The twist as you keep playing. The story tells in the beginning the a bit of the twist when you can't actually chose the name or what active to do or what subject it should be about. It always follows the flow of what Lucy wants. In the end with a game over screen. The latin was cool too.
Maria G Bautista-Calderon
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The visual are very unique of this story of Maggie who is full of rage, hatred, and revenge. The shadow thing seems to be a like an inner voice trying to get Maggie to control their anger. The way they spoke brought light to how their world works. The cause of Maggie negative emotion.
Kyoya life was very interesting. The more it played out the more realistic the days play. The second day was like the weekend during a school week. The day you are deeply waiting for to come a day you would enjoy. And then bam the next day everything is going against you the world has turn it back on you. Showing the changes of the day in our lives.
Waking up in the white room in a state where I can't move but only full of regret wishing to go back to the darkness. From what I understand the darkness is a repressive of death. A chance to fight and escape the darkness, the death. Only to live with regret. It's very tragic end to a story.
This is such a beautiful journey I play. I wasn't expecting ever time I slept to change as a different person. I was kind of sad but it really showed this beauty in life and the stories they tell. All the story little things that matter and how similar the different experience where.
Very intense with the beginning till the end. Just exploring the church and trying to learn more about it and getting a visual idea of who lives there. I would not stay to met this person. With all the crazy findings there surely is something wrong with them.
I really was too into the personally quiz. Kinda sad I didn't get to finish it. But as I was playing the bugging text just appearing on any electronic I was using was good. I would be annoyed if I went from one devise to the next only for this annoying glitch thing to follow me. I couldn't even get to order my chicken nuggets. I really liked it I haven't gone into the game lab yet but while soon.
I enjoyed the flow of the story. Getting to speak to your dream wrestler and having the chance to become her partner. I found no issue on my part kind a wish it was a bit longer or if you succeed in becoming her partner to have a match in the ring.
I'm a little kid who is starting a new year in a new city, having trouble make friends and ends up friending birds. The ending I got was the bird didn't bring a gift but pecked and goes onto the hair. There was no issue only a few punctuation mistakes but all is good. The color of the background and text gives this sky feeling. And birds are know to fly in the sky. So it works out very well, feel just a few more images and sounds of birds chipping would make it better. It's very cute that the bird would being gifts to the kid.
You are a cashier working in a store near nothing only what seems to be an abandoned church. Only for a weird priest shows up. The ending I got was that the priest leaves and you wonder if you could have gotten to know him. Then going back on your phone. Everything seems to be fine. The images do give a better understanding of what is happening, only I feel it should have some more images and in one of the scene it talks about him having blood on him I didn't know he was covered in blood until I was told so I would add some color to the image like red to show blood. To think some of the options are to flirt with him. When doing small talk all was asked about was the weather.
You are a store owner and an apocalyptic happens, but even so you still go back to work repeating this long cycle. I got 1/4 : Restoration ending. After a while everything went back to normal and apocalyptic end as quick as it started. Some of the images didn't make sense to me. It didn't really fit in with story and felt random. I would also add the ## CLEAR before going to the next day. But the rest of the images work every well. Showing how the store be and is. There was a costumer that really needed his something dino apocalyptic thing.
I'm a high school student living a normal weekend, doing the daily same route. But there is some strange activity going on. The ending I was ENDING: I don't believe in ghosts. I ignore all the weird stuff that happened and decided to sleep early that night. There was little audiovisual media used, so more sounds would bring more success. The whispering sandwich I wonder if it was all in my head.
I'm a little girl who just turned 10 and writing in a journal for the first time. It ends with a drawing made by the little girl having a bake sale to help her parents. When the game first loaded it didn't load correct only if I click restart the game would load. The structure and the picture makes it all feel like journal. How some of the words are misspelled or the way it's worded a little girl wrote. It's interesting the crops are dying and it seems her parents can't find a way to solve it, but the little girl still believes they can do it.
I am a robot and a girl has awoken me. Now we are talking with one another finding out what happen before I was turned off. In the end I shut myself off, ending my life. The only issue I had was mines being on the dark theme so everything was dark. The imagines do add more to this sad story wished there were just a few more imagery. It's memorable how even a robot can feel pain and end its own life.
I am on a date with someone at this restaurant. In the end I was eaten by my date and I here I thought it was going great. I had no issue as I played. The background changing as the story goes on getting darker or redder really add on to how the date is going. I did played it again. This time I am now their house pet, well at least I didn't get eaten. When I was observing their hands it was described to be soft and that they haven't work a day in their life quite interesting.
