it controls and the way it looks. kinda brings me back to playing quake on my chromebook. I think a horror game with this presentation would be great because using tank controls under pressure would be super stressful and the dungeon itself looks great. i also love the use of the mouse for interaction . however this game loses all tension when i see that goofy monster asset that doesnt fit in the dungeon at all.
music and sound effects are coming soon.
its in the name of the game my dude
so you're telling me an egg fried this rice?
You have to kill enemies and take their bullets you have a max ammo of 20 not a 20 round mag
I tried to run it and my chromebook froze and crashed completely );
I like it very creative in an annoying way
link to your onlyButtons account when???
this game is bonkers. bravo good sir
what did you think it would do?
NOOO my browser is not compatible with godot how am I going to die of scurvy now?!
this game is really fun, I love the way the boat handles its the best vehicle system ive found on a web game before.
I played it on the web, even though i was running it on an ancient chrome book it still should have run fine. you must have a massive resource hog somewhere cause in my games i can fit like 32 active rag dolls and still have run fine on chrome.
I would love to play this game but for whatever reason godot doesn't run on my chromebook in the browser.
I really like it because i am an active ragdoll fanatic, enjoyed the extreme color palette and setting but also it is very poorly optimized. there is only one active ragdoll spawned in yet im only getting 3 fps what's up with that? those are rookie numbers.
the music is a vibe
Man imagine walking up to a bakery, deciding you dont want to buy anything and then as you walk away you get absolutely clobbered in the back of the head with a baguette.
there was bread to be made I just didnt get around to making a tutorial working on it now
sorry about that but i did warn you
Hell Yeah!
I cannot belive that you actually did it
might I suggest parenting the camera to gorkin?
there are two ways to play this game
lamwnmowing sim
and goat space program
you should make a sequel about flying to different planets via goat magic and depleting the intergalactic grass supply
The camera keeps shaking extremely violently on the z axis (most likely because of the below average frame rate ) so i wasn't able to get very far. might come back and try again later but i thought you should know about the shaking. the shaking doesn't make it unplayable, but it comes close.feels like my character is utterly shit faced. try multiplying the shake intensity by the delta time.