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A member registered Nov 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you.  Very happy with the music.  It's absolutely the bestvwhen the kids want to collaborate.  (Oh, and case it wasn't obvious, the laser sound is actually my daughter saying "pew pew" :) )

Thank you very much for the kind words.  We're glad you enjoyed it!

Pretty good for a 1-button game.  Having played, though, I suspect I'm now on a list somewhere...

Nice concept. Cool music.

33 Shots fired. 

You can make a web game with pygame?  I didn't know that. Ryan's gonna love hearing about this.

I'm really glad I came across your game!

Very nice Pop-the-Lock style game.  The story mode with the multiple locks was a cool edition.  The only thing I'd change is some sort of timer on the endless.  A very solid game for a 1-button Jam!

I understood.  I guess what I was saying is that I didn't have to  worry too much about the actual numbers themselves.  If the bar was past the middle, I could pick up negative numbers.  If it wasn't, I could aim for only positive ones.  I really didn't have to worry too much about the values (1 through 5) of the numbers themselves.

Teh button appears to work. Bugs go boom.

Maybe you could make it so you lose if any bugs escape?

My 8-year-old says "I liked it a lot, but its hard."   A couple times we got stuck and ended up just spinning. Nice game.  

Very unique.  I needed to pee, though.  You win this round, chest.

I definitely won too much.  It froze.  Nice music and animations.

I'm with you - why not be the bug?  But this little guy never gets away.  Eventually, like all bugs, he gets caught.  A deep and depressing metaphor I'm finding here...

Anyway, I'm seeing a similar problem I see in a few games: The "screen" is larger than the viewport the game plays in.  So the bug and the X sometimes go off-screen to the right.  Not sure if this is a "me" issue or not.  I don't see it in all games, but yours is one of them.

It was indeed very chill.  And I'm happy to see a Christmas theme - I haven't seen another like that this Jam.  I guess it just needs something to make me actually check the numbers and keep me from just looking at the top and choosing positive or negative.  Anyway, I had fun!

The game has many issues running for me.  I get stuck on the menu.  The cannon gets stuck on the bottom.  The buttons probably shouldn't highlight when the mouse goes over them or appear clickable.  After wave #1 or dying, the game is frozen.  My main advice is to try to make sure you test the game out on the web, and on as many platforms as you can.

You got a game out, though.  With nice looking art style and good music and sound effects.

I am apparently unable to make better than a 1-star bug.  The rating system is an affront to asymmetrical bugs everywhere.  My lopsided bugs will battle proudly, whatever your ratings say.

I liked the music a lot.  It had a nice old school, 8-bit vibe.  Game was fun.

(2 edits)

I'm going to agree with Pack A Punch in response to the discord conversation and say that download games aren't going to  get a lot of feedback.  It's an extra step people need to follow.  Not only that, but you're already feeling dubious about running a random .EXE you find on the internet and then you get hit in the face with: 

[That's the "Windows protected your PC" image.  I'm not sure it's showing up here]

.. and then it's at least 2 more clicks reminding you that you're running someone's random, hastily made, hopefully not malicious software on your PC.  If you want more feedback, web games are better.  Even then, you probably want to seek out smaller groups than a 1000+ person Jam.  Or just do it to learn.  (I don't really do it for feedback so much as to expand my skills and to have fun collaborating with my kids)

Anyway, as to feed back for your game... I liked it.   It had a fun and consistent are style.  I'd say my main criticism was you were probably better off picking a single button, and then being open to allowing at least the escape key or some better interface for when I wanted to stop playing.  I wasn't sure how to close the thing.  I only played it a few times, but at times it didn't feel fair.  Fast moving enemies and a fixed speed on the shooter meant I felt a bit frustrating.

I think it's awesome that you used a new game engine for this!  I always tell myself I'll learn to use one of these game engines, but I feel if I tried to do it under the pressure of game jam time constraints (and design constraints), I likely wouldn't get to submission.  So kudos for getting something done.  

FYI - You're likely aware, but the game renders differently on different platforms/screen sizes.  On my phone I see way more than the "playing area", whereas on my PC, the bugs and circle sometime wander off screen to the right and downward.   

Anyway, congrats on learning some Godot!

I don't know what I expected to see here.   I'm just pretty sure that this.. uh.. wasn't what I expected to see.  I laughed, I cried, I got my ash shlapped.

I have no notes.

(1 edit)

I spun.  I prayed.  Game does what it says on the box.  I solid little slot machine game. Well done.  

You may want to look into your sprites disappearing.  At some point after I bought a drink, this happened to me.  Either some of the images are not getting drawn, or their getting drawn before the background:

[Edit: I'm noticing that the image I pasted isn't showing up when I save the message.  If you don't see it, you'll just have to trust me :) ]

I liked that, like a few people, you played with holding the button vs. just pressing it.  I got to day 7 and stopped playing, just letting the clock wind down but that didn't seem to stop the game - I was a bit confused when the game would end.

Overall, a surprising frustrating game - but in a good way :) .  Harder for my brain than I thought it was going to be.

Nice game.  It took me a while to figure out how to switch the difficulty.  The "high" difficulty level lives up to its name, and it kept me playing till I beat a level. 

