Jogo maravilhoso muito divertido alem de ser lindo
Daniel Filho
Creator of
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Ta muito legal, parbéns pra equipe. Agora com os creditos em um quarto
Valeu !!
Estou participando e queria coloca-lo no meu jogo
Estou participando e queria coloca-lo no meu jogo
Nossa que jogo incrivel, eu passei mais de duas horas jogando(perdendo), muito divertido parabéns de mais!
Its very funny good job!
my high score 3303
I really liked the gameplay and the art is so beautiful. good job
I loved this game, godot is the best engine <3
I liked your idea, it can be fun and a challenge for future players :D good job
Adorei as artes e a mecânica de voltar no tempo ate virar um Bebê, demorei um pouco pra perceber que o adolecente tem pulo duplo kkkk
Parabéns, ótimo jogo
Game over yeaaaaa kkkkkk nossa morri muito nos dinossauros mas muito legal o game parabens
Começando agora ;-;
beautiful drawing, i loved the mechanics and the style
I loved the art! I managed to say that I'm a programmer \o/ very cool the mechanics of an arcade with visual novel
Thankyou for your feedback, In next jam I'll make it better :D
I am learning thank you very much
Cara curti de mais, ficou muito polido adorei.
Amazing game. I loved the ilumination
It was supposed to be an RPG game that in specific actions would roll a dice and would determine the success of each action generating some funny parts like a jump going wrong and the player discovering a secret part. unfortunately I couldn't run. :c I did the best I could for now.
I loved it. amazing puzzle game.
Nice game a I like it so much :D
Nice game :D congratulations
Amazing !!!! I loved the interations and power ups
Nice game :D
Adorei o jogo bem deseafiador como vc colocou a fisica e a vibração pra celular da um charme incrivel
I like it is funny and defiant. the sounds volume is grat too.
I played your game, its amazing :D
I liked this kind of graphics, I would loved exploring more this world
amazing, I loved listening to the songs and equipping my room.
the creation of the char is very funny, congratulations!
cool game I laugh so much with it