Keep up the amazing work. Really loved playing the prototype, Good Luck
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More ingredients AND different omelets that you unlock via progression, is my suggestion
Definitely Waiting for more
Appreciate the feedback and I will be expanding on levels and making more power ups.
The Levels and their designs is great, movement is also good. The Boss takes a little time to understand what to do on, The SFX and Music alongside the UI design is also good.
I did have some frame drops but that could just be my old gen PC.
I think the Boss fight is a little lack luster and could use some work. Overall its a very good game
Appreciate the feedback a lot
I was planning on adding a tutorial but ran out of time I will definitely do that, The animation was only supposed to be for the power up and not the letter but I thought lets just leave it there. Will probably separate them.
The idea is to have random ones, but I do think having random ones that show what it is before the pick up screen would be cool
Yeah The text animation is an issue I am aware of, I will most likely Improve it so during its duration nothing else happens
Really Appreciate the feedback
One of my favorite games this jam. Really awesome implementation and a good Core mechanic.
Absolutely loved this game and I hope you Expand it.
The Game is Extremely well polished and its difficulty curve is well managed.
Truly a wonderful game
Appreciate the Feedback.
Enemy Pathfinding is a bit difficult to do but I will be learning it for this game, I am also learning a bit more about Pixel art and will try different Palettes.
I will probably Do a lot of balance changing, I'll do some changes to enemy projectiles as well.
Really Appreciate the Feedback
Really Awesome game, I'd say it builds up very fast and hard to control near the end. Maybe create a larger arena and have more enemy variety.
Great Game nonetheless
Neat Idea, level design could use some work and puzzles could be more simple but intricate. Also I would suggest scaling object only when you have clicked on them, Because at the moment when there are various object and you want to do a specific one it some times messes with selection
The game Idea is really unique and one of the best this Jam, I had a lot of fun playing it.
Having slightly better UX and UI alongside SFX will help.
Usage of shadows is really great. and level design is awesome.
Also you sort of don't have a decent User feedback on when you die or lose so setting a level fail will help and also having a tutorial in game or just explaining what button and what object does what will definitely help.
One of my fav games this jam
It is Very difficult for a starting player to understand, So I'd suggest having an easy Difficulty curve and learning curve. other than that the game feels smooth and is fun to play once you understand
Idea is great and could use some work, UX is really not great, and the Screen Scaling is also weird.
The art style is good and the beginning storyline is also great, The movement feels a bit weird, While jumping if you are colliding with an object you stay suspended in air, The UI screen Scaling is also bad as on my screen it just goes out of the screen and I'm unable to read half the text.
The puzzles themselves are Decent tho and the idea is clever
idea is great and art is also very good, It isn't very user friendly and at the start without any UX the player gets lost on what to do.
Some Music and SFX alongside better balancing will improve the game IMO
Music and sfx will help a lot and also user feedback on things will also improve user retention, Level design is good but could be better. Over all An enjoyable experience, The scale mechanic is really great and the movement is also good
Really great design and a very good idea. Game is a bit slow I'd say and improving speed of earth might help, Also To make it easier maybe draw an aim line
The Game Idea is very Good but it is incredibly Easy.
Maybe make it more difficult, Because at the moment there isn't any advantage to decreasing the scale unless the Pass way is small. Also The Level completion point is weird a bit, You should probably make it so that unless you Don't hit the level completion collider directly the level is failed. And that brings me to my other point, there is no level fail, And every level is Easy.
A good idea and a good game nonetheless.
A very well thought out Story, I had some issues with Resolution and UI positioning.
The Art style could be better with some sort UX. This is an incredibly ambitious for such a short jam but still good enough nonetheless.
You probably shouldn't put a return to title button, Maybe a Terminate Conversation or Questioning Button.
Some good Situational Music and A little better might improve stuff IMO.
Not exactly the best in terms of theme implementation but a very good design. The Stats are very good, Level design could do some work, But the gameplay is nice and BGM is good
The Game is absolutely amazing. The them isn't exactly the best in this but overall this is a very good game. Music is great combined with a Brilliant art style to boot. The movement feels smooth. The best way to describe this is if Limbo and Celeste had a child and that child was very awesome.
