Well, it's not complete right now. I am trying to finish it and add more background or SE now.
Also, thank you for your comment. Hope you also play the final version in the future.
LT. Lemco
Creator of
Recent community posts
I am writing a short yoai kinetic novel and I need 1 - 2 art artist for Background and Sprite of this game.
Here's what I need in this game (which mean you need to work):
- about 3 background
- sprite for 3 character (about 5 - 10 sprite)
For Art Style, I prefer anime style. But, this can re-discuss it after joining this team.
If you're interested in this work, please reply me at the below,
or contact me by discord(LT. Lemco#1396)
thanks for playing. hope you like my game.
Really? thanks for you like my game.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for your comment. I am very happy that you enjoyed my game.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for your comment. From my view, it's not a good mini game. Your comment really encourage me. I will try doing better next time.
Simple but fun. it's petty good.
it's really fun. I like your game.
in my first design, it's really have other rooms. but I think it need lots of time and skill to make. I don't have too much time and I am still learn the basic of unity(I use Unity only 1week now) . So, I remove some features like other rooms. Also, thanks your comment.
It's my first try to join a game jam and I'm interested in it.
But, I think I don't know how much limitations are in this game jam.
At the bottom of the Overview Page, there have several challenges.
Are they I need to comply with?
Is it only have two limitations (must be Doodle & Text is made-up language )?