Nice little card game! Fun and interesting game rules that combine a five-card poker hand! Very neat. I'm not too sure how you could improve upon this, but I know I enjoyed playing the game. Maybe sometimes I was a bit confused and I thought it was almost too straight-forward or easy to win, but maybe I just got lucky. Keep up the good work!
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Very chill, short, and sweet. I liked that it was lowkey and not rushed to get the pieces for the nest. Also the bird art was quite nice and the environment was well-decorated. There's not much to the game for sure but it was a peaceful experience, especially with all of the ambient sounds you included.
I had some issues searching for branches at the very end, I'm not sure if it's because the color blended into the ground or maybe if just not very many of them spawned.
Nice little game you made here, keep it up!
What a very interesting and unique concept. Much like other people, it definitely took me a minute to figure it out (I completely missed the guide menu in the main menu). Once I got going, it was quite a brain-teaser trying to think several steps ahead in order to re-form the numbers into the other side. It's also quite an interesting mechanic where you setup the right side of the equation, so in a way you can also strategize that way.
The only thing I really had issues with are the controls. They feel complicated and even after I familiarized myself I was still hitting the wrong buttons and what not.
But the game itself is quite the interesting and fun puzzler, definitely one of the most unique ones I've seen. Keep up the good work!
I really like the idea of having a huge swarm of magnetic balls to be used as a shield and a weapon! It's definitely a really cool visual and I'm sure there's a lot you could do with that idea and mechanic.
I see that you guys didn't quite finish on time, but that's alright! It's still cool you guys submitted something for the jam even if it wasn't quite finished. The game still needs some work and touch-ups on it for sure, but it's a nice little proof of concept you whipped up. Keep working hard!
I'm always a sucker for mech-building games, so I of course liked the concept of this one. It's interesting trying to build your mech with different parts in order to create an absolute monster build.
I would have loved to see more towers that were unlocked quicker in order to get more use out of the diverse options, as well as being able to switch out towers after you placed them. Also, some more challenging enemies and what-not could of also definitely spiced up the game, but I understand that sticking to the scope of game is important so this is just a wish-list of sorts.
Overall it's a nice game with some well put-together art and some banging music and nice sound effects. I really enjoyed seeing my mech towers expand and grow and then absolutely shredding the bosses. It was short and sweet, just how I like them. Keep up the good work!
I really liked the menu interaction for building and level selection. Felt very clean and was quite nice being able to look around the ship and also the planet, felt more interactive and enjoyable than a menu. On top of that, the rest of the game looks pretty good in general, especially the planet in the background and some of the HUD. My only gripe is the lighting in some parts of the game is a bit dark.
Also I kept running into issues with scenes or effects and what-not being loaded in for the first time, so there would be a huge lag spike or delay in the game. At one point my game just froze indefinitely because I crashed into another ship I suppose.
Besides those hurdles with the lag, the rest of the game looks and feels great. What little of the combat I got to play felt smooth and intuitive. I'm not sure how difficulty scales in the rest of the game since I wasn't able to make it very far because of the crashes, but I hope some challenge and differing enemy attack patterns do emerge because I was often able to shoot at far off enemies and kill them before they were on my screen.
Overall, like I said, the game looks and feels great. The animation as well is a nice touch. I can see you put a lot of elbow grease into this one in order to make it nice and polished. Keep up the good work!
Simple mechanics but still challenging and entertaining. I think my favorite part was watching the mountainous dam keep growing and growing to crazy proportions and then just cartoonishly falling over on top of the river.
I think a little more depth added to the gameplay loop could've been a welcome addition, but for game jams I understand and respect staying close to a small scope for your game.
Overall, the game looks and sounds great, and traversing the river offers a good amount of challenging without being too punishing. Nice work on this one!
Update: Just finished the rest of the game. Those later puzzles have very clever solutions that I really enjoyed figuring out.
I just have a few final notes about the game now that I've finished:
- It would be nice to have an undo button that let me rewind a couple moves, because I often found myself doing one wrong move or two that would make me restart the whole level. It never took me too long to get back to where I was at, but it would also be nice to not have to re-setup my entire solution again.
- I still really do like the musical aspect of this when inputting the "F"s and "O"s, but sometimes hearing it in quick succession it sounded a bit harsh over and over again just because of the nature of the music and the instrument. This is a small gripe, but something I still wanted to point out.
