Good 👍 Please stay focused on the other one New World paradise ⚡
Ghost 9913
Recent community posts
Any more... I need action and fun like this in a same game.
Any other games??
Is there any update on progress or there is nothing left to come in this game????
Where I can share you the file
Go in the new general dark world and surrender your self to those cloning enemies.. After getting control, visit the bridge... And give up again,,, When They take you at there place click on struggle and leave that place Direct.. Do same for 3 time's and it's done
Dude if you are adding that much stronger enemies then please add some more power's. Because it takes time to defeat Bosses without knowing there power up's,,, By the way i defeated this one in 23 minutes. And make sure in next update add some scenes like men or women do things. Please I'm bored 💤 with these animations, i want something like Full sex Scenes...
I completed the game, when the new update is coming....?
Is there anyone who needs save file or help to complete a task, you can ask.
Game is completed, Byee , And please
This one is for owner- i want the next update for free i don't want to buy that one if there's no proper sex scenes..
Good news for the new update - Bros work is done 81% for new update
Is there any save file, i lost my saved data 😑,,, Just tell me or i delete this game 😭
When the new update is coming...? Atleast how much time it's gonna take...?
When will the new update is coming....? Cause.. this one is completed 😔 now
it means in 5 days 💣
When will the new update is coming... I can't wait dude
When will the new update is coming of this game... I can't wait for it anymore
When will the new update is coming... ???????And Please make some good animations with a men and celica... Add a villain or a new character, Whatever it takes....
Yes I have did many times still stucked at same point... Sleep on ghost ship 🚢
Can you share the data file of your game... It will be helpful for me, I'm stucked at last 3 tasks. capt cares, sleep on ghost ship, and edger relationship..
Please tell me how to find Ghost ship 🚢 and sleep on it...
What is liam dude....?
How to complete these left tasks... No more hints left in the game... and tell me how find the witch and sleep on ghost ship... With details only... I need perfect solution
What should I do for complete this task... explain with full details only... no more extraordinary talks. I'm asking for Only perfect solution
How to find or reach witch...?
I was asking to solve my problem... But gived more , how can I find creature with wings, and what to do, to get celestians. Is it a new Power or magic, how can I get that form or whatever is it called,
Please Explain with perfect way or clues cause I can't use my brain now, for these hidden events.... it's impossible to explore now without knowing anything.
And thanks for the reply... I'll wait for the next detailed explanation.