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A member registered May 28, 2018 · View creator page →
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Argulow is causing trouble, and now his mansion has been rigged to blow due to his own stupidity!
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(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
Argulow's Consistently Questionable Antics! comments · Replied to Robot krabs in Argulow's Consistently Questionable Antics! comments
why would there be that i think its just a bug
(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to MrCoolTheGamer in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
i dont own a mac (at least not one that can run unity, lol) and apple is really stingy about who can build to mac so unfortunately i cannot
(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to pixe in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
if you really need assets ill make a zip with all the non spoiler assets
(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to pixe in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
that's not my fault, none of the dumping programs support unity 2022.2 which is what i use
(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to Samuran in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
happens when any errors are logged. the essentialest of oils are broken right now and dont render the fog and also trigger a lot of null reference exceptions.
(Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments · Replied to Phoney in (Legacy Version) Meet Mark Mc. Marketing Public Demo comments
when amber objects 2.0 :eyeroll:
Baldi's Basics: The Infection jam comments · Replied to Inky Wright in Baldi's Basics: The Infection jam comments
you know that defeats the entire purpose of a jam right
did you seriously just resubmit an old mod to a MOD JAM?
wow much skill
Plaulor94 basic 4: The land of 3D jam comments · Posted in Plaulor94 basic 4: The land of 3D jam comments
An old version of Barno's Basics. jam comments · Replied to TheTopHattedStickman in An old version of Barno's Basics. jam comments
And they broke the rules too.
An old version of Barno's Basics. jam comments · Replied to TheTopHattedStickman in An old version of Barno's Basics. jam comments
You have to make it within the time period.
Baldi's Basics in 1000 Years comments · Replied to McPorkythePorkersJr in Baldi's Basics in 1000 Years comments
I know, i said it like that because funny meme
Baldina's Basis in Education Literary Grammar comments · Replied to BamTheModder in Baldina's Basis in Education Literary Grammar comments
this comment is 240 days old. also, it was stupid.
Baldi's Basics Multiplayer Remake Prototype comments · Replied to JohnsterSpaceGames in Baldi's Basics Multiplayer Remake Prototype comments
just install the linux module
Baldi's Big Spin Basics V1.1 comments · Replied to TheTopHattedStickman in Baldi's Big Spin Basics V1.1 comments
It's times new roman.
Baldi's Big Spin Basics V1.1 comments · Replied to JohnsterSpaceGames in Baldi's Big Spin Basics V1.1 comments
maybe make it so the placeface dialog makes actual sense and that the ending part isnt just random words
but that would ALSO ruin the gameplay, because that would take away a major mechanic. I think it should be that you can only call an emergency meeting if you have been within a certain range to a dead body.
BaldGuy's Basics with DECENT online features community · Posted in Clean up your act. This is embarrassing.
Oh! Alright, I'll adjust my review over time. I develop with unity too, so I have some suggestions and tips. First off, to fit the disappearing under the map, make a sorting layer below the items in the project settings, and call it "map". put all map tiles on that layer. Then do the same for items and then the same for the player. If you do that, items, notebooks, and the player wont disappear under the map.
Mystman does not allow paid fangames anyway. Also, as of now, we don't know if Mystman allows mods or fangames on google play or the app store, even for free without ads.
BaldGuy's Basics with DECENT online features community · Created a new topic Clean up your act. This is embarrassing.
Online mode isn't even online, several tiles are on the wrong layer so the player disappears under them, there is only one notebook in offline mode, there are NO notebooks in the fake online mode, tiles don't line up and have gaps in-between, Baldi literally goes through walls, etc. etc.
Clean up your act. This is embarrassing.