- I ran into one small bug where I was able to walk off the playable area on one of the last levels. I didn't use this to exploit the level, but it's just something I discovered and wanted to let you know.
- For me at least, I often got my directions mixed up when turning the characters. Although the little diagram with the controls was helpful, sometimes figuring out the orientation was a bit confusing and I would end up just turning right 3 times instead of left once (and vice versa). Maybe some more detailed display for these controls could be helpful.
These items are not to detract from the product you've made, of course, but just little things I wanted to point out because I would really love for this game to be a fully released game on steam one day. I really did enjoy it, and the ending was quite nice and i could see that possibly expanding future puzzles. Again, I really loved the game, please do keep up the great work!
Amazing game. It feels like every game jam I've done there's one puzzle game that I have a blast with, and this is one of those games. The combination of the music and sounds with the simple yet in-depth and expansive puzzle controls just make it a joy to try to solve the puzzles. I unfortunately didn't get a chance to play through all of the levels yet, but I'm sure it's more great puzzle fun.
Awesome game! I love this. Definitely brings me back to the days of my mish-mashed action figures and toys. Of course I have to point out all the art since it is incredible! And the packaging is definitely the kicker to all this. Very retro, and I love the "Now includes ________!" sticker on there! Which I figured out is how you get bonus points? Regardless, very fun!
But that was one thing I wish was a bit more clear, exactly how the pieces are contributing to the whole character. Just by making it a bit more obvious if there is a color match or criteria match or what not when I apply the piece, rather than when the figure is finished.
Besides that one gripe though, I had a blast. Especially when you see all your creations scrolling at the end. That part was very funny to see all the hastily made figures I created in order to just pump something out for points. I love it. This could totally be a super fun jackbox game. Awesome work on this!
P.s. found a bug where in creative mode there still seems to be a timer active and the game ended after about 20 seconds or so.
What an awesome polished game for just two days! Menus are very nice and the building mechanics work quite well! I was a big fan of bad piggies when that came out so naturally I enjoyed this game.
The rockets are definitely a bit buggy and sometimes I wasn't sure how I lost. I liked the variety of all the different parts though, definitely gives you so options to play around with and test different things.
Nicely done for your short time frame! Keep up the good work!
What a neat twist on the area horde survival genre. It's an interesting mechanic where not only do you have to position yourself in order to not die, but you also have to position your army to attack and defend yourself. An RTS where you the commander can die is a very intriguing concept that you could definitely do a lot with.
I wish I had a bit more control over my army since most of the time they formed a sort of conga line whenever they were targeting enemies. Also, after a while the orcs would keep spawning and going towards the center and the game started to lag. I was able to just run away for a while and try to pick off single orcs in order to level up my army, but it took a while and I would get laid out by the orcs anyways.
But besides that little bit of imbalance, I still enjoyed the game. The little character pop-ups that would appear were nice and I liked upgrading my skeletons to put hats on them. I also thought it was funny how you could upgrade the orcs too and totally screw yourself that way. Nice work and nice polish on this game keep it up!
What a neat concept! Definitely a good iteration on those "choose from two choices" types of games if you know what I mean. Figuring out what kind of government my choices led to was very interesting to discover, especially because I'm not into politics and whatnot. The clapping and booing sound effects were also a nice touch, but I wasn't sure who or why they would cheer or get mad? Never the less, it was definitely a nice touch. I also quite like the main menu design with the computer tabs at the top as if I'm in a digital parliament program of some type.
I wish there was a bit more depth to the mechanics you have here, but I also believe asking for more from what you've made in the span of a week is a bit unrealistic and perhaps out of scope.
Overall, nicely done this was a very neat and interesting game to play around with. Keep up the good work!
So awesome to hear you liked it and got all the upgrades! I too realized that I didn't adjust the values on the upgrade and it was basically free, but so cool to see that you got to a point of making money fast. Thanks for trying it out!
oh dang I didn't catch that, thanks. And thanks for playing
I like the game idea you cooked up here, a sort of build-your-path platformer, very fun idea. I definitely appreciated the in-depth tutorial that showed the player how the game worked and laid out all the tools available.
