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A member registered Jul 25, 2019

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Also looking for a fix.

Nice flex. Care to share the fix for the rest of us facing the same problem? TIA

Why all the hate? This is a decent game that shows a lot of promise. I'm so happy noowanda is working on this for the Quest as there is currently no official Minecraft release and this scratches that itch.

Graphics are really decent considering the platform, and the rendering is prettier than vanilla MC. I had quite a bit of fun with it on PSVR. Although, one thing I hope we get in upcoming releases is cave generation.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the full release!

Awesome! Thanks. Your game is quickly becoming one of my favourites on the platform. :-)

Loving this game. Some constructive criticism: Dialogue for powerup pickups in the upper right is out of view, can't read them. Also, in the second and third mission, it's not much fun to try and find the last enemy in the mazes. Perhaps consider some sort of despawn/respawn mechanic to move stray enemies closer to the player at the end of waves. Apart from that this game is really cool. It's got the 90's shooter vibe written all over it. :-D

Oh darn. I literally just purchased on itch, after buying a copy on psvr i couldn't play just to support dev when sideload for Quest was only option. is there a way to get it on App Lab without buying a third time?

Love this game. Been following it from release. I installed the latest version and for the first time managed to unlock the second mission. Speaking of which, minor constructive crit, I was surprised that shooting the pilot of the helicopter didn't crash it. I grok that you're pushing the single solution of the RPG at the end, but that felt weird. Perhaps multiple approaches, or making it impossible to shoot the pilot would increase the immersion of that particular moment. Keep up the great work! 

Got it to work by upgrading Sidequest to the latest version. Holy crap! This is so much fun. Really scratches that 90's era FPS vibe, like Serious Sam. It's so much fun kiting the enemies across the levels looking for pickups. Artstyle is great - reminds me a lot of HL2. I had a minor bug a couple of times on Forest, where backing into small trees got me stuck in the geometry and I couldn't move.  But all in all, I'm loving it!

Could not install it via SideQuest. When manually installed, it freezes/crashes every time when starting the first level. (Quest 1)

Yup. Absolutely. Those tweaks are all improvements. Level 2 in particular feels way more satisfying taking shots through small sightlines/through rails. :-) Spent a couple more hours with it have some more feedback on core gameplay and bugs.

-Ironsighting the machine gun and shotgun is pretty much impossible. when you pull the weapons up to your shoulder they seem to collide with the player head model and get pushed away. It effectively means you pretty much have to treat the long guns as handguns. To iron sight them you have to extend both arms straight in front of you instead of a more natural "at the shoulder" stance.

-BUG: Player gun model counts as hitting the client when it comes into contact. It feels like the chambered round has an active hit box that triggers on touching the client. It really messes up gameplay on level three when you follow the client upstairs. I kept dying there in what felt like a random way until I figured out what was going on. (Is it intentional to let you pistol whip enemies?)

-BUG: Music volume slider seems to be broken. It's either 100%, or 0% if pulled to the far left


-consider adding some cover spots. on level one you're completely in the open and the client doesn't seem interested in finding cover. (Crisis Vrigade does a great job of being super hard, while still giving you cover options for an example.) I'm assuming you want this to be a hard "learn by dying" style game? 

-Consider adding a quick restart option on failing a level instead of going back to base - it would make the steep difficulty not so punishing by speeding up the "learn by dying" game loop. It's a "quality of life" tweak.

-Bullet time helps, but it feels like player bullets slow more than the enemies'. It makes it hard to dodge shots, especially when facing several enemies. Could use a balance tweak there. I guess it would also give it a little nuanced gameplay experience if you could more effectively dodge during bullet time. 

-I noticed on level one the only practical way to make it through is clean headshots. It's quite difficult, even on "normal" difficulty. Bullets are bouncing off enemy guns? Took a while to realize shots weren't landing because of it. I think that's partly because the lack of antialiasing is making some of those ricochet trails not render fully on distant enemies. Perhaps an audio cue on a percentage of the ricochets would help?

-On level one, consider making the client react better by sticking with the player. If you run for the limited cover options between the containers, he's sorta just standing there. I like on level 2 & 3 how he seems more willing to protect himself by moving around. 

-I strongly expected the shotgun on Level 3 kitchen table to be loaded. it would make sense if it was given the circumstances. :-)

-Game didn't remember progress? After playing a couple of sessions it would still make me do some training in the range on game start before showing the menu options in the office.

-Looks like the shotgun is firing a single shot, not a spread like I would have expected. (Are they slugs instead of pellets?) It makes the shotgun feel more like a pump-action rifle than a shotgun if that makes sense.

Amazing! Will do. Like I said, it's a great foundation and I am looking forward to your updates. This aesthetic and game type are among my fave VR experiences. I'm positive it'll only get better as you build on it. Bringing together a story with wave shooter mechanics has a lot of potential. There's not too many games on the platform that bring those elements together.

No worries. I had some fun with it. :-)

(2 edits)

Amazing! There's so much polish and replayability. Looking forward to future updates. 5/5 Highly recommend.

Constructive crit: the angle for the watch feels off, felt like I had to bend my wrist to an angle that felt unnatural for it to be right side up. Perhaps have it always remain vertical when shown, like a billboard sprite. (Played on Quest)

(3 edits)

Was excited for this release, but unfortunately I can't recommend this purchase. The game shows promise, but lacks polish and feels like a beta. If you're looking for a cute shooter like this, OPERATION SERPENS is a better option. I honestly hope the dev puts some more effort into this. 2/5

Constructive crits for the dev:

-Add some ambient sounds or background music, it feels eerie without it
-Let shots go through open railings. Was surprised this doesn't happen
-Let player reload at any time. Seems you have to empty clip first at points
-Add bullet counter to gun
-Fix typo(s) in menus
-Add enemy sounds, let them respond to hits with audio
-Add some feedback when player gets shot, death feels random otherwise
-Add visual health indicator on player and health cues on VIP
-Speed up transition fades, they feel really slow
-If the Quest can handle it, some antialiasing would be good - it's jaggy
-Consider letting player grab guns from dead enemies
-Add directional indicator to show what direction player was hit from

These things would add a lot of polish and improve the gameplay. This game has a lot of potential, and I wish you luck with it.


Can you save your game? Can't seem to find any menu button or instructions.

Gave this a shot after reading about it in the r/OculusQuest subreddit. I LOVE the vibe and the lo-poly aesthetic.

Since you asked about the locomotion system.... um.... one of the least engaging in VR I've experienced yet. It's not the action, which makes sense as a walking action of sorts, it's the slowness of it. I think it would be greatly improved with increasing the "reach" i.e. let me move more with each pull. As it is now, it's VERY tedious to get around.

While I realize this is a very early prototype, I would think about using some tried and tested locomotion mechanics, like free roam on the joysticks, or teleport. Best of all possible worlds, options to use whichever locomotion system the user wants. 

Great frickin' start though! As a walking sim fan (Proteus, Shape of the World, Journey, I'm always excited to have a new lo-poly world to explore.