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A member registered Feb 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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КГ\АМ, ai slop trash made in 2 days prolly

Ah i see. I wont be a crybaby and will not remove your comment. have good day.

Define fliptrash? I made dis as a joke, it is clearly stated in description

There is a bug. if you direct car onto the ferry while entry ramp is closed...well. car fucks off. I tried it with "last" car, and it did 180 and drove away. when i opened the ramp, it came back, tho.

This was good little game. Some notes. I dont thnk you had to include folders "Assets" and "Library" into archive.
I removed them and game seems to work fine.
pretty sure you did this by mistake, you can delete them from archive, which will result in DRAMATIC size decrease.
Good luck on your journey

Doesnt work, after hitting enter, its infinite elevator going down, no controls.

got stuck after climbing first tower. Killed two enemies on it, has no idea where to go next, tehre is no more green  things to go higher, jumping on the protrusion of second tower next to it acheived nothing..

(2 edits)

TLDR: Great smol horror experience, liked it, hopefully dev gonn make more and improve along the way.

Now, for the dev.
Ola. Some feedback. I am hobbyist gamedev myself, so i will share technical stuffs that might you get interested.

Pickup(or interaction items in general), should have invisible collision box that is bigger than items themselves(keys for example), for easier interaction. Pixelhunting is not fun.

when you spawn things (ejecting key from vending machine) it is better to force spawn it in desired location rahter than doing phyiscs. my key got flung halfway into nearby wall, almost softlocking me from progressing.

Lamps that pointing downwards but shine MORE light onto the ceiling than floor? what kind of supertechnology is this?)

Blood decals (dragmarks) should not continue OVER bodies that supposedly left them. I beleive there is Z-order for decals and meshes, so you might wanna look into that.

Copyrighted music and footage is a big nono in modern world, altho i cackled a bit when i encountered it :)
COuldve used original classic (d 1 for example) game footage over some kind of midi cover of the.. song. you knwo, the song. The one that rips.

when loading new level, it is good practice to either save and then load state of hold item(flashlight), ir just lit loading area so player doesnt stay in the dark waiting fo level to load, when its already loaded.

Constant headbobbing is no bueno. How about  make it gradual, high bob while running \ scared, and then lower it down to 10% after some time has passed or player stands still?

Oh, and one more thing.
FPS lock. it is very good practice to limit fps. to 60 for example. While modern GPUs can technically go unlimited FPS, this will put an unnecessary strain on them, and might impact gameplay since its gonn overheat itself and then throttle to cool down.

My gpu was tryna take off, which was strange since game grafeeks are fairly simple.
60 fps lock would be cool(you can use VSync as a substitute, i believe)

Good work, it was interesting thing to try, thank you for your efforts and good luck on future projects, friend!

Amazing. Liked atmosphere alot. Reminded me of Mystery Flesh Pit National Park from the 80s. And you managed to capture the feeling that i like in such type of games. No exit, no hope, and unfathomable demise coming. Thats so intense.

btw is there any way i can contact you? discord or anythin? i have discord server if you want to chat about this.
and how do i access the damaged(burnt or ripped apieces) note you-know-where?
There is invisible wall surrounding it. (yes i got onto the rig's rooftop)

no ending?
also why not use actual comments module instead of a thread?

unplayable controls, sadly.
and there is no way te re-bind them in settings.

TLDR: yep, its playable and finishable little platformer, unpolished, but good.

Hello. DIsclaimer:
I do understand this is your first steps, so dont take comment as offense, instead, treat it as a list of things to look into on the next update \ project.

Graphics are not good. Cant see shit indoors. Too much "reflective metal" surfaces and not enough of actual colored surfaces?

AnimBP is not set up. Pawn isnt rotating properly. This results in boost(E) boosting player in random direction, instead of desired one.
This is not accepted behavior for precision platforming game.

Camera attached to waist, not shoulders level means camera gets waist level and into characer when standing close to an obstacle.

Disappearing / transparent character model usually is used for this.
Interact icons are unreliable,they do not response properly every time when i tried to interact.

Having a limited supply of something(oxygen cans) and respawning player in a level instead of respawning everything else aswell - is no good. its a way to get player softlocked quite easily.

Thank you for your time and good luck with gamedev journeys.

(3 edits)

Very interesting.  Complex stuffs, rare thing to see, like it alot.
Controls however.. swap vertical from  W+S to Shift+Ctrl. alot of spacegames do it this way and it is more convenient when you getting in \ out of magnetic locks. sound of magnetic locks is... switch sound? not metallic CLANG. 
Where is me flashlight, brudda? its space, gib me flashlight.
Also, gun and helmet edges are constantly lit and  blinding. im in completely dark room, why they are shining like dat?
Flashlight seems to be bugged for me, does not illuminate surroundings, only gun and helmet..
Pointers(arrows?) on different gauges are black, but they usually should be emitting light just as numbers( gauges in airlocks especially)

getting out from pilot seat disables main power, lights? is fuels still being wasted? why even disable it? how do i supposed to navigate bigger ship if lights go out...

Also. Google "vacuumorph".  These.. things kinda looked loke one, so i thought maybe i give you a hint. Vacuumorphs are easy to model and scary as hell.

Very cool, please continue to work on dis!

Is this... is this offbrand Breathedge from aliexpress?

Thats the wonders of internet rules. If you put something on internet - its stays there. Forever.
Im hoping you will continue this, or release sources if possible.

