Thanks! Glad to know it was fun :D
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10/10 premise
Love the premise, and the instructions themselves already give very evocative imagery!
Gave this game a try. On first time, I rolled a 3 in which I didn't say what troubles me which is EXACTLY what I would do in real life, uncanny! 10/10, would play again.
Nice to know the game was fun, thanks!
Aww thanks : D!
Hi! Thanks for the nice and detailed feedback! On the notes, you brought up very good points that didn't occur to me when I worked on fine tuning the game, I'll fix them after the Jam is over.
Thanks again! :D
Both the cute artwork drew me in and the premise sounds entertaining too! Gotta try this game later.
This looks like a fun game! Feels extra appropriate too considering earlier this year me and some friends saw a very impressive rock/mineral exhibition which further increased my apprecitiation on geology, and I've been considering starting collecting minerals. The fact that it's possible to play this even without one is very convenient.
I downloaded this game some months ago, offline, to my main desktop computer (which I usually use to play games), about time I made a proper comment. INCOMING REALLY LONG POST.
I very much enjoyed this game! I had no idea there were these kinds of Umineko forums where people focused on creating their own mysteries, then again I'm a huge hermit that prefers to lurk about so it's no surprise really. Still, shows how much influence Umineko still has when stuff like this is made : D
Yeah and you weren't kidding this game was difficult! Of course everyones mileage varies what constitutes a difficult mystery, but I think difficulty depends on what people don't notice, or what clues we dismiss as unimportant (yvxr V vavgvnyyl qvq va gur ybpxrq ebbz ybbc puncgre. V QVQ npghnyyl abgvpr gur ynpx bs qbbexabo fsk jura gur phycevg jnf ng gung bar qbbe, NAQ V QVQ abgvpr gurer jnf gur qbbe haybpxvat fsk gjvpr va n ebj evtug nsgre gung ohg V punyxrq vg hc nf lbhe zvabe reebe OHG AB. VG JNF ERYRINAG. V QVFZVFFRQ VG YVXR N SBBY. TBQ QNZZVG RIREL GVZR ZR. V QB GUVF JVGU NYZBFG RIREL ZLFGREL. JURA JVYY LBH YRNEA ZR). While I did end up using all the hints, I did appreciate the final answer wasn't just handed over and there was still stuff us the players could figure out, and your thoughts on writing mysteries that were there alongside the hints were very interesting to me. It really does boil down to trusting the author that all the clues and hints are present, which is what Umineko very much was all about really.
(V zrna qvq znantr gb svther Anawbf zheqre ba zl bja zbfgyl, vg whfg V qvqa'g guvax sne rabhtu fvapr jvgu gur 'bayl gur phycevg pna yvr jvgu checyr' ehyr, V jrag ba guvaxvat gur phycevg bayl yvrq nobhg gurve bja npgvbaf engure guna, jryy, GUNG. Ohg gung'f nabgure rknzcyr bs bhefryirf orvat gur ovttrfg bofgnpyr bs zlferl fbyivat V guvax nunununun. )
And the forum intermissions was a great story framing device and a great way to give a sort of a break in the story proper to step back and think about stuff, and also show what I assume what forum culture on Umineko style mysteries was like, and delivering a sort of a greek chorus while the protag (and us) were struggling for their metaphorical lives with all the other very troubling revelations. I guess there is something to be said about how a very, very meta story like Umineko can produce even further meta stuff about it. Meta within meta within meta. Matryoshka doll style meta?
And the ending was both terriffic and kinda haunting and don't know exactly 100% what all of it means, which is a compliment btw. One reason why I love Umineko is how mind screwy it could get. One of my favorite genres: 'I have no idea what's going on(complimentary)', which is the polar opposite of my most hated genre which is 'I have NO IDEA what the hell is going on here (derogatory)'.
tl;dr version: I really loved this, honestly it makes me want to come up with something similar. I always did want try my hand at making mystery stories, and this game experience certainly gave me ideas :)
I am _xXVelvetzXx_, which is amazing :D
Already loving the premise, and the game looks good too!
I like the design of the game, nice use of colors and things are easy to understand, with a great premise too!
