No, no he didn't
A member registered Jun 25, 2024
Recent community posts
No, no he didn't
Not the whole series. The first season has the complete rewrite while the second season won't be a complete overhaul and season 3 will be untouched.
Might be dependent on how the characters view you. There should be a pull out tab on the right where you can see how your choices can change how the party views you if they do as you play the game.
Play and find out. 😉
Episode 5 after 13Leagues finishes the rework of seasons 1 and 2
There is only 4 episodes so far and I think one last season after this so we may see Roe snap.
Hey, I think it means something about which characters are attracted to your own. Also, as someone who has played both and what is currently out with p3 so far, I just wanted to ask if you played the first game. Because, if you didn't, I just wanted to say without spoilers, that there are decisions you make throughout the story of all that is out so far in the that can change different aspects of things later in the story. One of which can be attraction if it's how I described.
Did you download your save correctly? If you did, there is the chance that the file got corrupted and now you have to download it again.
Best game I've played on here in a while, will definitely get the full release when it comes out.
I believe they were taken down until the rewrites were finished but I'm not entirely sure.
Sadly, not yet. I don't personally know how they operate but I think 13 Leagues will be posting an update on Superstition Season One when the update of that season is complete. You can also check by going to 13League's tumblr page through the link and see that it's still ongoing.
From the post about the update on the first season, they're focusing on the rewrites of Seasons 1 & 2. They said that the rewrites for the first season, which are still being worked on, are pretty significant but the ones for season two aren't as significant so it won't be as long a wait for that. You can read about it in the latest update notes for season 1 where they go into the 4.0 update, which also has an external link that talks more in depth about the update.
I think it's a bug preventing that and I believe 13Leagues will deal with it after the rewrites to the first two seasons.
Rewrites of the first two games first before more I think.
Probably won't be any more for a while since 13Leagues is doing rewrites of the first two games. The first one is going to take longer to do since it's a significant rewrite while the second game might not take as long with the rewrite due to the fact it isn't going to be as significant.
I think it means give romance points to a character that you can romance
I think this is on hiatus until 13Leagues finishes the rewrites of Seasons 1 and 2
Sydero is the only option that is in your party that can be romanced until you get to Season 2. Sorry if that's disappointing.
Don't forget you also have a rework after 13Leagues is finished with it.
I could see this also.
Before I begin, sorry if this is long.
I'd suggest playing season 1 first. This game was inspired by shows like Charmed, so expect a lot of supernatural elements. There are amazing characters with equally amazing personalities, some of which you can romance if you want. The game has you customize your preference when it comes to romantic or sexual attraction to fit how you want. You can also customize your appearance to how you want along with a few other aspects about yourself. There is also an amazing overarching storyline throughout the three seasons, with a final season on the way. I won't go into any spoilers but there are even parts of the game where your choices can change some details later in the story, so I'd recommend starting on season 1 because you can download your game's save data and export it to season 2 and so on with 2 to 3, that way it's more consistent. The game's creator, 13Leagues, is doing a rework of seasons 1 and 2 to bring it in line with the current vision of the game and changing how some things work. You can however still play both of them despite the coming updates, which I would highly recommend because this story is honestly one of the most interesting things I've read and is one of, if not the best game/stories I've ever been interested in.
Have you finished season 1?
I'd assume through the app but I remember seeing an issue where you might have trouble with porting the save data from this to Season 2 to keep things consistent with your choices. There is a link to solve the issue I stated but it's currently gone and I don't think it will be back until the rewrite for this is finished.
Hope you love it. =0w0=
I will wait as long as it takes. <3
Yes, because there is so much character development in seasons 1 and 2. It also helps you build up your relationships and friendships with those in the party with an entire overarching plotline. There are also so many spoilers for the first two seasons in this one. You can even bring your saves over once you complete the previous season from 1 into 2 and 2 into 3 so it's more consistent with your choices.
Is anyone working on a way to figure out how to trigger the whole Sydero/Amari romance? Because I'm trying to romance both of them and hit a dead end. I pick either at the start and I think it locks me out of the other because I lose all romance points with the other after a certain point later on. I even enabled the poly variable turned on after exporting the data from my S2 file. I'm currently using the browser version and I'm wondering if this is different in the downloaded version. Please help, I love them both so much.