Recent community posts
Thanks alot
hey i played your game and it was really fun. i got really spooked and i liked the style for this game. can't wait to see more like this. it would help a lot if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! thank you!
Yeah it was really fun and also intresting😂😂 the levels actually took alot longer then the video shows😂😂 it would also hell if you added music to it because there wasn't any. It would really help ifnyou subscribe!
hey i played your game and it was fun. I didn't finish all the levels. It would really help if you could check out my youtube channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and it was really fun. I like the graphics alot. It would help out alot if you could check out my youtube channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and it was alot of fun. I don't know if there is more to the game. It would really help if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and it was realllyyy fun. I can't wait to play more! Kt eoulf help alot if you could check out my youtube channel and possibly subscribe. Thank you!!
I played your game and it was fun. I really liked the music. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
I played your game and it was fun. I really liked the music. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
i was using windows and sorry for responding late!
hey i played your game and it was fun and relaxing. Idk if the game was suppost to be pink though. It would help alot if you could check out my youtube channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and it was fun. I wish there was a way to kill but anyways it would help alot if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
i played your game and it was fun! I liked the story but could be much scarier in a way. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and had fun. It was a very short game and it would hrlp alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
hey i played your game and it was fun. I wasn't able to complete it because i lost the key. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
hey the game was playing the game and it was really fun. Thinking about doing a part 2? It would help alot if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
i played your game and it was really fun! It would help me a lot if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! Thank you!
I did that level completly different
i finished the game and it took soo long to do it but it was really fun. It would help alot if you could check out my channel and subscribe! Thank you!
my computer sucks and can't handle "big" games so i am trying my best to save up money to buy a better pc
i played your short game and it was really fun. It would really help if you could check out my channel and possibly subscribe! Thank you!
yeah ofc no problem
i played your game and it was very fun! i am very big brain. it would help alot of you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! thank you!
no problem it was fun
i played the game this game and it was super fun. Im thinking of doing a part 2! It would help alot if you could vheck my channel out and subscribe! Thank you!
i played your game and it was really fun. im thinking about doing a part 2! it would help a lot if you could check out my channel and possible subscribe! thank you!