Whoever was responsible for camera work - DIdnt test this. trying to shootinto distrance blocks view with your own body completely.
Whoever was responsibel for UI indication - requires more work. next time rotate BODY on indicater and not turret, aight? I know that my body is facing FORWARD. its the ONLY way it can face. Other than that, decently made smaool demo, sadly, no way of repairing

Minigun(rightlcick) isnt acutally a minigun but a singleaction repeater

I just noticed. its been a year since you posted this, but still.

so. "feed bacc"
tldr : I liked it, you can easily get back to this and expand and polish, and it will become very good shit.

VERY JUICY gun, textures, envriomental textures. J U I C Y.
You played doom and you liked it, thats good:)
I see gun behavior and design is inspired by doom rocketlauncer shotgun. kool.

gun lacks projectile rendering, muzzleflash.
No indication of rockets chariging aside from sound.

enemies are okay, just not really fitting wiht textures that are glowing. i'd prefere same dark industrial as walls in corridors,, with glowing bits. When enemy gets killed, i should be able to go through body, so are drops.

health and ammo pickups are spawning midair or ON CEILING quite often, and i was able to pick them up by jumping and hitting head on ceiling.

I wish there was more indication when im hitting enemies, like stagger or more particles, or enenimes grunting. Sadly no indication of current money aside from shop widget.

sound balance is off, music is too loud and overwheling other sounds. steps are barely hearable(if thats a correct word)

You know about the navmesh problem, ive seen you asking about it. I encountered same shit developing literally same game aswell.  dunno how to fix it.

And PLEASE enable frame limiter on this and all your future projects. my pc tire to took off into space renedring 300+ fps. 60 would be more than enough :)


definitely flesh it out via book and design documents. and visaully, aswell. I got Flesh pit vibes  . Definitely improve upon this concept. it is worth it in long run. 

Havent seen text games in a while. I.. kinda liked it alot. interesting universe, even if i was exposed to it for 5 minutes. Is it from the book or something?
I liked that there is mood syste, but i never encountered any influence from it?
Very cool.

This was VERY well done. loved it. Took few tries to get used to shotgun mechaics, but only minute or so. I liked gun angling when player looks left or right. HL sounds brings up nostalgia, myst and visuals are amizingly fitting, i liked it. second monsters are sometime WAY TO FAST, but eh, ig you already know. I gonn follow your project, i like this.

Sounds of footsteps are a bit off... with their volume. 
Interesting enviroment. Not as rich as could be, but its still interesting.
Flashlight looks too far down when running. Maybe add something like a spring arm to it, so it doesnt sway as much and as fast?
KillZ is very important. I found a hole, instead of a door, and fell through world.
Seen not so scary monsters, never reached end of game.

Nice visuals. Obv you trying your skills in this. The monster was noclipping through the walls. no bueno. Also no prep time before monster starts chasing you. And no ending, game jsut lcoses. at least show screen with "you escaped"
No attentuation on monster's footsteps? theyre playing right where player is it sounds like
Again, nice visuals

Wtf did I just experienced

(1 edit)

Interesting. It shouldnt be THAT generous lul. 1 protein bar per 1 completed task. sometimes no bar at all. i will look into it, so it was jumping task, thank you very much.

uhhhh what task did you broke? Can you elaborate?

Hey, I made similar shorter game bc i played yours. if you interested, check it out.

This is unexpectdly VERY well made.
I got hooked on story, the gameplay is very good. tooke me a while to get used to mouseaim, but when i got it, everything went downhill. this is a very good game, visuals are amazingly good and fitting, combat is PUNCHY and fast as fuk boi, story is very interesting.

Good. something new from your old style, interesting. Short, yes. interestin... choice.

I geniunely enjoyed it. Wish there was more to this, story?More content? buildings to explore on foot? a bit more deep mechanics? Like fuel(fuel cells), amutition, laser crystals, something.
Atmosphere and enviroment are very fitting. 
The "unzooming" was... a bit awkward. wish it was inverted.
The cockpit lacks pixelated texturing.
Trees are too detailed imo. lower LOD was looking better. Needs more foliage variety, more enviroment objects. on foot battles \ exploration would be nice.. oh wait, is this titanfall im talking about? i never played it, maybe now its time.
Very well done experience overall, nicely done models, combat feels CLUNKY AND HEAVY AS FUCK, as it supposed to be when youre inside HEAVY AND CLUNKY AS FUCK MECH.

Would love to see continuation.

You... uploaded html file? rly? where is the game man

you nailed the atmosphere, amaizngly scary. i liked it. Was lowkey explecting THEM to twithc\move suddenly at the end circle. For some reason

Walking sim.
Man, some nostalgic vibes on this one. Decent controls, thanks.

I found 2 of strange green "artifact" looking things, 5 bodies, returned back onto 1st floor, nothing changed there. Thought i was tasked with body search and artifact?

Some things i noticed.

If you hug the central railing and look 40 degrees to the left, while presing W+D, you will "slide" on railing, increasing your speed.

youre ingame description of staircase and enviroments does not match ingame stairs and enviroments.. you wrote it..

"lightsource is necessary, since there is no light fixutres" And yet there are lights.

and general shape of staircase doesnt match the thing...
 but whatever. Game felt allright.

Good job and thank you

It is noticeable that you tried new things, and  the game was interesting and good.
Nice job, mate, keep it up!

Tackling new gameplay i see. Interesting. 
Empty gun needs to do dryfire sound when attempted to shoot.
it is possible to get pushed down from last building if you sand close to the edge where hands spawn.

last 2 enemies need to have some kind of visual  or audio feedback when hit. twitching, roaring, whatever.

I enjoyed it, good job man.

killing alien with an axe crashes the game.

i see. Felt like i supposed to drag off the ship...

its impossible to do full charge in the necessary direction, since i cannot drag my mous off the monitor

Interesting. since i just replicated that, maybe im stupid, but it just doesnt work.

secon level is unfinishable. Did you tried ANY testing beforehand?