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Thanks for playing! My spaghetti code really showed itself at the end while trying to implement a reload current level button and I ran out of time :X - Glad you had a fun time!
Great game and the reverse audio effects are definitely worth downloading - they make it feel great to throw it in reverse and re-puzzle your death!
Also looping all the slimes into one area before cleaving them down was very satisfying! Really enjoyed it!
Thank you for playing! Glad you had some fun even if it was getting lost in the cosmos!
Thanks for playing and the kind words! The game does run on both PC and mobile devices through the browser which is fun! I wanted to include mobile because I felt it was an easy way to share my project and show them what was made. Appreciate your comment!
Thanks for playing! Keeping mobile in mind also helped me stay in a smaller scope and try to simplify as much as possible. I also thought it would be nice as a way to quickly and easily show someone my project as everyone typically has a phone with them - Appreciate your comment!
nice game for 55 minutes to make the deadline! It was pretty tricky to try and land in order to regain stamina. If youre leaning more into the rage type game that works, though maybe on the easy difficulty you can allow the player to drop directly down on a key press to help stick the landing or something to that effect.
Thanks for playing! The collisions right on spawn is something I will need to look into post jam - thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for playing! The chaos is fun for sure, but I have to admit it might ramp up a bit too quick hah
Thanks for playing and the comment!
Thanks for all the kind words, im looking forward to seeing what youre up to next as well!
Thanks for playing! This is my first exported project - I didn't know exactly how the quit function would work on the web, but included it just in case. Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for playing! The pacing is definitely the thing I want to tweak when the jam is over - it was one of the last things I implemented and you're right, its a bit over the top! Appreciate the feedback!
Really fun! The heads up of where the next ring will be was really smooth and enjoyable for lining things up - I started off using the mouse for movement, but found WASD was much more responsive (that might be a DPI thing on my end though). Nice game!
<3 Thanks for playing and the kind words!
Thanks for playing! Maybe making a scaling dead zone just over the max size for fitting so some ambiguous bags don't spawn would help cut down on the confusion when its that close - I appreciate the feedback!
Also just noticed "Aviation" in your name - glad to see another flight enthusiast!
Thanks for playing and commenting! Really appreciate it!
Glad you enjoyed the physics and thanks for playing! Nothing quite hits the same as janky physics and boxes flying all over the place hah!
Appreciate you playing and the feedback - it definitely has some bugs with grabbing that id like to sort out afterwards, and I agree on the SFX, lesson learned to not leave them till the very end!
Thanks! Glad you had a good time playing it!
Great feedback and thanks for playing! I agree, I wanted to try and get some decent scoring and damage sounds in there (in fact there are even some unused audio files in the project), but I wasnt quite happy with them and unfortunately left audio till the very end and ran out of time when I had to submit for the night. I think a red flash would also be a great solution! really appreciate the feedback and comment!
Thanks for the feedback and playing! I think with a little more time and some reconfiguration I can figure out a better way to spawn new bags without them interfering so much - appreciate the comment!
Thanks for playing! I agree the speed can pick up quite quickly, thanks for the feedback!
Thanks! Really appreciate you playing it - I agree that with a few quality of life tweaks it can be a much more enjoyable, maybe applying some lower friction to the slides and having things fall back down easier could be an interesting solution while still adding to the chaos!
Thanks for playing! There's a 10% chance when the tutorial is shown that he'll have kawaii cheeks - im wondering if you were part of the lucky few
Really enjoyed the puzzles and style! There's one puzzle in there just before the yellow spike climb room that really had me going for a bit, and the end credits was a nice reveal!
Loved the style and theme! Being able to play your own pipes at the end was super cool too - I might have missed that in the tutorial but that should definitely be highlighted if its not already!
Thanks for playing and the feedback! Definitely some elements that id like to change in hindsight to try and make it easier to control, maybe not activating the collision boxes until a couple of seconds after they spawn would help.
Thanks for playing! Your team's game last year is what inspired me to get my act together and make something this time around!
Thanks for playing! Your team's game last year is what inspired me to get my act together and make something this time around!
Thanks for playing! In play testing I often did the same towards the end, in hindsight I would switch up where you score to the bottom maybe and use a one way collider to not let them all fall in automatically or something like the sorts - I really appreciate the feedback!
Thanks for playing! Yeah that grabbing system was definitely the hardest thing to get working properly - Its not perfect, but the best solution I could muster within the time window, im looking forward to fixing it when there isn't the worry of submitting!
Really appreciate you playing, and thank you for the feedback - definitely something to look into after the jam closes!
Thanks for playing and the feedback! It definitely ramps up a bit too fast - something to tweak after the jam! Glad you could channel that inner bag handler hah!
Thanks for the feedback and playing! The grabbing issue is something I wasnt able to quite resolve in the submission window, and I agree, the spawning definitely ramps up a bit too fast - it was the last thing I implemented before having to submit in time, definitely could have used a bit more of a smooth curve.
Hah I do love the thud of the bowling ball bag - really appreciate you playing!
Thanks for playing! I think you're right - definitely some fine tuning to be done after the jam closes!
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate you checking out the game!