Although, I felt the platforming controls to be a bit hard to play with when it came to jumping and maneuvering. One thing I'd like to see be implemented is some sort of indicator for where your block will be placed, that would definitely help with some of the more precise placements.
Overall it's a nice game, but a bit challenging for me. Keep up the good work though and great job!
I like the concept, nice little vampire survivors-like. I also like how the upgrades get added onto the beetle's back kind of like risk of rain, that's definitely something I love seeing in these kinds of games cause then you character just ends up looking pretty insane by the time you have your 30th upgrade.
I found it hard avoiding taking damages because I was so large and there were so many tiny enemies, and the play field was also quite small. Also my guns would both target the same enemy who would die in one shot anyways, so it could be nice to have both guns focus on different enemies so that I'm not wasting shots on one-shot enemies. I also wished there were some sounds, but I get it might've been more important to focus on the core game play before extra stuff like that.
The upgrade system is pretty nice tho, very typical leveling-up upgrades but it works well and has some good diversity in upgrades. I find it interesting how you can have your upgrades in a separate inventory and change your whole build on the fly, and I'm sure that could lead to some interesting game play. Again though, I never made it too far because I would get swarmed, but maybe that's just my fault.
You got some good ideas here, and I enjoyed my time with your game! Keep up the good work!
I like the concept, but looks like I unfortunately couldn't do all that much in-game. But besides that, the art looks quite nice and I can appreciate the aesthetic you're building with the art. Even if the game is bugged, I commend you for still submitting it and I hope you continue working on it!
Very short but very sweet! I beat both bosses in just a few minutes, and I even did the first one in a perfect run with no hits (i took one damage in the second one :{ ) I really enjoyed the very polished art and animations, looked and felt very clean. The bosses were also made with interesting and challenging designs that rewarded you for learning the optimal way for dealing with them.
I wish there were more bosses and maybe even a hard mode, but still what you've made is very nicely done and polished and I quite enjoyed it. Awesome work!
Are john capitalism and john socialism related in anyway? I'm sure there's some brotherly rivalry there.
All jokes aside, this was a nice short platforming game. I enjoyed the tunes playing the background quite a bit. Also the controls felt pretty tight and I never was frustrated with them. The game may be simple, but I did enjoy my time with it. Nicely done for just a couple days! Keep up the good work!
Yeah I definitely was having some issues with the item grabbing at times, but it seemed to work most of the time. Thanks for giving it a try!
awesome thank you, I'm definitely excited to try it out it sounds like a fun game and looks cool from the screenshots
I was instantly intrigued by the GIF you have posted, and I wish this was in the game! It would be very cute and humorous if you had a little mouse army just bombarding cats. I wish the game could've been developed more, but looks like one week wasn't long enough and I totally get it. What you have so far is pretty smooth though, except for when the recruits and the enemies collide. Maybe it's because I played in browser, but the game froze as soon as they attacked. That kind of AI code is tricky I'm sure. Good job working on something though and putting it out there! Keep up the drive and passion!
Very cute game. I love the little character art for the customers (it's almost better that it's the same little dude). I also enjoy the bit of humor that's sprinkled in there. Not too in your face but I definitely chuckled a few times.
I think your game idea is pretty interesting. It's almost like a shop keeping deck builder, where you build up your "deck" of clothing and have to play your "hand" in order to match the aspects that the customer wants. You could definitely develop this into more and expand upon what you've made, but what you've got now is pretty nice and chill, but just not super expansive quite yet. I played for about 14 in-game days in order to get a feel for it.
Overall I enjoyed my time with your game. Keep up the good work on your games!
I respect you submitting this to the jam, even if it is bare bones. I think it's important to be happy with the work you're able to come up with cause that's was these jams are about. Keep up the work on games and don't lose your passion!
Thanks for giving it a play! I was especially hoping that people would get a kick out of dragging all the magnets off of the fridge.
Well done on all the art, the mechs and the fighting animations are pretty well done, and the UI as well is very slick. Was cool seeing all the different mech parts mashed together, ended up looking like a frankenstein-ed action figure.