I started my new job at the office. Ready for a daily life in the office. The ending I got I was kidnapped, taken to a forest and burned to death by my boss. I don't know why he did that but he did. I remember in the CSS file there was also the settings for dark mode to change the color but not effect the color of light mode. I recommend doing it or have the "Play in light mode" in the game to be seen. The first thing I did was play game and not read the description so I was so confuse thinking something didn't upload right only for when I went back I saw it. The sounds using did give into the theme making you feel you know you're in that environment. In the path I took only one image took place being the smile. It was creepy. Why must I have been burned to death. It's an ending that left me with questions.
I am a little guy in a giant's(humans) house exploring. The ending a got was the safe ending being ENDING 1: Resist Temptation. I left the house once I was given the option, but there was also a link to a video for if I didn't get to see the imagines. I wasn't satisficed with the ending a got since nothing scary happened and it was the first run, so I played again and again trying to get other ending to see what horrors it'll take me. I feel getting the first ending takes away of the horrors I could have seen. I feel adding some horror to the end even if you escape something is watching you. The imagines and sound really add to the atmosphere. A suspends of what could happen to you. When you're in the living room going to drink water, I thought drinking from the plant would have kept me safe. I was not expecting to die of poison such a sad painful death.
I am a worker who is tasked to deactivate S.R.M.T Who been killing some of the workers. In the end I had deactivated it even when it asked me not to leaving me in a quite room. Everything seems to be straight forward and clear to me. Yes the use on the sounds makes seen more like I am talking to a computer not only that but the background and text help set the setting, the theme of talking with a computer. It was interesting fining out why S.R.M.T got rid of some of the works. For they had the lowest activate in the lab. As well how before you get the chose to deactivate it. It would beg not to be like as if it has emotions.
In a world that takes place in the future. Two groups of people formed to find a way to keep immortally. One is tech base while the other is religious. The fact you can chose which family to be born in you also chose how to live your life. For there to be 15 different endings there are some much on must do and the more you play the more you learn of this world. The first ending I got was ending 6 Just a Peaceful Life that SEEMS Endless. To think that RESETTERS was also destroying the planet making it disappear the more you use it.
It is very beautiful story not remembering who you are but still trying to enjoy life. And building a deep connection to the art only to be his own creation. Even though he forgot he remember the emotion in his pieces. As the story went on it really got me feeling a bit emotional as it continues. I fear of one day forgetting everything. I seen it happen with some relatives. So seeing how it all comes together it's a beautiful tale.
Awaking up to only for everything to be destroy, no hiding in a coffee shop. The ending seems to be cut off unfinished. I really wanted to see how far I can take it but the ending left me a bit unsatisfied. The description on the other hand is amazing. The details on how the story unfolds is amazing.
It was a very sad tale. How you wake up in the future not knowing what happened to the world only to learn about it very tragic. In the beginning it starts off with VAL then goes to VAL-BT then back to VAL. I don't know if the -BT was forgotten to be added or not but it makes me feel as if they were two different beings kind of confusing me. The ending were I kill myself or is pissed at the girl makes me feel that the robot isn't just a robot. It has emotions like human. Their response felt very human like.
After a nice day there comes a break up and you must think of why. When I did it the first ending got me wow over prints so I tried going again but it got me the same ending. At first I thought there were only one ending and I felt there could have been more so I did it again only to actually get another ending. This ending felt different from the other instead of being a little silly it was more serious. Ending in sadness. But I would love more endings.
When playing at first I didn't think most about it since it was going about the Christian girl autumn. But then came the dude who is said to be insane so I decided to mainly ignore him and go my very way, until it was the alley way. That is a big no-no I seen what happens in the movies. So for my first ending I got him and he is a lawyer so it'll be harder to get a restraining order. But ten shots of espresso that's a lot.
The first ending was really short waiting it out. All the endings would lead to the crow being healed. My favorite ending was Crow are better than Seagull. The crow was healed but there now a seagull, you would need to go on a new quest to turn them back.
The goal is to make it to the top of the tower. I don't know why but I was over thinking we it came to the two gargoyle. The narrator is greatly written although I don't get the cheese joke, I just wanted to cut some cheese. The greatest treasure one can truly desire a hot dog. I didn't think was going to make it to the top, but I did.
In my first run I got executed off with my head. When I got executed I didn't even know what crime I had committed. Giving the the two end options to restart or give up made me want to go again and see if I can get a better ending. In the second run I also died again. As well on my third, but on my forth I was forgiven and allowed to live in the castle. I got to learn of my crime of stealing I see. I like the suspense when it says "Her pursed lips form themselves into a thin smile." because you don't know the end goal of what you gotten. Did you live or died. On my fifth run I got the exile ending for 5 years, I wonder if it could be more. I like the plot being questioned and seeing if you can survive the Queen.