Does this game have a harem route or only specific individuals? I've seen some gameplay and been curious to play. Just wanted a little feedback and recommendations.
Recent community posts
Someone watched arcane
I like this a lot better than charmed so far
No the whole game is a 2/5 because of its entirety, but like I said you're still early development with a lot of feedback so we'll see over the next few updates.
Still to early development for me to give a full opinion, but right now it's 2/5 for me. Can definitely make the whole bartending thing easier vs a triple combination scavenger hunt. Also on Android id hit some error screens the first couple of times I tried bartending, but haven't seen it since closing and restarting.
Really good game there's some out there similar,but in all aspects where they fell short of the game you didn't slack Definitely 5/5 stars
I'm curious if I buy it now does that include all future updates to?
Maybe add more description for this game or a demo because I wouldn't pay $5 blindly
Changelogs perhaps?
You don't even have sub to his subscribe star to see they're still posting and if you are subbed they gave an explanation about patreon
No it's still ongoing they're on substar
I thought this was rouge love the sequel to rouge like lol
Fed the gacha machine an apple and game crashed with an error couldn't read the file
Trust me the stability/bugginess would be even worse than PC and it's bad
Dw more than likely you'll hit a bug in the game that will either crash your game no notice or you'll get stuck in dialogue and can't advance further, plus the auto save function is terrible how it'll save over your manual saves.
Thanks for getting back I'll check back in the next patch or two if I don't see it in the changelog
Has the issue been fixed by any chance?
Thanks for the response looking forward to future gameplay
For some reason this is the only game I have trouble with. I can play super heavy in depth graphics like star wars and other games on unreal engine, but when I open this game I'm out of video memory for it
Lmao obviously you haven't stumbled across the dev for heroes harem gbuild go look at his release dates
3rd change I've come across in this game and has less content glad I disn't sub for this project long
Played before the new engine and I have a pretty high end computer, but keep getting out of video memory on start-up yet I can run things that take a lot such as Minecraft, Skyrim, Valorant and others it's just this game I've come across the issue.
Definitely a great game 5/5, but for me it's just one of those games I gotta wait for completion on, so I don't ruin it's entirety for myself.
Enjoyed the game very much, it felt like though the fun was almost over at the end of the patch with the story and leveling system
Loved Hestia for the most part though I wish it was a little more free will and not just tied to one girl or preset harem very excited for this game though definitely another of my favorite animes
I like that you offered 2 routes personally I'd like to see a completion of 1 before more releases of the other. Have high expectations though with just this taste of the game.
Careful dont want them to become that small 2mb update dev
Literally half the characters are under 18 just lie to yourself to get over it since that's what your asking of the dev
Finally demon slayer! I hope you're a better dev than the one who doesn't allow open routes in legacy of hestia
Normally picky on the art style for a game, but I had fun playing it and was still an enjoyable story. Still trying to figure a few things out because I noticed on my second playthrough I didn't get some scenes I had my first playthrough, but excited to play the new patch
Please be better than the hero's harem guild dev
Been a few months Runey since we last heard from you and I've been following the hame since your early days hope all is doing well for you during your time of grief. I've been there I know how it feels just gotta keep it up day at a time and look to the future.
I've said this repeatedly to the dev and the menu is really useless except for knowing the character stats. All this game is is an Easter egg hunt. It's really not the hard to input a scene/event tracker or even actual make the quests your given to do actually viewable in the menu. Like I said though the dev has ignored it for a long time which is even more frustrating considering you have to playthrough every single patch to get to new content.
If that's your plan you need to adjust your page for the free version and then include the if you pay x.xx get the latest