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A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Super slick and clean aesthetic. Nice work. 

Had me in stitches this one. The controls were mental in the best possible way. I really felt the desire to keep chasing my high score. 2d snake ... is dead to me. Nice work.

Great look and style. Cool music.

What a take on the theme! World building through the roof. Well done for submitting.

Really great tutorial - I wasn't always sure why my buildings didn't complete. But I love the influence from the "mini" series, the aesthetic was super solid in this entry. Nice work.

What a unique atmosphere! Incredible job on recreating the old windows OS - amazing graphics. 

The ending made me cry. Beautiful story telling, super smooth gameplay. The last puzzle is a cracker. Nice work.

Well done for submitting - a unique style. The background was interesting but not always clear. Stickers gave it a cute charm not seen in other entries.

Thanks for playing 👍

Thanks for the great feedback - I feel that I bit off a little more than I could chew and the balance and content suffered somewhat because of it. I really appreciate you playing and taking the time to share your thoughts - cheers.

Well done on submitting, once you get into this it can be very addictive. It feels like a really well polished game and I could definitely see this being extended with a campaign / full release. A lot of my buildings often exploded, I guess I can't complain; it is god's will :D Great work!

Awesome, the vision of the game was that you could the play the way you wanted to play, Lots of bullets, high damage sniper, rapid fire shotgun. I'm glad you had fun, thanks for playing.

I really appreciate you leaving such detailed feedback. These are all great points you've mentioned, things I tend to miss when I've spent too much time in the trenches playtesting. A detailed stats panel was something I was really hoping to get in but out of fears of people seeing it and thinking this game was some spreadsheet management sim it had to drop off, at least for the Jam version. But it does warm my heart to know someone cares on a level where they want to know exactly how much something buffs them as opposed to "MORE DAMAGE PLEASE".

Thank you for playing.

Thanks for playing. I welcome your feedback. As the deadline approached the game played a lot quicker; movement, bullets, reloads were all a lot faster. Unfortunately a few of my play testers couldn't get past the first level and so it made sense as a Jam entry to dial it all back. I want to return after the Jam and look at making it a much snappier, high octane experience. Thank you for your time and feedback.

Glad you enjoyed. Thank you for playing!

Thank you so much for the kind words. Hades is one of those games that I'm constantly in awe of so that's nice of you to say. It was one of those Jams where things were constantly going wrong so I'm glad the final product was something you felt was a solid entry. I appreciate your time to play the game and leave feedback. Thank you.

This is a very cool idea. I like the sounds of your character visually altering alongside your projectiles and shot pattern, it would help sell the feeling of being invested in your deck and unique build. Thanks for playing and leaving a good suggestion.

Well done for submitting. The upgrades and achievements were a nice touch. The finickiness of moving between screen which I'm sure you're aware of was a little awkward. But it took me back to playing the flash games of old. Nice work.

(1 edit)

Sorry to hear you had some issues with the game. Unfortunately due to the time pressure of the Jam some key features had to be cut. They will be swiftly added once the voting period has ended. Thanks for playing.

What a great Jam game. The presentation of this is really beautiful. The puzzles were all very well put together. My only criticism is the slight confusion at the start of the game as others have mentioned and that at times it felt slightly sluggish to execute a solution once I had worked it out but these are really just knit picks. You should be very proud of this submission. 

I went too deep! Awesome work, I really liked the format of this game and the you nailed the theme. I found that I managed to get by without really deploying much skill nevertheless I had fun unlocking the upgrades and you could definitely feel your power level increase as you got them. Good job, well done for submitting. 

Nice work, successfully made it to the core! I really like the the power creep over the course of the game, comparing your final form to the slow mining of the start. It was very satisfying full boosting, weaving my way between the magma block. Well done for submitting.

This is definitely the best game about fishing cookies out of milk that I've played this jam, so far. Cute game and well done for submitting.

Glad you enjoyed, I hope the difficulty wasn't too off-putting, thanks for playing.

Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot. I'm glad you had fun.

