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A member registered Feb 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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The link should be in the game description.

It is "in the game" but currently not accessible. I plan to use it later for side is called the "Bunny Suit" (in game name) and you could create your own little mini mod to equip it to Kyra... but.... well....

Already fixed my dev version =)
Ad you can actually reset Noris position with the debug tabled in your inventory. (the device with the green screen).
altough... this floating Nori problem really bugs me... i have no idea why she is even there in the first place O.o

Please try to deplete Aemis dialog options, i think the question to go into the crew quarters is hidden somewhere in her dialog tree.

IF you use ctrl+w you can see the girls cards.
You can also just skip all dialogs with "Q" and then always select random cards.

I can not guarantee it, but it should be fine.
if it does not work , then you can also use the save games i saved in the  "Developer savegames in case you get stuck" folder.

Fixed in dev version.

Hello there,
Currently, there is the mini-story-mod editor for the game, but it is very fresh in the game so I presume people just did not have the time to get familiar with the little modding tool I created.

Alright, this should be a quick fix for next weekend , thanks for the heads-up.

People really love to break the game >_<
but the drone is... an interesting idea!

Not as easy as you may think it is, i need to have time to properly implement the animation override for this one.
(and i need to find a good walk/run animation with heels)

I usually create a public build every 4 months. At least that is what i am aiming for.

You can also play my older game Milky ways or AATOFL , There you have a male protagonist. ( i wanted to experiment with this one)

Wrapping Machine, noted... But, no promise

uff.. since it is a smol discord server the invite link changes and it is not static.
so.. i can give you another one (which will expire in 7 days.. i think)

Well, i would say 8 gb of ram 8 Gb Vram and a quad core CPU. 
I guess this can be seen as the minimum to run it somewhat decently.

(1 edit)

This link will be active for 7 days (says discord)

Here is the link :

(1 edit)

Ahh.. oh dear...
Unfortunately , the alt key (i presume you wanted to place a machine in the placement area of the game) is hard coded >_<

You are right Merlin , she is still trapped somewhere in the facility. ^_^

Yes , the game is lacking in side content actually. That would be my next focus, i already gathered some ideas from my people and now i need to figure out what works and what does not work.

Hello there,

So.. let me answer your questions :)

First thing , the drone you see in the 7th picture is to bring Kyra back to Lucas base after she got caught by the other drones too many times.
(fully restrained and then after a second time they caught you in full gear , they will bring her back with this device.)

Second, Yes , the idea is still on my mind. Once Kyra is accepting her fate "more" i will make it an option xD

hope this helps a bit.

This sounds like your savegame is corrupt (or your game) can you please check in "C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\LocalLow\Kernis_not_existing_company\Abandoned - A tale of forgotten lives" if a file named output.txt has been generated.
in this file should be the reason for the issue (on the tail end of the file)

What you can also do is switch to the savegame workaround, in the gameplay settings you can switch the "savegame workaround" to "enabled". What this will do is to save your savegames not as files on your PC , but into the registry of your computer.
(this is actually made for MAc/linux systems who have savegame problems)

I hope i could help a bit.

Yes, when the two buttons appear, that means the upper button is to focus on the breasts and the lower button focuses on the hips.
With the mousewheel you can zoom in and out in such situation and when you press the right mouse button you should be able to orbit around.

Hello there,
I usually use the orbit camera for many sex scenes, can you please be more specific which scene you're referring to ?

Hello there,
I think you are referring to the little RPG play they were doing. If so, then you need to place the simple post on the helipad/ landing pad outside Yukaris base.hope this helps.

Would it be enough for you if i can somehow invert the vertical axis only in the third person view ?
Maybe this is an easy thing with the third person controller i am using.. not sure.. >_<

Hello there,
I am sorry, but people who want to play with inverted mouse are getting very rare these days. I will see if i can find a solution for this in BID.  I hope i can find something in the controller settings in the editor , but i can not promise anything.

The other two games (AATOFL and MW) i rather not touch anymore, since i consider them finished and i need to concentrate on BID now.
(Maybe you can find an external tool to make the mouse inverted ?? i have actually no idea if this could work)

Hello there,
I am very sorry about that, it was not my intention to make it way too hard.
Anyway, as far as I can remember, you can press Ctrl+W to win the tower defense minigame.

Please have patience ,
I will try to build in all the wearable things for generic usage. But since i only work on the weekend on this, i need to keep a balance of generic things (sidestorys) and the main story.

As far as i can remmeber (old game) the thing you are searching for is in the warehouse of the crew quarters. 
If you enter the crew quarters via the elevator , walk straight ahead , down the stairs and then up the stairs again. turn left towards the section you had to navigate with the robot (right next to the little convenience shop). And inside the warehouse should be the stimulant somewhere.

Jep, i already fixed this in my developer version. (not for all menus but the most important ones)

No , sorry. 

The "direct control" mode was just a little debug thing to play around. It was never mean to be "used" in game.

Oh dear.. yes.. i have to do this at one point. maybe at the end of the development , when every minigame is implemented.

Hello there,
Would actually be an idea to be honest , but i need to be built in the story mod support first and then find a good model to do the translation.
This can take a while since (especially the story mod support) is a rather time-consuming work task.
I will do it at one point , because once the mod injection is built in i can just run through an AI with this (if i can find a decent model)

Hope this helps a bit to clarify the underlying problem.

Here is a discord join link (it will be valid for 7 days and will expire on 11.05.2024)

Once you joined the discord , please report your bug in to the bug-reporting channel and also attach your save file to your message so i can have a look at it.

Hello there , Sorry for the late reply.
So.. there should be an dialog option with Aemi about the hydroponic section. (if you are sure that you have not already done the story about it.)
If there is no dialog option then maybe the game is bugged, would help if you join the discord and then post your safe game into the "bug report" channel so i can take a look into it.
Otherwise , you can also download the savegames from my playthrough and then jkust search for a savegame in which the dialog option about the hydoponic section is avaliable. (should be after the laboratory section story)

Hope this helped a bit.

Hello there ,
The game is rather old at this point , it has been made with unity 5.6 and it is also way way way too big for an android port. And furthermore ,I doubt that it would look good.
So.. no , not really. I am currently working on my new game "bound in desire" i am needed there ^_^

Jep ,the "locker" or closed room where the chastity set is in, is the last part of the main story for the version 0.20.
I will continue the main story in the next versions.
(a good idea for side content is to search around in Milus spa above Lucas base)

At the end of the game you should be able to just go to the elevator in any level and select the command sector. If this is not the case then maybe you did not finished the main game. (speak with Aemi , there should be a dialog option somewhere)