I like the premise and it's almost endless possibilities, and I also like the easy to understand instructions too.
Loving the pamphlet style here, and the unique scenario and how it utilizes different type of dice, which I'm sure is extra convenient to the more seasoned TTRPG players and their die collection (mine is only in beginning stages but give it time)!
This gives off a sort of old school 90s middle grade novel feel which I love! I have to check if I have any 8-sided die before trying this game out.
The title of the game is already drawing me in considering I love dragons so already we're off to a good start!
I am LOVING this concept! As someone who has like, so many piles of paper lying around and also a fondness for paper related arts & crafts, this game is right up my alley : D
Hei! HEO alumni tässä. Kokeilin tätä peliä siellä KULTA näyttelyssä ja pidän pelin persoonallisesta tyylistä :D minulla oli kyllä vaikeuksia seinähyppäämisessä, mutta prototyyppi on prototyyppi. Toivottavasti kuuluu tästä pelistä lisää!
Thanks! One Page Left, a game by M.Kirin was one of my inspirations for this game, and me being someone who likes to do different kinds of art stuff, this was kind of a no brainer ahahaha.
Hi! I made DREAMSCAPES:The sights you see which is an art prompt game where you travel through dreams and draw the scenes you see with colours that are chosen with the roll of a dice! Doesn't matter what your skill level in art is, you are free to interpret the sights you see on your dream journey :)
This was a fun game to make, I just might have an idea for another one in the future ;)
Thanks for creating Carta SRD!
Loving the old school scifi feel and the artwork! I also appreciate you put the 'HUMAN MADE' sign there, I should take note.
I really like the illustrations here, gives off some of that old school scifi feel. Giving different options, including the printer friendly one is nice too.
Originally my entry was going to be a two sided but then I double checked the Jam rules so ended up paring the game down by a whole lot ahahaha. I'm planning on relesing the original version after this jam is over so look forward to that. At least there'll be an opprtunity to compare and contrast the games, especially since the original works with 1d6 prompts (so there's a bit more to chew on there).
Fun fact, this was originally a two sided game but then I double checked the Jam rules which state games are supposed to be on one page sooo I did admittedly rushed parsing. I am planning on releasing the two sided version of the game after the Jam is over and it has more tangible rules there with 1d6 prompts and stuff. Still a light solo adventure, so one can compare and contrast the two games.
Thanks for the feedback!
Aw thanks : D
I'm loving the illustration and the descriptions! The idea of a living, organic vessel has fascinated me so it's nice to see someone try the idea out.
Well I have been thinking of releasing the two sided version after this Jam over so there will be a fun opprtunity to compare and contrats the two games then.
I'm glad you like the idea. I designed this game to be played solo, so there really isn't inteded to be GM tho the idea of making a game that has one is interesting to me. Perhaps sometime in the future. The empty feeling seems to be the side effect of me parsing this game down to one page when I double checked the Jam rules that said games should be one page. I really did kind of rushed it however so I don't blame anyone for thinking this game feels rather bare bones. I'm thinking of releasing the OG two sided version when this Jam ends and it has actual, if simple rules with dice and paper, I'll be interested what folks think of that then.
Thanks again for the feedback!
Small confession, I originally made this game as two sided (as in, one page that uses both sides), but then I reread the Jam rules that said games are supposed to be on one side of the page sooo the rather thin rules might be a side effect of that ahahaha. I'm likely going to publish the two sided version of the game that has some actual rules in it after this Jam is done. I see what you mean by the layout, it did not occur to me people might think it's a bit odd, tho in my mind I imagined all the rooms being bigger than they appear but that's just me.
As for the CC-BY-SA notice, I did write it down in italics with the 'NO COPYRIGHT VIOLATION INTENDED' notice, was I supposed to form a link there? I may have missed some stuff since this is my first real Jam.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
And thank you for the fun game! *thumbs up*
Ahahaha I actually got a killer with a cardboard mask, but a bit later there was a prompt with a ballroom full of people with masquerade masks which lead down to thinking that the killer stalking my character wants to be one of them which again proves how fun this game is, giving us a chance to come up with a story on the fly (also thanks for the compliment on my drawings those were fun to make also).