No problem at all!!
Recent community posts
Sounds good, looking forward to the DLC. Take all the time you need to get things ready!!
WOOOOO let's a GO!! Can't wait to play the update!!!!
I am loving this game- I am taking it nice and slow since I want to take my time playing it. Quick question though how long will the full game be once you complete it if you don't mind me asking
Oh and which character is your absolute fav to develop in terms of plot, looks and personality wise?
Specific language- ancient Egyptian where it is all hieroglyphs XD JK JK JK
Seriously though keep up the amazing work and can't wait to play the new update when it comes out that is!!
Ooo OK I honestly would love a walkthrough in game. Wishing you guys good luck on the walkthrough and the game- have a amazing day!!!
No problem I can wait until then, good luck with the new update and can't wait for Feb 22....unless things happen
Keep up the amazing work, take all the time you need to make the new update. Looking forward to playing it!!!
Hey so quick question- this just came to mind while I was sleeping so I thought I'd post it here.
Say you or a friend had cancer or some terminal disease and Noel or whoever is in the vincinity came and went in your body. If that were to happen would she be able to heal the cancer or would it still be there but Noel or whoever can slow down the effects? Idk just came to mind
Yeah to be honest I was thinking- wait where the heck is Ashe and thought hey wouldn't that be a really cool interaction. A final test for Mila so to speak!
I was thinking of something but wouldn't it be something if Ashe was one of the boss battles in chapter 5 of the vampire route. I mean she wasn't able to keep up with her as a human. Maybe as a vampire and a fully fledged one maybe Mila could be more of a match for her- granted if you level up. Same battle like Dorian minus the whole transformation thing
Just something to think about- maybe you could inculde something like this in?
Hey no worries, take all the time you need to work on both games. Am looking forward to the Pregnancy DLC. Keep up the amazing work!!
But you have to admit it would be pretty cool. I mean they would be out of their element but they can always fight in the shadows away from prying eyes and all that. It would take a bit to adjust due to magic not being a thing in modern society (well as far as we know) but I'm sure they would do fine
So this came to mind- how would Mila, Amber and the rest fair in the modern society? Would they adapt well or find everything too overwhelming?
OK that looks yummy. Good luck with .02 development! Going to be amazing I can tell!!
WOW congrats on your sister having the baby. Hope you are having a great day and can't wait until more quests from Crimson Veil!!
Hey no problem at all- patience is a virtue after all!!
Yes this is actively being worked on- Jestur is working hard on the game. Just need to be patient!!
It's finally out, time to replay the game from start to finish allllll over again!!!! The time has come to put on your E-suit and teleport yourself into Eternum!!
Awesome, can't wait to play the new update when it comes out!!!
Scarlett is beyond amazing, I am a fellow red-head lover. And well there are other games that are really good but yeah Ripples is among the best alongside Eternum and Once in a Lifetime for example!!
Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you have a great one!!!
this game is so amazing, I love every moment of it. Keep up the amazing work!
Big fan of Ace Attorney and games similar to that so I had the sudden urge to play it!!
PS how many episodes will there be and will there be any DLC cases?
Agreed, and we wil patiently wait for the next update which hopefully will come soon!
Jestur just needs to do some more stuff and it will be ready to go in 2025!!
Can you imagine- Merry Christmas I got you a killer robot have fun
OK *and then proceeds to do robot boxing with it*
Surprise Orion got pulled into The Matrix, became The One and did the default Fortnite dance in front of everyone XD JK
Hmm....well to be honest I love all the hairstyles in the images above but if I had to pick one probably the drills. Think that would suit her the best!
YAY will be waiting for more good news- can't wait to see what the next update will be like!!
HOLY I am so glad you are safe and sound. Hope you can get the fuel pump replaced but glad to hear your car is still under warrenty!
Hope you have a great day regardless of the terrible experience
Take all the time you need and good luck with your day job!!!
Good luck with your day job and I am excited to find out what will happen in the 0.2 update. Keep up the amazing work!!
Oh nooo sorry to hear you were sick, hope you are feeling better now. Take all the time you need to get things ready for the release!!
NICE keep up the good work on both projects, can't wait to see them when they come out of course!!
Hey no worries take all the time you need to make things work out for the update. We all will be very patient to see what happens for Fresh Woman update!!
One of my favorite games out there. Loving all the cameos in the game and the whole PARE system thing.
Keep up the amazing work Rogue!
OOF sorry to hear you were sick but I'm glad you are doing better now. Good luck with development and everything!
Good luck with both games dev, can't wait to see what chapter 20 will be like.
I actually got a idea on how Rita could be interested in girls- high school experience. Rita could be shown getting to know someone in a library or maybe the cafeteria. They could get to know each other and then something happened and maybe they had a break-up but they ended up on good terms since the other girl moved out of Vancouver or something like that.
Idk just something that came to mind- you don't have to go with my idea but it's the best I could come up with!!
Woo glad to hear you are back, hope you are having a great day!!
Oh dang sorry to hear about your wrist. I hope it recovers soon, maybe put some ice on it or something like that.
Good luck with the renders and game!