The game is difficult but it's very satisfying and nothing feels over the top and impossible. The use of Check points is cunning.
I Really hope this would turn into a big game, Would play it.
Thanks. I'll be doing the Post Jam now, and push out most updates then and see where to go from there.
I've done enemy nav mesh in 3d so it shouldn't take that much time I hope
Thanks a bunch
Really good idea. The speed and constant decision making is great .
More omelete Variety might help
This is one of the best games i've played this jam. If you ever expand it do tell. The enemy placement is weird at some points but other than that it is really an awesome game. Maybe more weapon and more levels will help IMO
And as someone already said, Inverted controls are a bit weird to get used to
Art and Music is really great here and the idea is simple and easy to understand. Levels could be made to be Unique a bit more.
I believe the idea was to have the player get bigger then destroy enemy, But sometimes you can just be small and still destroy it.
Appreciate it. I've already started learning about ways to determine Enemy movement, Pathfinding is up there. I do want to make it a full game and have been making a list of everyone's feedback.
Thanks A lot
The Difficulty Spike is weird, sometimes there is no way to survive as there isn't much space.
At the start you are able to restart the game without out even starting it(Small bug but fixable with an if statement)
Overall the music and SFX is really great and the Endless system works well. The Art also suits the Main idea so that's great . Idea is neat with some more core mechanics and a slightly better gameplay loop will help IMO. A really decent game for a first Game Jam
A bit of a difficulty curve but that's good. Art style and the story narrative is well thought.
Jump with W is weird but you get used to it, The check points are a pain tho as you aren't sure which Pont of water is a check point and which isn't, More of them should be added imo, And SFX will most likely make the game better to feel IMO. A well thought game OverAll
by story I mean general Idea. The story about a man Climbing a mountain and then descending it. And you're game does the epilogue of the story, Instead of showing a man climbing your game depicts his struggle of Descending
The best thing about this for me is the story which I find really intriguing, Art style is good enough but could be improved. UX is not great at the start, As you're mapping the jump and dash to X/Z, You should give an in game indicator for it. Level design is good but it forces slow game play by having to check every corner. SFX would also improve the game, And Better jump mechanics(Like immediate feedback when you jump) should be good. Overall a very decent experience, That could use some tweeking to make the feel of the player better
Appreciate the Feedback
Idea is good but the UX is not even there, and especially in this game UX is absolutely necessary. The rest is manageable. Work on better UI and UX so that the player understands how the game works. currently you have to mash so many buttons to understand what does what
Puzzle Design is great, Movement is a bit difficult to get used to but it works. the scale up down mechanic is great but indication for where you will be placing it would be good. Overall a very good idea, maybe manage the difficulty scale a bit better, as some level earlier are difficult and some at the end are easier
Not sure how it fits the theme, But it is a really awesome game Nonetheless. The idea is super great. Music is nice. Art style suits the aesthetics nicely. Core Mechanics are really good and give decent feed back. The level design is also very good. Don't have anything to nitpick about although more detailed Environment and levels might make it better.
Ah I see. I did not know that, I had an idea that it might break the game, but wasn't sure. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix it soon
The world grows bigger just means larger dungeons. But since there are only 3 rooms and 2 levels you can't really tell the difference, so that's a mistake on my part about explanation. The power ups are supposed to be different but due to the amount that are spawned in due to an exclusive if statement they aren't compelling and feel different
I do plan on having more VFX for enemies and better moveset for them. Art is a pain but I will figure something out.
I really appreciate you giving the feedback.
Appreciate the feedback. I did have the difficult decreased for the sake of it being easy for the jam. Might have to change that.
The game is simple, It's a good idea for a mobile game/ having a better game loop will definitely help. story is good enough. and more sfx maybe. 69th rating, NICE
I really love detective and horror games with puns and this was great. I'd suggest some sort of gameplay UI and Better UX. Sometimes you don't know what you're supposed to do and it messes with the gameplay a bit. camera is great but it sometimes suddenly shifts position too quickly.
Overall an amazing Narrative driven game and a good art style to boot