Nice game.  I'd love a counter telling me exactly how many times I failed (pretty sure it was 20+).  Also would be neat to see a marker of the furthest I've gotten.

Overall, a simple game, and I enjoyed it.

A very interesting concept.  I enjoyed playing it.  And to me, the physics felt about right.   I liked being able to use the enemy drones to stabilize the box.  Maybe there's something to be done with the enemy drones hitting yours, since as it is they go right through you.

Good game.

(1 edit)

A very philosophical game.  It asks the question, "In the end, are we  not all crab food?"  And it answers the question: "Yes.  Yes you are.  In about 54 seconds, to be precise."

Very clean.  The sound of the ball hitting the paddle felt nice.  I liked the way the paddle tilted when I moved it.  I'm curious how much the tilting affects the trajectory of the ball when you hit it - I wasn't able move it fast, time the hits, and figure out how much a difference it made.

Overall, a simple but well put together game.

A fun idea.   I played it a couple times.   I eventually quit the second time - it felt like with just focusing on Zombies and farming as a secondary afterthought I could go on forever.  One thing that might help the game was some indication of exactly how long I have until the zombies break through the fence.  I would make me more willing to risk spending time farming rather than just killing zombies.

Overall, playing it was a fun experience.

I liked this game a lot.  With a title screen, settings, and instructions, it really felt like a complete game.  I loved the style and the original concept and controls.  This is one of the better submissions that I've played this Jam.

(FYI, I think I hit a bug where somehow my mouse buttons were "stuck" down, automatically using gravity.  I think it happens when I hold the mouse down and then move quickly to the edge of the screen. )

Nice game.  I really want to try a version of this game with an analog game controller because it feels like it could benefit from being able to move in more than 8 directions.  I had fun playing  this one.

Very cute game.  Glad you the upload working.  My only real complaint was too much contrast between the sound of hitting and the sound of killing.  It was a bit jarring to kill things,

Otherwise, you made a very smooth game.  I liked the design and art work.

Simple game.  I like that you had two different goals.  My first run through, I just sot of dodged or just ran through everything to get out fast.  Next time, I hunted the slimes down.   I also liked that the slimes existed off screen.  Firing arrows out the sides and then either immediately getting them back or having to go find them was a neat surprise.

I agree with a few of the post about needing sound.  Just two sounds - "arrow fired" and "slime killed" - would enhance the game so much for the time I'm guessing it would take to add them.  An "arrow hit a wall sound" would also be a nice-to-have.

This was one of the games that really felt like a complete POC / demo.  I'd like if maybe the beats clicking were more interesting and difficult.  I wasn't sure if there was any benefit to getting a perfect, for example.   And I don't really know that there's much strategy.  I'm not even sure why I'd move more than a space or two most times.

Biggest issue is that I don't know how much it fit with the intended Jam limitation of 4 colors, but that's more for the Jam hosts to deal with.  

All of those things are more nit-picks for a game made in 3 days, though.  Ultimately, the game looked professional in its execution.  It was really well done.

It took me a while to get the feel of how the fire stick worked.  Something about when I jump but don't move the mouse, the stick still rotates.  I know that it's trying to point the flame at the mouse, but it's an odd effect.  Like, the game would feel much different on a typical twin stick game controller.  

The most important thing though:  It was an interesting use of the theme, and I had fun with the game.  

Might just be me, but I couldn't get the info/help window close after opening it.  I had to Alt-F4 and restart the game.

Otherwise, it was a simple, but pretty well-put-together game. 

I like the art/color switch to 4 colors being a plot point, which was a very cute way to use the restriction.  I love how ridiculous  the whole thing is. 

I don't like the Boss fight creator's note because it comes off more down-on-yourself than feeling like self-deprecating humor.  You made a game that works in your first Game Jam... There's some animation.  Platforming that more or less works, and a guy with a clock for a head.  

In the end, it's a bizarre game that makes me question WTF did I just play.  In a good way.

First game in the Jam I've seen where the tutorial is as awesome as the rest of the game.  Actual gameplay was hectic and kept me in it.  In the end I was Fired.  I have no regrets.

This game was straightforward, clean, and felt like a complete game.  Obviously there was minimal gameplay, but the theme was creative and the 4-color art style was terrific.  And Mr. Skeleton is adorable.

This was so much fun.  I've always loved achievements in games, and didn't even consider there might be games in this Jam with them.   This is one of the most fun games in the Jam I've played do far.

My only issue is with the manner in which the difficultly ramps.  It seems it's built to "punish" you for doing well rather than rewarding you.  If you start hitting and killing things too quickly, the game gives you more enemies and you get overwhelmed.  At least that's how it felt.

On the other side, that's really only until you you reach god-mode where you can stand anywhere and just kill all the things and have 1000's of coins and can't die unless you want to.  I probably spent longer than is healthy at that point in the game... but darn it I feel like I earned it.

I loved every aspect of this game.  I didn't fully avert disaster, but at least SOME of the world was saved.  That was good enough for me.

You're awesome for taking the time to play and rate them all!  I told myself I would do the same, but then found out there were 90+ games!  I don't know if I'm going to make it.  I've only got about 30 played and rated.  60 more to go, I guess...