I wish it wasn't an auto-battler and I got to have some more input on the fights, and it would especially be cool to have the different parts effect certain moves and what not, but I get that would require a lot of work and perhaps would go out of the scope of your original plans. Only bugged issue I ran into was that the mech piece descriptions would not always show so it could never really know what most of the pieces did, but it was still interesting trying to make high DPS combos for the mechs.
Good work overall though, nice looking game. Keep up the good work!
For whatever reason, I unfortunately cannot open the compressed zip file when I download. It just says that it is invalid.
A simple, but fun and charming game. You guys definitely have a nice vibe going on for your game, and I would love to see this fleshed out and on my twitter feed one day. There's definitely a lot of places you could go with this mechanic and the humor and art style you're building here, so please do keep it up.
For adding new modules though, I would just make sure to be thoughtful in your designs and don't be afraid to get weird with it. Try to break away from the stat number upgrade and add stuff that makes the players go "YOOO WTF!!!", then it'll be a real special game you guys got.
I really like the art style and the music as well. Overall, keep it up guys! Nice work!
Also I want to throw out there, I wouldn't mind helping you guys out if you'd have me. I think it would be a blast to work on a larger project with a team, but no pressure.
Hope you guys turn it around and make it into something very cool, these types of games can definitely be fun. I played the non broken build and i can see some good ground work, although I unfortunately could not make a ball into the basket. So far so good though, keep it up!
I beat krampus! Took me a few tries but I did it. I had some fun while doing it. It was pretty challenging with all his different moves and having to dodge all sorts of stuff, like his arms and the exploding bombs. I like the different build routes you could go with for you sleigh, and how the guns actually functioned differently from each other instead of just stat changes. Keep up the great work!
First off, I just wanna say you totally could've written off interpreting the theme as assembly code, just to be cheeky about it. But that's besides the point.
What a great game. So fun and simple, I love these kinds of games. I could totally see myself playing this on my phone. All the little noises and music is so fun and I loved hearing the whistling followed by the funky tune whenever I won. Also, the bug names are very clever, nicely done.
It was a bit hard to keep track of the bugs at some times, especially against the background. They sort of melted into each other, but I'm sure that's apart of the challenge. Also I wished the level would end as soon as I got all the bugs instead of waiting for the time, but it's a small issue.
Typing of the dead is a game I quite enjoy, and this feels like a challenge compared to that. You're dealing with weird characters that you never input in these sequences, and they're all squirming around so you gotta find the right order to type them in. I can tell memorization would be a big help in this game, cause then you can just instantly figure out what to type.
Overall, excellent work! Keep it up! Very enjoyable, you know how to give the game juice!
You had to move around to find the octopus, it was a boss area. I also struggled finding where I was since the floor was all one color and I didn't know if there were any boundaries, but I eventually ran into the octopus and it was an entertaining fight.
What a cool and fun project. I really enjoyed the mid-boss-fight mechanic where you have to click and shoot out one of its specific tentacles. The idea of having little mini-games mid combat is very fun and interesting. I also liked how fast paced you kept the game. You wasted no time having the player going area to area collecting the fragments.
I wish there was a little bit more agency allowed to the player. What I mean by this is more freedom to explore the ship and solve puzzles / find fragments in our own manner without the hint bubble in the top right guiding us. And what if we were under a time limit to explore the ship and find the fragments? That would be a way to make the game more challenging and interesting, but I do not mean to say this to detract from what you've made.
It's a nice little package and the art style is very charming. I did genuinely have fun playing this, and I wish you the best and to keep up the good work!
Unfortunately I do not have a numpad on my laptop so I'm unable to shoot and play a majority of the game, but I can say that visually it is well put together and cohesive in its art and sound effects, so good effort on that front. Keep working hard!
hey thanks for playing! It's not necessarily meant to be challenging, so you're exactly right. It's just one of those games where you slowly and incrementally increase your profit generation. I hope you liked it!
I'm not quite sure what the issue is. I'll take a look later today. It seems it only occurs to some people so I'm not sure. Maybe try changing your browser?
unfortunately there is no win condition, but I recommended getting all the upgrades and seeing how quickly you can make a large sum up money. Thanks for playing!
Of course! For the mouse and keyboard controls, I would just recommend setting it up the same way the controller controls are, but plugging in mouse input values instead of controller stick values. Also, I found that I wasn't able to jump and dash while using keyboard, just a weird bug I suppose.