I looove classic Resident Evil so this was right up my alley! Great game with very effective atmosphere. The manual reloading was very interesting. I was worried it would be a problem, but it's manageable and does a great job at increasing the tension.
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Awesome game with beautiful aesthetics! I was surprised by how tough the game can be if you aren't careful, I died more than a few times, including getting instant-killed due to my dialog choice, lol. Great work!
Very exciting game! Good music choice! I was immediately thankful that the pawns didn't upgrade themselves to queens when they reached the top of the screen!
Awesome game, very well done! It's tough without checkpoints, but I got pretty far. I especially like the enemy sprites, particularly the little moons with long legs. Good work!
thank you so much!
Thank you so much Ben!!!
Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce my new game, Heck City Delivery!
Heck City Delivery is an arcade driving game inspired by Crazy Taxi. You play as a delivery goblin in the post-apocalypse, delivering food in her blood-powered car to the demons who inhabit Heck City, 20XX. Make your deliveries quickly to extend your play and earn enough money to pay your rent!
Today I've just released a free demo for you to enjoy! Play it here: https://dairydog.itch.io/heckcity
Please do not take his words personally, in the past his tail was pulled by children. I would like to expand this to a full sized game, thank you for the encouragement.
i hope you didn't take it seriously, thanks for the kind words
This is a great game that made me literally lol
Can you let me know some info about your computer? What GPU and CPU are you using, and how much RAM? Unfortunately, the game requires a solid GPU to generate the character faces and a strong CPU for the open world, but I'm considering various optimizations.
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game
Thank you so much Ben!
can you provide download links for your flash games so they can be played locally through something like Newgrounds player?
yea, steam version for sure will, i'll try to make a macos native build before then though
thanks for the kind words. were you playing the download version or in the browser?
Thanks 🙏
Wow, great work!
sorry bud, try download version?
the only good drug is a dead drug
Wow! Very entertaining video and thank you for the very kind words! You were on the right track with the strafing... if you're closer to the boss you'll have an easier time getting behind its attacks. ;) ;) ;)
Sick game, the art reminds me of Monkey Island. Took me a few tries to understand the UI, but I had a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing the future development. :)
It's unlocked now!
No problem, alt+enter should make both versions full screen.
Shoot the eyes and keep moving ;)
It’s tough but I believe in you
wowy zowy!
This game is a lot of fun, I love the art style. Great work!
lmao great work
This is delightful, love the classy concept and music choice.
I'll have to play with friends when it's safe to because my dog doesn't like to play video games, but I'm thankful for the score attack mode. My only question is what's up dog?
yeah, i think i pushed webgl too hard, i'll fiddle with the engine settings and see what i can do. thanks!
How much bass are you packin bud?
download version? alt+enter should do it
This game owns!!! Love the art style you used. The pixel art textures and low-poly models are beautiful. Gliding around with the hook was really fun when I got a feel for the physics and moveset. Great work!