(1 edit)

It's interesting point you make about health bars, I want players to have a feeling of how powerful they are through intuition without bogging them down with information overload. But as you've pointed out not knowing can really sway the outcome of a run. Definitely something to think about after the Jam. Thanks for playing and taking the time to leave feedback. 👍

Thanks for playing and leaving good feedback. Accessibility is important and something I'll look at addressing post jam. I appreciate the kind words. 

Well played! The game is challenging (maybe overly so for a jam game) but depth 8 is impressive. The core of the world / the final level is just after depth 14 so you were well on your way to getting there. Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed.

(1 edit)

Wow, I left this game wanting more! (In a good way). The presentation and the polish was some of the best I've seen and as a lover of card games this was a joy to play. 

My only criticism stems from the desire to play more; At one point my strider was a 10/99 beast and I could steamroll through everything. A simple win screen, "You emerged from the storm" type deal around depth 20 would have been enough me for me to reset and happily keep playing. I would have loved to see a shop type mechanic, a wandering Bedouin trader in the desert I think could have really rounded this game out. At the moment I have no incentive to fight any extra enemies that are not blocking my path, these types of risk-reward decisions take the depth to another level in my opinion.

But Overall, what you achieved in one week was an outstanding Jam entry. I hope you go on to develop this more.

Really fantastic work. Great puzzle design and overall polish. This is a super jam entry, all it was missing was a bop to complete these awesome puzzles to :)

Thank you for taking the time to write such detailed feedback. I found this Jam difficult design-wise and towards the end of jam I found it difficult to get a lot of these ideas to stick. In playtesting;  the early game was too dull and required more player agency or the end game became a race condition of clicking down buildings in one hit. Post-jam I would like to revisit  these ideas and address some of the last minute decision that were made to help round out the game loop. I appreciate the critique and hope you still managed to have a decent time with it.

Thank you for the feedback. These are all very cool ideas and I really wanted to build on the aspect of control such as deciding the direction of the skyscrapers to build upon the puzzle aspect of creating large combos. Different ways of spending money was also a premise that I wanted to build upon, making the choice to stop sea rise was just one of the options planned amongst unlocking and upgrading buildings.  Unfortunately time cut me short but these are definitely things I want to explore post Jam. Thanks for playing.

What a great Jam entry. The interpretation of theme was excellent, how you had my expectation one way and went the other. The level design was really top notch, slowly hinting of ideas such choke points and making you plan more and more ahead. The death flow was so fitting for getting caught in a trap and the whole game married together so nicely. Super work!

Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed.

Wow, the combination of the art style and the animations made it incredibly satisfying to play as the bear. The heaviness of the movement made it feel like there was consequence to your actions which I liked, there was almost this dance between precision turns around obstacles versus just barrelling head long towards the hunter.

The behaviour of the hunter felt very human and you could almost feel his fear as you charged him down. The final moments of the game were the most satisfying when you knew you had him in your sights and it was only a matter of time until he met his demise. For a simple game, this was well executed. Nice work! 

This was a really neat idea. Some interesting design with a solid gameplay loop. When getting quite deep into a run it became slightly tedious placing 4 grey bricks in front of the castle but definitely interesting to begin with trying to work out which formations were strong. I think it would be really cool to see this game with a deckbuilding twist to it, as bricks get destroyed they go back into your deck and you can progressively add more and more powerful bricks to your roster. But overall, a good adaptation of the Jam theme, well done.

Really nice take on the concept. When the game is a frantic dash to retrieve some stashed away gold at the bottom of your pouch it is at its best. Nice simple presentation, well explained. I would love to see this expanded with maybe more things to do with your items or different item behaviours within your backpack. But overall, good job!

Greatly appreciated!  Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed. As you earn more and more money, your city becomes attractive for people to want to relocate there, if you do well at the start and protect against rising oceans then you'll have a rush of people moving in and with lots of land to play with.

I'm glad you enjoyed and thank you for leaving valuable feedback. It was a difficult decision to make switching back to the hammer by default, it felt like it was the tool you wanted to always be on to help you get out of a pinch. I think it was probably necessary to add some kind of hold shift to place multiple building at once. Anyway, Thanks for playing.