Thank you.
This game came out when I was a sophomore in high school, and I played it on Newgrounds. I already knew I was trans, and making strides to socially transition. I finally started my own HRT journey last week, and dys4ia has been on my mind a lot as a result. Playing it for the first time filled me with so much hope and determination. It made me feel like I could be alive, and happy.
I know that part of the reason it went offline for so many years is because the spotlight was intense, especially in those days when trans issues were almost unheard of in most households and the general public infosphere. I was sad when it disappeared, but I also understood. I still understand. But I'm so happy to see it again. I've never put a piece of myself online like this, so I can't imagine the amount of work that's gone into offering it up again. I appreciate that you made the game. I appreciate that you've made it available. I appreciate the work, and the hope, and the pain that you put into it.
You shined so much hope on kid me in a time where I needed it desperately. You made me feel real, and seen. I'll love your work for as long as I live.