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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your comment!!

About the design for the torches with the music: It was just for the gimmick. We just thought it would be a cool little addition along with the whole dark/light theme!

It was also way too dark in the WebGL version, which even after some changes, still didn’t feel like it did justice. Sorry for that! The game is planned to be expanded more for the “definitive” version, with a lot of the gameplay we couldn’t add due to time constraints, along with some fixes for those little things.

Thank you!!! There were plans for a bit bigger of a story, alongside with some gameplay elements, that will be added in the definitive version once we get to that. I’m glad you liked it!

Great to know!! Thank you for the compliments!!

Future continuation coming up???? reall????????? mayhaps……….

(1 edit)

Hahahah we were deciding for the name for quite a while, looking for something that would fit the narrative/style, along with referring to the moon. Ended up being a last-few-minutes choice.

Good to know you were captivated by the story, and atmosphere, that’s what we were counting on!

We did have plans for a longer gameplay, but since we were only two and I’m not a very good programmer, I ended up taking too long to set a lot of the things up, which ended up taking a huuuge bit of my time from modelling and level designing. We are counting on expanding this story through our other games, or by a more “definitive” version of this after the Jam is over. Do consider keeping an eye out for that!

Hmmmm it still feels hard for me to see the bullets. Depending on the engine you’re using, you might be able to invert the palette of everything around it, so it’s a bit easier to notice. Although, it will still be hard I believe, due to the 1-bit limitations.

One thing you could do, would be lower the amount of rain. That could make everything a lot more visible.

This was very fun to play! Would love to see this being expanded into a longer game, with more mechanics and more enemies!

This was an amazingly unique, cute game!!

Was a very cute little experience, even though I mostly skipped the dialogues, it was fun to just find the little guys around!

Would love to see this being expanded into a game with new mechanics and whatnot, the game was really comfy to play.

Amazingly programmed, very interesting little bullet hell.

Could have had some better game design, since it was hard to see the projectiles I had to avoid (in a Bullet Hell, that is something quite important), along with the main mechanics of a bullet hell of well, having to avoid the shots, barely happened since the enemies barely shoot, but it felt incredibly fluid to play.

I do always love to see games that do what previous good games did well. Very unique and felt great to shoot those little spaceships :)

I know that the palette is between two colors, but that is not 1-bit.

The difficulty progression of this makes the game feel bland and uninteresting very fast, you need to first expose the player to more before making him face weird sets of non-stop obstacles. A game can be hard but still slowly expose the player so he gets the hang of it before having to face a challenge.

Felt like a bland platformer, and I also don’t understand where Light and Dark fit in this.

…Although, I do admit that there could be space for interesting gameplay by exposing the player to some smaller, more repetitive tasks, before making him face big non-stop ones. Changing the enemy movement patterns could also help a lot to make the gameplay more engaging.

I get that! It was still quite impressive you were able to come up with this game in the timeframe by yourself!! I would highly suggest you to continue tweaking it for a little bit before moving to your next project. That will give you many insights into what to focus on your next games designs!

This was insanely cool!! I really dig the GBC esthetic + RPG styled gameplay, but I felt like the fights could have had a little bit more polish (smaller/slower, delay between attacks, etc), but even the way it is, it got me SO surprised to see it hahaha

This is the first game I’m giving 5 stars on each rating, it was actually outstanding!

My suggestions if you are planning on expanding it…

  • Make X run (And try feeling it yourselves!)
  • Polish the fights a bit further
  • Make a clearer way to know how to deal with the sunlight (option to skip time while inside a house?)
  • (this is my opinion) In the fight, swap Z and X, or make it an option

Don’t take my words for granted though, it is your game! I am really excited to see more!!!

Thank you!! I was quite worried if the “follow your instinct” approach would work, and I’m glad it worked most of the times hahah

Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it.

Thank you!! The exploration of the sewers is a lot easier on the Windows Build, since it’s highly dependent on the lighting, and it kinda sucks in webgl hahah

Don’t blame yourself, I completely understand it when you’re new at this. Keep on studying what works and what doesn’t, and explore what does. Doesn’t matter how hard it might sting, be your own judge at times, knowing people will play the game in their own way. I believe in your potential!

Just keep on working on it until you can call it a game yourself. I believe in you.

I LOVE this!!! Really unique gameplay, with interesting levels and very nice usage of the little 2-characters gimmick throughout them.

Truly a gem! …Although I didn’t understand where it applies for the light&dark theme.

Interesting little game. Could have had some more polishing on the progression/level deisgn, but overall, quite fine for your first game.

I like the gimmick, the gameplay itself felt quite fun, although it could’ve been nice to have a life system.

I became the color indeed

…this uh, didn’t feel like a game. Could be an interesting gimmick, but…

This game was actually amazing. I would have loved some harder/longer levels, but it’s already amazing how fluid this game feels!

I’m glad you liked it!

Very confusing, mechanics felt more like a puzzle than a papa pizzeria sort gameplay.

