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Korean boy

A member registered Jan 23, 2024

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the glazed dounut is on the deskin every night. and u should click it so much.

did u touch a lot glazed dounut?

hello everyone i play this game and clear 7 nights 2 hours. it's not hard if u know how to respond animal robots. and many people wonder "how can i achieve 100%?"  it's easy too. first, u should clear 6 nights and 4/20 mode of 7 night. and if u've been a fan by five night's at freddy for a long time, u know five night's at freddy's famous Easter egg. for those who don't know it's put on 1/9/8/7 in 7 nights. then maybe phone guy call u. and he call u another code. "Important"  if u got a new code and u r happy and go back to menu, u try 1/9/8/7 game again. so u must clear 1/9/8/7 game. and i share u the new code that 1/9/8/7 night called phone guy's code. this code is 6/9/6/9. maybe every person know that code means. then u must meet golden freddy's jumpscares. that's ok. it's not scared. u know it's less than 100% if u've done it this far. did u click on the glazed dounut? it's way of another extra. if u've come this far, it'll probably be 100%, right? if u don't, check ur extra second scene. Congratulations. u perfectly win this game. then i share u how can clear 4/20.

first freddy. she only moves when she laugh. and she laugh five time, she is  in 6 cam. she must moves her route. she moves 7 cam, 1-B cam, 5 cam, 3 cam, 6 cam. after that she move only 3 cam and 6 cam. maybe if u're new to this game, u don't know how to deal with her. i'll tell you how i used it. i just close right door when she is in 6 cam. and open the right door when she is in 3 cam. it's easy. maybe u think like this. "isn't that a way to pay too much battery?" i think too. but after using it, it's stable and doesn't use much battery. i'll explain how to manage the battery soon. so it's end. freddy's sound play is very important. u must count her laughing.

second foxy. she is in 1-C cam. she moves in four stages. first nothing, second exposed upper body only(without dick), third she ready to run to u, fourth empty in 1-C cam and run 2-A cam and come over u. then how to block her? it's easy. when foxy is not in 1-C cam, u close left door right now. isn't it easy? but it's important timing. i'll tell u how i used it too. i use pad only see 1-C cam. others robots don't need pad. so i just only see 1-C cam. are u ok?

third bonnie and chica. they are easier than freddy. bonnie comes left door and chica comes right door. and when they come in front of door we can check used light. and close door. maybe u will try 4/20, their going back time is so short. maybe time of u use pad two times, they will go back. it's easy right?

last how to proceed with 4/20. this way is very busy. u just do 3 act and repeat. first check foxy(1-C cam). second light both sides. third if freddy in 6 cam or foxy run to u or chica or bonnie in front of both sides, close door. these's end. just repeat first and second. and u can do third according to the situation. if u use this way and some luck, u will complete this game.

tips. if u close door because freddy in 6 cam, u only checking left and foxy. this tip is not only can u focus on one side without another sides in the second half, but you can also save batteries. u will use this way, u understand it.

now the end.

hello player. im from Korea and normal gamer. i play this game funny. so i share this game's guide. but my english skills are not well. but if there is a mistranslation or a question in my comments, please ask me.

Thank you.