I didn’t understand what my negative karma was, nor whether it was positive or negative. Real/ghost world was confusing as well, even with the tutorial.

I do feel like it could have been an interesting game, with some polishing.

Also, I do suggest making the player Collider2D only be his foot, it makes the movement feel a lot better.

Real interesting gimmick! Very hard little game, but interesting nonetheless.

I would suggest, as a way to make the game not as frustrating for the player (or as an option, mayhaps), to make it so you know where the player is, or just give slight hints of it, so you don’t feel as lost in the dark.

Instead of making the player constantly face difficult challenges, you can make them repeat tasks, which makes the player feel like he is in a bit more control of the game at times. That is my suggestion though, being quite the casual myself hahaha

The most frustrating part of Cave Story in a minigame… that was a bit more fun than I expected.

Although, the mechanic of not knowing where I was half of the time, and having to back-track at the price of the chance of losing all my progress, was quite frustrating. If the light went on for a bit longer, it could have been a bit less frustrating. Also, could have used some enemies and checkpoints to make it a bit more engaging and less frustrating, and/or breaking it down to multiple little levels.

I do like myself a little challenge, which I know that’s what the game went for. And it played just fine in that sense.

I do love myself some Twell/Pokémon Ice minigames.

Considering that, it would have been nice to be able to see more of where the player is going to, since the area of the camera was too small, specially also when the game gets you all the way back to the start if you die.

Although I don’t understand where the Dark&Light theme was used on it though. Am I missing something?

Nice little game overall. Would love to play some more levels.

The CC0 license pretty much means that you can use it for anything you’d like (as far as not selling it without modifications i think???). Basically it’s the go-to for “you can use it for whatever you’d like”.

And nice to know you liked it! I’ll give your a try too.

(1 edit)

Neat little game. With a little bit of tweaking of the values, I can see it making into a full minigame, with the EXP system and all. I did find the sharks more worth it to kill, since the fishes all swim away too quickly and it’s too dangerous to go after them. Also the game could kill all fishes when you level up so you can choose your bonus, I ended up losing all my healths because of that.

Neatly polished, and it was nice to see the neat little tutorial you made as well.

I’m really glad you liked it! The atmosphere was what we focused on the most.

I will give it a try too, it’s always nice to see how other people approach what you were trying to!

Thank you for the suggestion! We did try that initially, and while it didn’t look bad, it was hard to achieve an interesting look with it (also I’m not the best programmer) :(

Also normal dithering made it hard to see what was going on many of the times in the game, so we chose this method instead with the outlines.

I really dig the graphics and the whole concept, though I feel like this lacked some nice game/level design. Maybe if the quacks were used with a cooldown, for instance, and would make the ghosts go away, could have made for some interesting gameplay.

Though I really, really dig the esthetic, and the movement itself felt really nice.

The whole quacking felt a lot more like a chore though, since the lighting was very disorienting.

Overall, very unique, felt like with just the right changes it could have been a very very fun game to play through.

I did feel like it was going to be quite anti-climatic, but due to the time constraint, we had to kinda just make-do with what we already had...

But I plan on expanding it a little bit for a "definitive version" after the jam, fixing those little problems and making it have some more content to it.

But thank you so much for letting me know your opinion!

Thank you!!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it

Haha nice, we did make an animation for the knife swing, but we kinda had to re-do the whole attack mechanism in order to change those, so unfortunately the knife swing had to be cut.

I'm glad you liked it!

That's great to know, thank you!

Real interesting concept, would be cool to have more control over your shots (release space to make it explode sooner, for instance), and maybe some singleplayer, but overall pretty solid concept. I imagine it'd be really fun to play along with a friend.

Thank you for the input! Yes, that is the plan, hopefully we are able to deliver a more solid experience later on.

Hahah thank you so much for the input!

Yes, I did have initially in mind to have different outcomes, but due to the time limit (and, well, it being my first ever time programming a "full" game/working on a jam"), I had to make the logic slightly more "simple", but making different paths is totally something I'd like to do if we do a full version of the game.

I'm really glad you like the wall though, and the interaction not being straight forward was --kind of-- in the design, but now I feel like I should have put something like a "Press Down to interact". I wanted to have the player have a feeling of freedom to roam aroud and do stuff the way that was more natural, so I avoided from really "telling" you where to go. I see now that, well, it could have been a *bit* more obvious HAHA

The platforming itself wasn't supposed to be as difficult, and I did feel like it was really laking, but well, can't help it now HAHA I'll try making it less traumatizing on the "post-jam" update, and in future additions to the story and to the game.

About the characters, I wanted to make some special "this enemy, but it's a cool guy that will be your friend if you will", which kind of started with the Big Wall (Who'd think a weird big-eyed wall would have a slightly caring personality?) (Also, well, he was the first ever character to be made HAHAHA)

Anyway, thank you for the input, it's great to know that we were able to deliver something this solid!